Linotype had several subsidiary companies, including one in the United Kingdom. During the years, they built several models. An overview is found below.

Model 1

Model 1 is a machine with one magazine and one distributor.

Model 1 Linotype

Figure: The English version of the Model 1 Linotype (From Kahan).

Model 2

Model 2 is an improvement of model 1.

Model 3

Model 3 is a machine with two magazines and two distributors.

Model 4

Model 4 is a machine with three magazines and one distributor.

Model 6

Model 6 is a machine with four magazines and two distributors. It is compareable to the American Linotype model 29.

Model 48

Model 48 is a machine with three magazines and one distributor. It could be purchased as a one-magazine machine and extended later on.

Model 50

Model 50 is a machine with four magazines and two distributors, as an improvement of model 6. The machine allowed magazines with 90 and 72 channels.


  1. ABEL, O.R., & STRAW, W.A. (1956). Mechanism of the Linotype and Intertype. Brookings Lebawarts Press: South Dakota.
  2. DE JONG I.C.H. (1947). Handboek voor den lino en intertypezetter (manual for the Linotype and Intertype operator).
  3. KAHAN, BASIL. (2000). Ottmar Mergenthaler: The Man and His Machine. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

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