The Ludlow

The Ludlow is a line casting machine developed for larger type sizes. The operator has to set the matrices by hand in the right order, after which the machine casts a line of type.

Resources and databases

  1. General information
    1. The general working of the Ludlow
    2. How to use the Ludlow
    3. Ludlow composing sticks
  2. Information about the machine's matrices
    1. The matrices in the Ludlow (TODO)
    2. Matrix identification
    3. Cases for the matrices
  3. How to maintain and clean the Ludlow
  4. Varia
    1. A map of the remaining typecasting machines in Western Europe

Recommended sources in the English language

  1. LUDLOW TYPOGRAPH COMPANY. (1960). Ludlow Manual of instructions with list of parts, 10th edition. Illinois,

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