The Typograph

The typograph is a lesser known machine, mostly used in Europe. It is smaller and was cheaper to acquire than a Linotype. It is very recognizable by its piramid shape and the large number of rods on top of the machine.

Resources and databases

  1. General information
    1. The history of the Typograph
    2. Advantages and disadvantages of the Typograph over the Linotype
  2. Information about the working of the machine
    1. The general working of the Typograph
    2. How to use the Typograph
    3. Pressemuseet mai 2000 Typograph demo (in the Norwegian Language)
    4. Changing line lenghts and tickness (TODO)
    5. Tips, tricks and nice to knows
  3. Information about the machine's technical specifications
    1. Round spaces to justify composed lines of type
    2. Keyboards: the differences between the various countries
    3. Electric schemes of the Typograph
  4. Information about the machine's matrices
    1. The matrices in the Typograph
    2. Model A matrix identification
    3. Model B matrix identification (TODO: I NEED MORE SOURCES!)
    4. Magazines for the matrices
  5. How to maintain and clean the Typograph
  6. Varia
    1. A map of the remaining typecasting machines in Western Europe

C 2021-2024 Maarten Renckens and other contributors. All rights reserved. All materials on this website are available for non-commercial re-use, as long as the original author is mentioned and a correct reference to this site is added. Thanks!

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