Linotype had several subsidiary companies. The one that is lesser known is the one in Italy, named Italtype.

It is unclear from the limited sources, but it seems that the Italian Linotype company followed the principles from Intertype: having standardised models, with interchangeable parts. In 1960, this company advertised three models: a Model Alfa with one magazine, a Model Gamma with three magazines, and a Model Delta with four magazines. In the parts catalog, the company lists a lot of parts as being the same. Only when a model-specific part was ordered, customers were asked to mention the specific model.

Model Alfa

The Model Alfa has one magazine.

Italtype model Alfa

Figure: The Italtype Model Alfa. Source: Linotype s.p.a. (1960).

Model Gamma

The Model Gamma has three magazines.

Italtype model Gamma

Figure: The Italtype Model Gamma. Source: Linotype s.p.a. (1960).

Italtype model Gamma Italtype model Gamma

Photos: Two Italtypes Model Gamma at the former printshop Γραφικαὶ τέχναι Ε. Σφακιανάκης (Graphic arts E. Sfakianakis), Mitropoleos 102, 54621 Thessaloniki.

Model Delta

The Model Delta has four magazines.

Italtype model Delta

Figure: The Italtype model Delta. Source: Linotype s.p.a. (1960).


  1. Own collections
  2. LINOTYPE S.P.A. (1960). Italtype manufactured by Linotype s.p.a. - Milano (Italy).
    • This parts catalogue has several editions. We found references from 1950 till 1960.

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