Linotype US Matrix identification

The Mergenthaler Linotype Corporation used a so-called ‘triangle number’ to identify matrices. This number contains two parts. The number on the left refers to the point size. The number on the right refers to the name of the face, which can be looked up into the catalogues. Following table combines all lists of matrices by Linotype in America.

The numbering system can look weird at first sight. It is important to remember that every type size was on different matrices, and that those are not neccessarily identical. For example, the six till 12 point often contains to molds (letterforms) on a matrix, often a regular and an italic, or a regular and bold. But matrices contain a fixed height. As the type size increases, there is not enough space on the matrix. Type sizes larger than 14 point are often available on separate matrices. The following sketch visualizes how the molds are often placed on the matrices:

Please take note about the following remarks:

  1. The number after the triangle does not point to a specific font. For example, Bodoni has numbers 16△21, 18△101, 21△13, 24△73. The number before the triangle points to the point size, the number after the triangle is random.
  2. When searching for a number, some numbers could have been used for several symbols, specifically the matrices with 'borders'.
  3. Some numbers were 'recycled' after the original face became obsolete. For example, the 1934 and 1937 books use 8△34 for the face 'Ronaldson'. In the book of 1945, this number is not available. In 1959 and 1966, 8△34 was used for the face 'Corona'.
  4. Names weren't always consistent over the years. When a name changed, an arrow '>' is placed before the name, indicating that the item belongs to the item above.
  5. Changes in terminology were not considered in this overview (e.g. Face vs. Style).
  6. There are matrices marked with an E within the triangle. Those are special depth matrices used for stamping surfaces such as book covers. The surface of the character is positioned at 0.075" from the blank portion of the slug, instead of the normal 0.043".
  7. The 1970+ book included some German faces.
  8. 'Duplicated Character' ment that two times the same face was on the matrix. See the 1970+ book p 49.
  9. Some books put a note behind the identifier. In the table, they are put in a separate column and the notes are explained below the page.
  10. In this table, the 'Linotype Figures' from the book 'Linotype Faces' (p 906 onwards) are not yet included.

List of Linotype matrices

Face 1934 1937 no date 1945 1959 1966 no date Matrices Additional Extra classifications from Classifications and notes from My own
Name edition edition Linotype faces edition edition edition Matrix spec. book type reference* Linotype faces Matrix spec. book (1970+) remarks
———————————————————————————————— ————— ————— ————— ————— ————— ————— ————— ————— ————— —————————— —————————— ————————————————————————————————
Admiral 8△47 One-letter
Admiral, Figures 10△81 One-letter
Advertising Fractions 14△21 One-letter
Advertising Fractions 18△31 Display
Advertising Fractions 24△17 Display
Aldine No. 1 6△25 One-letter
Aldine No. 1 7△9 One-letter
Aldine No. 1 8△37 One-letter
Aldine No. 1 10△37 One-letter
Aldine No. 1 with 6 point Half Title 8△294 Two-letter
Aldine with Century Bold 10△252 Two-letter
Amerind 10△530 10△530 Two-letter
Antique Black No. 1 6△87 One-letter
Antique Black No. 1 Figures, Duplicate Character 8△314 8△314 8△314 8△314 Two-letter
Antique Black No. 1 Figures, Duplicate Character 10△282 10△282 10△282 10△282 Two-letter
Antique Black No. 1, Figures 6△85 One-letter
Antique Condensed 10△57 One-letter
Antique Condensed 12△51 One-letter
Antique Condensed 14△29 One-letter
Antique Condensed 18△35 18△35 18△35 18△35 18△35 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Antique Extra Condensed, Caps & Figures 20△5 20△5 20△5 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Antique Italic No. 1 18△87 18△87 18△87 18△87 Display A
> Antique No. 1 Italic 18△87
Antique No. 1 7△17 One-letter
Antique No. 1 7△47 One-letter
Antique No. 1 8△51 One-letter
Antique No. 1 10△53 10△53 One-letter
Antique No. 1 18△103 18△103 18△103 18△103 18△103 18△103 Display A *in the 1959 edition, also available as an E-triangle
Antique No. 1 24△135 24△135 24△135 24△135 24△135 Display
Antique No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold 8△106 Two-letter
Antique No. 1 with Italic 6△98 6△98 6△98 6△98 6△98 6△98 Two-letter
Antique No. 1 with Italic 8△114 8△114 8△114 8△114 8△114 8△114 Two-letter
Antique No. 1 with Italic 9△132 9△132 9△132 9△132 9△132 9△132 Two-letter
Antique No. 1 with Italic 10△92 10△92 10△92 10△92 10△92 10△92 Two-letter
Antique No. 1 with Italic 12△68 12△68 12△68 12△68 12△68 12△68 Two-letter
Antique No. 1 with Italic 14△56 14△56 14△56 14△56 14△56 14△56 Two-letter
Antique No. 1, Advertising Figures 18△443 Display
> Antique No. 1, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△443 Display
Antique No. 1, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△435 Display
Antique No. 3 6△61 One-letter
Antique No. 3 9△21 One-letter
Antique No. 3, Figures 9△27 One-letter
Antique No. 3 10△97 One-letter
Antique No. 3 11△25 One-letter
Antique No. 3 with 12 point Gothic Condensed No. 1 10△70 10△70 10△70 10△70 10△70 Two-letter
Antique No. 3 with Cheltenham Bold 12△72 Two-letter
Antique No. 3 with De Vinne Italic 11△28 Two-letter
Antique No. 4 10△15 One-letter
Antique No. 5, Figures 6△65 One-letter
Arabic 14△67 14△67 14△67 14△67 14△67 14△67 One-letter Oriental Faces Non-roman
Arabic 18△207 18△207 18△207 18△207 18△207 18△207 Display A Oriental Faces Non-roman
Arabic 22△1 22△1 22△1 22△1 22△1 22△1 Display A Oriental Faces
Arabic 24△145 24△145 24△145 24△145 24△145 24△145 Display A Oriental Faces Non-roman
Arabic 26△1 26△1 26△1 26△1 26△1 26△1 Display A Oriental Faces Non-roman
Arabic Bold 14△83 14△83 14△83 14△83 14△83 14△83 One-letter Oriental Faces
Arabic Bold 24△155 24△155 24△155 24△155 24△155 Display A
Arabic Bold Condensed 24△105 24△105 Display
Arabic Bold Old Style 14△91 14△91 14△91 14△91 14△91 14△91 One-letter Oriental Faces
Arabic Bold Old Style 18△261 18△261 18△261 18△261 18△261 18△261 Display A Oriental Faces
Arabic Bold Old Style 24△221 24△221 24△221 24△221 24△221 Display A Oriental Faces
Arabic Bold Old Style Two-Letter 14△308 Two-letter
Arabic Old Style 14△89 14△89 14△89 14△89 14△89 14△89 One-letter Oriental Faces
Arabic Old Style 18△253 18△253 18△253 18△253 18△253 18△253 Display A Oriental Faces
Arabic Old Style 24△217 24△217 24△217 24△217 24△217 24△217 Display A Oriental Faces
Arabic Old Style Two-Letter 14△310 14△310 Two-letter
Armenian Gothic Condensed No. 2 34△9 34△9 34△9 34△9 34△9 Display E
> Armenian Gothic Condensed No. 2, Caps & Figures 34△9 Oriental Faces
Armenian Gothic Condensed No. 2 18△315 18△315 18△315 Display A
> Armenian Gothic Condensed No. 2, Caps & Figures 18△315 Oriental Faces
> Armenian Gothic Condensed No. 2, Caps 18△315 18△315 Display
Armenian Gothic No. 13 18△319 18△319 18△319 Display E
> Armenian Gothic No. 13, Caps & Figures 18△319 Oriental Faces
> Armenian Gothic No. 13, Caps 18△319 18△319 Display
Armenian No. 1 12△184 Two-letter *also used for Armenian No. 1 with No. 2
Armenian No. 1 Two-letter Character 12△182 12△182 Two-letter *this was listed as 12△184, but it is assumed that 12△182 was intended
Armenian No. 1 with No. 2 6△188 6△188 6△188 6△188 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Armenian No. 1 with No. 2 8△190 8△190 8△190 8△190 8△190 8△190 8△190 Two-letter Oriental Faces Non-roman *also available as Two-letter character
Armenian No. 1 with No. 2 10△146 10△146 10△146 10△146 10△146 10△146 10△146 Two-letter Oriental Faces Non-roman
Armenian No. 1 with No. 2 12△184 12△184 12△184 12△184 12△184 12△184 12△184 Two-letter Oriental Faces Non-roman *also used for Armenian No. 1
Armenian No. 1 with No. 3 Caps 12△170 Two-letter
> Armenian No. 1 with No. 3 Caps & No. 4 Lower Case 12△170 12△170 12△170 Two-letter
Armenian No. 1 with No. 4 Lower Case 12△172 Two-letter
Armenian No. 1, Two-letter Character 8△190 Two-letter *also available with No. 2
Armenian Title No. 1 24△265 24△265 Display E
> Armenian Title No. 1, Caps & Figures 24△265 Oriental Faces
> Armenian Title No. 1, Caps 24△265 Display
Common Language for Bank Check Characters CMC7 Figures and Code Characters 10△261 (S-1) Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12a
Common Language for Bank Check Characters 12A1380 (.010 Basis) Figures and Code Characters 10△203 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12a
Common Language for Bank Check Characters E-13B (.011 Basis) Figures and Code Characters 11△203 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12a, 10b
Bank Gothic A Light with Medium 6△464 6△464 6△464 6△464 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Bank Gothic A Light with Medium 12△540 12△540 12△540 Two-letter
Bank Gothic B Light, Duplicate Character, Special Alignment 6△528 Two-letter
Bank Gothic B Light with Medium 6△466 6△466 6△466 6△466 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Bank Gothic B Light with Medium 12△542 12△542 12△542 Two-letter
Bank Gothic C Light with Medium 6△468 6△468 6△468 6△468 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Bank Gothic C Light with Medium 12△544 12△544 12△544 Two-letter
Bank Gothic D Light with Medium 12△546 12△546 12△546 Two-letter
Bank Gothic Light with Medium 6△462 6△462 6△462 6△462 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Bank Gothic Light with Medium 12△538 12△538 12△538 Two-letter
Bank Gothic Medium, Duplicate Character, Special Alignment 6△530 Two-letter
Baskerville 16△15 16△15 16△15 16△15 16△15 16△15 Display A
Baskerville Bold with Italic 7△196 7△196 7△196 7△196 Two-letter 6a, 60
Baskerville Bold with Italic 8△556 8△556 8△556 8△556 Two-letter 7a, 60
Baskerville Bold with Italic 9△194 9△194 9△194 9△194 Two-letter 8a
Baskerville Bold with Italic 10△510 10△510 10△510 10△510 Two-letter 9a, 60
Baskerville Bold with Italic 11△164 11△164 11△164 11△164 Two-letter 10a
Baskerville Bold with Italic 12△484 12△484 12△484 12△484 Two-letter 11a
Baskerville Bold with Italic 14△280 14△280 14△280 14△280 Two-letter 13a
Baskerville Condensed 12△45 One-letter
Baskerville Condensed 14△1 One-letter
Baskerville Condensed with 10 point Bold Face No. 1 12△148 Two-letter
Baskerville Condensed with 10 point Bold Face No. 1 12△154 Two-letter
Baskerville with Baskerville Bold 7△192 7△192 7△192 Two-letter
> Baskerville with Bold 7△192 Two-letter 6a, 60
Baskerville with Baskerville Bold 8△544 8△544 8△544 Two-letter
> Baskerville with Bold 8△544 Two-letter 7a, 60
Baskerville with Baskerville Bold 9△186 9△186 9△186 Two-letter
> Baskerville with Bold 9△186 Two-letter 8a, 60
Baskerville with Baskerville Bold 10△498 10△498 10△498 Two-letter
> Baskerville with Bold 10△498 Two-letter 9a, 60
Baskerville with Baskerville Bold 11△152 11△152 11△152 Two-letter
> Baskerville with Bold 11△152 Two-letter 10a, 60
Baskerville with Baskerville Bold 12△512 12△512 12△512 Two-letter
> Baskerville with Bold 12△512 Two-letter 11a, 60
Baskerville with Baskerville Bold 14△270 14△270 14△270 Two-letter
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 6△428 6△428 6△428 6△428 Two-letter
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 7△184 7△184 7△184 7△184 7△184 Two-letter 6a, 60
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 8△420 8△420 8△420 8△420 8△420 8△420 8△420 Two-letter 7a, 60
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 9△128 9△128 9△128 9△128 9△128 9△128 9△128 Two-letter 8a, 60
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 10△378 10△378 10△378 10△378 10△378 10△378 10△378 Two-letter 9a, 60
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 11△116 11△116 11△116 11△116 11△116 11△116 11△116 Two-letter 10a, 60
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 12△314 12△314 12△314 12△314 12△314 12△314 12△314 Two-letter 11a, 60
Baskerville with Italic & Small Caps 14△188 14△188 14△188 14△188 14△188 14△188 14△188 Two-letter 13a
Bell Gothic, Two-letter 6△418 6△418 6△418 Two-letter Telephone Face *In 'Linotype Faces', it becomes clear that this is a light and bold combination.
> Bell Gothic Light with Bold 6△418 6△418 6△418 Two-letter
Bell Gothic, Two-letter 6½△10 Two-letter
> Bell Gothic Light with Bold 6½△10 6½△10 6½△10 Two-letter 60
Bell Gothic, Two-letter 7△188 7△188 7△188 Two-letter Telephone Face *In 'Linotype Faces', it becomes clear that this is a light and bold combination.
> Bell Gothic Light with Bold 7△188 7△188 7△188 Two-letter 60
Bell Gothic, Two-letter 8△508 8△508 8△508 Two-letter Telephone Face *In 'Linotype Faces', it becomes clear that this is a light and bold combination.
> Bell Gothic Light with Bold 8△508 8△508 8△508 Two-letter
Bell Gothic Bold 6△129 6△129 6△129 6△129 One-letter
Bell Gothic Bold with 7 point Gothic No. 12 6½△8 6½△8 Two-letter *also used for Teletype Ionic
Bell Gothic Bold with 7 point Gothic No. 12 (Cap Font) 6△482 6△482 6△482 6△482 Two-letter
Bell Gothic Bold with 7 point Gothic No. 13 6△360 6△360 Two-letter
Bell Gothic Bold with 8 point Gothic No. 12 7△200 Two-letter
> Bell Gothic Bold with 8 point Gothic No. 12, Caps 7△200 7△200 7△200 Two-letter
Bell Gothic Bold with 8 point Gothic No. 13 7△236 Two-letter
Bell Gothic Duplicate Character Bold 7△240 Two-letter
Bell Gothic Duplicate Character Light 7△238 Two-letter
Benedictine 18△111 18△111 18△111 18△111 18△111 Display A
Benedictine 24△179 24△179 24△179 24△179 Display
Benedictine 30△119 30△119 30△119 30△119 Display CF
Benedictine 36△79 36△79 36△79 36△79 Display CF
Benedictine Bold 18△233 18△233 18△233 18△233 Display BE
Benedictine Bold 24△193 24△193 24△193 24△193 Display CF
Benedictine Bold 30△139 30△139 30△139 30△139 Display CF
Benedictine Bold 36△87 36△87 36△87 36△87 Display F
Benedictine Bold Italic 18△237 18△237 18△237 18△237 Display BE
Benedictine Bold Italic 24△197 24△197 24△197 24△197 Display CF
Benedictine Bold Italic 30△143 30△143 30△143 30△143 Display F
Benedictine Bold with Italic 8△364 8△364 8△364 8△364 Two-letter
Benedictine Bold with Italic 10△296 10△296 10△296 10△296 Two-letter
Benedictine Bold with Italic 12△260 12△260 12△260 12△260 Two-letter
Benedictine Bold with Italic 14△150 14△150 14△150 14△150 Two-letter
Benedictine Book 18△225 18△225 18△225 18△225 18△225 Display A
Benedictine Book 24△185 24△185 24△185 24△185 Display BE
Benedictine Book 30△131 30△131 30△131 30△131 Display CF
Benedictine Book 36△83 36△83 36△83 36△83 Display CF
Benedictine Book Extra Condensed 18△227 18△227 Display
Benedictine Book Italic 18△229 18△229 18△229 18△229 Display A
Benedictine Book Italic 24△189 24△189 24△189 24△189 Display BE
Benedictine Book Italic 30△135 30△135 30△135 30△135 Display CF
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 6△264 6△264 6△264 6△264 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 7△120 7△120 7△120 7△120 7△120 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 8△366 8△366 8△366 8△366 8△366 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 9△100 9△100 9△100 9△100 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 10△298 10△298 10△298 10△298 10△298 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 11△94 11△94 11△94 11△94 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 12△274 12△274 12△274 12△274 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Benedictine 14△152 14△152 14△152 14△152 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 6△250 6△250 6△250 6△250 6△250 6△250 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 7△110 7△110 7△110 7△110 7△110 7△110 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 8△360 8△360 8△360 8△360 8△360 8△360 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 9△94 9△94 9△94 9△94 9△94 9△94 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 10△292 10△292 10△292 10△292 10△292 10△292 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 11△88 11△88 11△88 11△88 11△88 11△88 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 12△258 12△258 12△258 12△258 12△258 12△258 Two-letter
Benedictine Book with Italic & Small Caps 14△146 14△146 14△146 14△146 14△146 Two-letter
Benedictine Italic 18△221 18△221 18△221 18△221 Display A
Benedictine Italic 24△181 24△181 24△181 24△181 Display BE
Benedictine Italic 30△121 30△121 30△121 30△121 Display CF
Benedictine with Italic 18△18 18△18 Display
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 6△244 6△244 6△244 6△244 Two-letter
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 7△104 7△104 7△104 7△104 Two-letter
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 8△274 8△274 8△274 8△274 8△274 Two-letter
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 9△90 9△90 9△90 9△90 9△90 Two-letter
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 10△240 10△240 10△240 10△240 10△240 Two-letter
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 11△84 11△84 11△84 11△84 Two-letter
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 12△176 12△176 12△176 12△176 12△176 Two-letter
Benedictine with Italic & Small Caps 14△106 14△106 14△106 14△106 14△106 Two-letter
Bengali Light & Bold 8△458 8△458 Two-letter
Bengali Light & Bold 10△420 10△420 10△420 10△420 10△420 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Bengali Light & Bold 12△432 12△432 12△432 12△432 12△432 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Bengali No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 10△464 10△464 10△464 10△464 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Bengali No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 11△136 11△136 11△136 11△136 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Bengali No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 12△472 12△472 12△472 12△472 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Bengali No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 14△248 14△248 14△248 Two-letter
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 6△158 6△158 6△158 6△158 6△158 6△158 6△158 Two-letter
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 7△92 7△92 7△92 7△92 7△92 7△92 Two-letter
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 8△262 8△262 8△262 8△262 8△262 8△262 8△262 Two-letter 60, 5
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 9△210 9△210 9△210 Two-letter
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 10△218 10△218 10△218 10△218 10△218 10△218 10△218 Two-letter 60, 5
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 11△90 11△90 Two-letter
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 12△160 12△160 12△160 12△160 12△160 12△160 12△160 Two-letter
Bodoni with Italic & Small Caps 14△94 14△94 14△94 14△94 14△94 14△94 Two-letter 61
Bodoni with Italic 18△38 18△38 18△38 18△38 18△38 Display 16a, 90
Bodoni with Italic 24△38 24△38 24△38 24△38 Display 22a, 72c, 78
Bodoni 16△21 16△21 16△21 16△21 16△21 Display
Bodoni 18△101 18△101 18△101 18△101 18△101 18△101 Display A
Bodoni 21△13 21△13 21△13 21△13 21△13 21△13 Display A
Bodoni 24△73 24△73 24△73 24△73 24△73 24△73 Display BE
Bodoni 30△29 30△29 30△29 30△29 30△29 30△29 30△29 Display BF 28a, 72, 79
Bodoni 36△17 36△17 36△17 36△17 36△17 36△17 36△17 Display CF 34a, 72a, 80
Bodoni Condensed 24△113 24△113 24△113 24△113 24△113 24△113 Display A
Bodoni Condensed 30△153 30△153 30△153 30△153 30△153 30△153 Display BE
Bodoni, Special 36△51 Display
Bodoni Italic Plain and Cancelled 12△304 Two-letter 14a
Bodoni Italic Plain and Cancelled 14△182 Two-letter
Bodoni Italic 18△135 18△135 18△135 18△135 18△135 18△135 Display A
Bodoni Italic 24△169 24△169 24△169 24△169 24△169 24△169 Display BE
Bodoni Italic 30△105 30△105 30△105 30△105 30△105 30△105 30△105 Display CF 28a, 72a, 77
Bodoni Bold 18△165 18△165 18△165 18△165 18△165 18△165 18△165 Display A 16a, 90
Bodoni Bold 21△15 21△15 21△15 21△15 21△15 21△15 Display BE
Bodoni Bold 24△121 24△121 24△121 24△121 24△121 24△121 24△121 Display BE 22a, 72c, 75
Bodoni Bold 27△1 27△1 27△1 27△1 27△1 Display
Bodoni Bold 30△69 30△69 30△69 30△69 30△69 30△69 30△69 Display BF 28a, 72, 79, 5
Bodoni Bold 36△65 36△65 36△65 36△65 36△65 36△65 36△65 Display CF 34a, 72a, 84
Bodoni Bold 42△57 42△57 42△57 42△57 42△57 Display 36a, 36b, 73, 81
Bodoni Bold Condensed 18△283 18△283 18△283 18△283 18△283 18△283 18△283 Display A 16a, 90
Bodoni Bold Condensed 24△241 24△241 24△241 24△241 24△241 24△241 24△241 Display A 22a, 90
Bodoni Bold Condensed 30△183 30△183 30△183 30△183 30△183 30△183 30△183 Display BE 28a, 72c, 75
Bodoni Bold Condensed 36△145 36△145 36△145 36△145 36△145 36△145 Display 34a, 72, 79
Bodoni Bold Condensed with 14 point Bodoni Bold 18△94 18△94 18△94 18△94 Display 16a, 64, 90
Bodoni Bold Italic 18△187 18△187 18△187 18△187 18△187 18△187 Display A
Bodoni Bold Italic 21△17 21△17 21△17 21△17 21△17 21△17 Display BE
Bodoni Bold Italic 24△147 24△147 24△147 24△147 24△147 24△147 Display BE
Bodoni Bold Italic 30△123 30△123 30△123 30△123 30△123 30△123 30△123 Display CF 28a, 72a, 72e, 77
Bodoni Bold Italic 36△223 36△223 36△223 Display 34a, 72a, 82
Bodoni Bold Italic, Advertising Figures 24△273 24△273 24△273 Display
> Bodoni Bold Italic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△273 Display
> Bodoni Bold Italic, Advertising Figures, Punched in normal position 24△273 Display
Bodoni Bold Italic, Advertising Figures 30△199 Display
> Bodoni Bold Italic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△199 Display
Bodoni Bold with 18 point Bodoni Bold 24△118 24△118 24△118 24△118 Display 22a, 65, 90
Bodoni Bold with Italic 6△156 6△156 6△156 6△156 Two-letter
> Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 6△156 6△156 Two-letter
Bodoni Bold with Italic 7△176 7△176 7△176 Two-letter
> Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 7△176 7△176 Two-letter
Bodoni Bold with Italic 8△222 8△222 8△222 8△222 Two-letter
> Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 8△222 8△222 8△222 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Bold with Italic 9△192 9△192 9△192 Two-letter
> Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 9△192 Two-letter
Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 10△196 10△196 10△196 10△196 Two-letter
> Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 10△196 10△196 10△196 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 11△194 11△194 Two-letter
Bodoni Bold with Italic 12△132 12△132 12△132 12△132 Two-letter
> Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 12△132 12△132 12△132 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Bold with Italic 14△68 14△68 14△68 14△68 Two-letter
> Bodoni Bold with Italic & Small Caps 14△68 14△68 14△68 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Bold with Italic 18△10 18△10 18△10 18△10 18△10 Display 16a, 90
Bodoni Bold with Italic 24△10 24△10 24△10 24△10 24△10 Display 22a, 72c, 75
Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures 18△203 18△203 18△203 Display
> Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures 18△203 18△203 Display
> Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures, Punched in normal position 18△203
Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures 24△161 24△161 24△161 Display
> Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△161 24△161 Display
> Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures, Punched in normal position 24△161
Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures 30△87 30△87 30△87 Display
> Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△87 30△87 Display
> Bodoni Bold, Advertising Figures, Punched in normal position 30△87
Bodoni Book 18△125 18△125 18△125 18△125 18△125 18△125 Display A
Bodoni Book, Advertising Figures 18△479 Display
Bodoni Book 24△115 24△115 24△115 24△115 24△115 24△115 Display
Bodoni Book, Advertising Figures 24△439 Display
Bodoni Book 30△109 30△109 30△109 30△109 30△109 30△109 Display BE
Bodoni Book Condensed with 18 point Bodoni Bold Italic 24△84 24△84 24△84 24△84 Display 22a, 65, 90 *on page 62 of the 1970+ book, this was mentioned as Bodoni Bold. We assume this is an error
Bodoni Book Italic 18△211 18△211 18△211 18△211 18△211 Display A
Bodoni Book Italic, Advertising Figures 18△477 Display
Bodoni Book Italic 24△167 24△167 24△167 24△167 24△167 24△167 Display BE
Bodoni Book Italic, Advertising Figures 24△441 Display
Bodoni Book Italic 30△103 30△103 30△103 30△103 30△103 Display
Bodoni Book with 18 point Century Expanded 24△142 24△142 Display
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 6△192 6△192 6△192 6△192 6△192 6△192 6△192 Two-letter
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 7△94 7△94 7△94 7△94 7△94 7△94 7△94 Two-letter 62, 5
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 8△280 8△280 8△280 8△280 8△280 8△280 8△280 Two-letter 62, 5
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 9△104 9△104 9△104 9△104 9△104 9△104 9△104 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 10△250 10△250 10△250 10△250 10△250 10△250 10△250 Two-letter 62, 5
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 11△86 11△86 11△86 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 12△186 12△186 12△186 12△186 12△186 12△186 12△186 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Book with Italic & Small Caps 14△114 14△114 14△114 14△114 14△114 14△114 14△114 Two-letter 61
Bodoni Book with Italic 18△80 18△80 18△80 18△80 Display 16a, 90
Bodoni Book with Italic 24△80 24△80 24△80 Display 22a, 72c, 75
Boldface 9C with Gothic 31C 6△214 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Boldface 9B with Gothic 31B 6△216 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Boldface 9A with Gothic 31A 6△218 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Boldface 9 with Gothic 31 6△212 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Bold Face Italic No. 1 7△19 One-letter
Bold Face Italic No. 2 with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 10△50 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1, Depressed 5½△17 5½△17 5½△17 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1 5½△9 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1 5½△15 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1 8△15 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1 8△131 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1 10△59 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1 12△25 One-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
Bold Face No. 1 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 6△294 6△294 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 9△74 9△74 9△74 9△74 9△74 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1 with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 5½△14 5½△14 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1 with 8 point Aldine 5½△20 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1 with 8 point Ionic No. 1 5½△16 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1 with Bold Face Italic 5½△6 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1 with Bold Face Italic 7△12 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 1, Figures 6△57 6△57 6△57 6△57 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1, Figures 7△31 7△31 7△31 7△31 One-letter
Bold Face No. 1, Vertical Slug, Figures 7△55 One-letter
Bold Face No. 2 Duplicate Character 7△134 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 2 12△494 Food Store Logotypes
>Bold Face No. 2 Duplicate Character (Food Store Logotypes) 12△494 12△494 12△494 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 2 Duplicate Character (Food Store Logotypes) 14△222 14△222 14△222 14△222 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 2 14△222 Food Store Logotypes
Bold Face No. 2 18△82 Food Store Logotypes
> Bold Face No. 2 Duplicate Character (Food Store Logotypes) 18△82 18△82 18△82 Display
Bold Face No. 2 (Food Store Logotypes) 18△365 18△365 18△365 18△365 Display
> Bold Face No. 2 18△365 Food Store Logotypes
Bold Face No. 3 7△29 One-letter
Bold Face No. 3 10△75 10△75 10△75 10△75 One-letter
Bold Face No. 3 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 6△316 6△316 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 3, Duplicate Character 10△94 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 3 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 10△94 10△94 10△94 10△94 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 3 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 11△40 11△40 11△40 11△40 11△40 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 3 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 12△62 12△62 12△62 12△62 12△62 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 3 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 14△16 14△16 14△16 14△16 14△16 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 3, Figures 6△45 6△45 6△45 One-letter
Bold Face No. 3, Figures 7△27 7△27 7△27 7△27 One-letter
Bold Face No. 3, Figures 11△31 11△31 11△31 One-letter
Bold Face No. 3, Figures 12△53 12△53 12△53 12△53 One-letter
Bold Face No. 3, Figures, Auxiliary Position 5½△21 One-letter
Bold Face No. 3 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 7△52 7△52 7△52 7△52 7△52 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures 14△65 14△65 14△65 14△65 14△65 One-letter
Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures 18△109 18△109 18△109 18△109 Display A
Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures 24△67 24△67 24△67 Display
> Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△67 Display
Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures 30△23 30△23 30△23 Display
> Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△23 Display
Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures 36△15 36△15 36△15 Display
> Bold Face No. 6, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△15 Display
Bold Face No. 6, Figures 8△105 8△105 8△105 One-letter
Bold Face No. 6, Figures 10△103 10△103 10△103 One-letter
Bold Face No. 6, Figures 12△75 12△75 12△75 One-letter
Bold Face No. 7 8△107 One-letter
Bold Face No. 7 Figures, Duplicate Character 12△180 12△180 12△180 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 7 12△180 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 7, Advertising Figures 18△119 18△119 18△119 Display
Bold Face No. 7, Advertising Figures 24△91 24△91 Display
Bold Face No. 8 11△35 One-letter
Bold Face No. 9 with Gothic No. 31 6△212 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9 with Gothic No. 31, Caps & Figures 6△212 6△212 6△212 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9 with Gothic No. 31 6△212 6△212 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9 with Gothic No. 31 12△216 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9 with Gothic No. 31, Caps & Figures 12△216 12△216 12△216 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9 with Gothic No. 31 12△216 12△216 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9 with Gotic No. 31, Caps & Figures 18△143 *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Gothic No. 31
Bold Face No. 9 18△157 Display CF
> Bold Face No. 9, Caps & Figures 18△157 18△157 18△157 Display
> Bold Face No. 9, Caps 18△157 Display
Bold Face No. 9, Figures 8△133 8△133 8△133 8△133 One-letter
Bold Face No. 9A Duplicate Character (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△734 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9A with Gothic No. 31A 6△218 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9A with Gothic No. 31A, Caps & Figures 6△218 6△218 6△218 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9A with Gothic No. 31A 6△218 6△218 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9A with Gothic No. 31A 12△222 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9A with Gothic No. 31A, Caps & Figures 12△222 12△222 12△222 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9A with Gothic No. 31A 12△222 12△222 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9A 18△151 Display CF
> Bold Face No. 9A, Caps & Figures 18△151 18△151 18△151 Display
> Bold Face No. 9A, Caps 18△151 Display
Bold Face No. 9A with Gotic No. 31A, Caps & Figures 18△149 *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Gothic No. 31A
Bold Face No. 9B Duplicate Character (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△736 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9B with Gothic No. 31B 6△216 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9B with Gothic No. 31B, Caps & Figures 6△216 6△216 6△216 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9B with Gothic No. 31B 6△216 6△216 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9B with Gothic No. 31B 12△220 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9B with Gothic No. 31B, Caps & Figures 12△220 12△220 12△220 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9B with Gothic No. 31B 12△220 12△220 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9B with Gothic No. 31B 12△586 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9C Duplicate Character (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△738 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9C with Gothic No. 31C 6△214 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9C with Gothic No. 31C 6△214 6△214 6△214 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9C with Gothic No. 31C 6△214 6△214 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9C with Gothic No. 31C 12△218 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9C with Gothic No. 31C, Caps & Figures 12△218 12△218 12△218 Two-letter
> Bold Face No. 9C with Gothic No. 31C 12△218 12△218 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9C with Gothic No. 31C 12△588 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9D Duplicate Character (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△740 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9D with Gothic No. 31D 12△590 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9D with Gothic No. 31D, Caps & Figures 12△386 12△386 12△386 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9D with Gothic No. 31D, Caps 12△386 12△386 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9E Duplicate Character (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△742 Two-letter
Bold Face No. 9E with Gothic No. 31E 12△592 Two-letter
Bold Face with Antique No. 4 10△258 Two-letter
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 6△394 6△394 6△394 6△394 6△394 Two-letter
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 7△170 7△170 7△170 7△170 7△170 Two-letter
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 8△470 8△470 8△470 8△470 8△470 8△470 Two-letter 61
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 9△150 9△150 9△150 9△150 9△150 9△150 Two-letter 61
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 10△428 10△428 10△428 10△428 10△428 10△428 Two-letter 61
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 11△132 11△132 11△132 11△132 11△132 Two-letter
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 12△444 12△444 12△444 12△444 12△444 12△444 Two-letter 61
Bookman with Italic & Small Caps 14△232 14△232 14△232 14△232 14△232 14△232 Two-letter 61
Borders 5½△1 5½△1 5½△1 5½△1 One-letter
Borders 5½△68 5½△68 5½△68 Two-letter
Borders 6△1 6△1 6△1 6△1 One-letter
> Universal Borders One-Letter 6△1 One-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 6△184 6△184 6△184 6△184 Two-letter
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 6△184 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 7△51 7△51 7△51 7△51 One-letter
Borders 7△84 7△84 Two-letter
> Borders (Two-Letter or Duplicate Character) 7△84 7△84 Two-letter
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 7△84 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 8△1 8△1 8△1 8△1 One-letter
> Universal Borders One-Letter 8△1 One-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 8△310 8△310 Two-letter
> Borders (Two-Letter or Duplicate Character) 8△310 8△310 Two-letter
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 8△310 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 9△23 9△23 9△23 9△23 One-letter
Borders 9△138 9△138 Two-letter
> Borders (Two-Letter or Duplicate Character) 9△138 9△138 Two-letter
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 9△138 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 10△1 10△1 10△1 10△1 One-letter
> Universal Borders One-Letter 10△1 One-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 10△310 10△310 10△310 10△310 Two-letter
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 10△310 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 12△85 12△85 12△85 12△85 One-letter
> Universal Borders One-Letter 12△85 One-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 14△103 14△103 14△103 14△103 One-letter
Borders 18△69 18△69 18△69 18△69 Display
> Universal Borders One-Letter 18△69 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 24△49 24△49 24△49 24△49 Display
> Universal Borders One-Letter 24△49 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 26△3 26△3 26△3 26△3 Display
Borders 28△13 28△13 28△13 28△13 Display
Borders 30△61 30△61 30△61 30△61 Display
Borders 36△35 36△35 Display
> Borders & Ornaments 36△35 36△35 Display
Borders 12△178 Two-letter
> Borders (Duplicate Character) 12△178 12△178 12△178 Two-letter
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 12△178 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders 14△130 Two-letter
> Borders (Duplicate Character) 14△130 14△130 Two-letter
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 14△130 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Borders (Duplicate Character) 18△40 18△40 18△40 Display
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 18△40 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Borders (Duplicate Character) 24△40 24△40 24△40 Display
> Universal Borders Two-Letter 24△40 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Caledonia with Bold 6△456 6△456 6△456 6△456 Two-letter 61
Caledonia with Bold 8△560 8△560 8△560 8△560 Two-letter 9b, 60
Caledonia with Bold 9△196 9△196 9△196 9△196 Two-letter 10b, 60
Caledonia with Bold 10△518 10△518 10△518 10△518 Two-letter 11b, 60
Caledonia with Bold 11△166 11△166 11△166 11△166 Two-letter 12b, 60
Caledonia with Bold 12△528 12△528 12△528 12△528 Two-letter 13b, 60
Caledonia with Bold 14△286 14△286 14△286 14△286 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold 16△25 16△25 16△25 Display
Caledonia Bold 18△445 18△445 18△445 Display
Caledonia Bold 21△27 21△27 21△27 Display
Caledonia Bold 24△407 24△407 24△407 Display
Caledonia Bold 27△3 27△3 27△3 Display
Caledonia Bold 30△303 30△303 30△303 Display
Caledonia Bold 36△181 36△181 36△181 Display
Caledonia Bold Condensed 36△225 36△225 Display
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 6△492 6△492 6△492 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 7△222 7△222 7△222 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 8△576 8△576 8△576 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 9△206 9△206 9△206 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 10△542 10△542 10△542 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 11△172 11△172 11△172 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 12△552 12△552 12△552 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic & Small Caps 14△298 14△298 Two-letter 61
Caledonia Bold with Italic 18△150 18△150 18△150 Display 90, 90c
Caledonia Bold with Italic 24△150 24△150 24△150 Display 72c, 76
Caledonia Bold Italic 30△351 Display
Caledonia Bold Italic 36△231 36△231 Display
Caledonia Greek 10△694 Two-letter
Caledonia with Gothic Bold 9△242 Two-letter
Caledonia with Gothic Bold 10△572 Two-letter
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 6△474 6△474 6△474 6△474 Two-letter 61
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 7△230 7△230 7△230 Two-letter 61
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 8△534 8△534 8△534 8△534 Two-letter 9b, 60
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 9△168 9△168 9△168 9△168 Two-letter 10b, 60
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 10△496 10△496 10△496 10△496 Two-letter 11b, 60
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 11△140 11△140 11△140 11△140 Two-letter
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 12△504 12△504 12△504 12△504 Two-letter
Caledonia with Italic & Small Caps 14△272 14△272 14△272 14△272 Two-letter
Caledonia with Italic 18△148 18△148 Display
Caledonia with Italic 24△148 24△148 Display
Cambridge with Italic & Small Caps 8△22 Two-letter
Cambridge with Italic & Small Caps 10△28 Two-letter
Candida with Bold 6△8286 4
Candida with Bold 7△8383 4
Candida with Bold 8△8287 4
Candida with Bold 9△8288 4
Candida with Bold 10△8289 4
Candida with Bold 12△8290 4
Candida with Italic 6△8291 4
Candida with Italic 7△8389 4
Candida with Italic 8△8292 4
Candida with Italic 9△8293 4
Candida with Italic 10△8294 4
Candida with Italic 12△8295 4
Caption 24△23 24△23 Display A
> Caption, Caps & Figures 24△23 24△23 24△23 Display Miscellaneous Faces
> Caption, Caps 24△23 Display
Caption 30△5 30△5 Display A Miscellaneous Faces *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also available as 'Greek Caption'.
> Caption, Caps & Figures 30△5
Caption 36△5 36△5 36△5 36△5 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Caption 42△23 Display BD
> Caption, Caps & Figures 42△23 Miscellaneous Faces
Card Italic 10△131 10△131 10△131 10△131 10△131 10△131 One-letter
Card Italic 12△141 12△141 12△141 12△141 12△141 12△141 One-letter
Card Italic 14△97 14△97 14△97 14△97 14△97 14△97 One-letter
Card Italic 18△295 18△295 18△295 18△295 18△295 18△295 Display A
Caslon 36△147 36△147 36△147 36△147 Display
Caslon Bold Condensed 14△117 14△117 14△117 14△117 14△117 14△117 One-letter
Caslon Bold Condensed 18△163 18△163 18△163 18△163 18△163 18△163 Display A
Caslon Bold Condensed 24△119 24△119 24△119 24△119 24△119 24△119 Display BE
Caslon Bold Condensed 30△67 30△67 30△67 30△67 30△67 30△67 Display BE
Caslon Bold Condensed 36△143 36△143 36△143 36△143 36△143 Display
Caslon Bold Condensed 14△135 One-letter
> Caslon Bold Condensed 14△135 One-letter
Caslon Bold Condensed, Regular Position 18△489 Display
Caslon Bold Condensed, Regular Position 24△451 Display
Caslon Bold Extra Condensed 24△297 Display A
> Caslon Bold Extra Condensed 24△297 Display
Caslon Bold Extra Condensed, Caps & Figures 24△297 *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, the caps and figures were not explicitly mentioned as name, but was present in the specimen.
> Caslon Bold Extra Condensed, Caps 24△297 Display
Caslon Bold Extra Condensed 30△219 Display A
Caslon Bold Extra Condensed, Caps & Figures 30△219 30△219 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, the caps and figures were not explicitly mentioned as name, but was present in the specimen.
Caslon Bold Extra Condensed, Caps 30△219 Display
Caslon Bold with Italic 5△38 5△38 5△38 5△38 5△38 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, the italic was not explicitly mentioned as name, but was present in the specimen.
Caslon Bold with Italic 6△410 6△410 6△410 6△410 6△410 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, the italic was not explicitly mentioned as name, but was present in the specimen.
Caslon Light Italic 18△487 Display
Caslon No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 6△202 6△202 6△202 6△202 6△202 6△202 Two-letter
Caslon No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 8△298 8△298 8△298 8△298 8△298 8△298 Two-letter
Caslon No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 10△260 10△260 10△260 10△260 10△260 10△260 Two-letter
Caslon No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 11△112 11△112 11△112 11△112 11△112 11△112 Two-letter
Caslon No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 12△74 12△74 12△74 12△74 12△74 12△74 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 5△28 5△28 5△28 5△28 5△28 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 6△160 6△160 6△160 6△160 6△160 6△160 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 7△154 7△154 7△154 7△154 7△154 7△154 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3, Duplicate Characters 7△808 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 10a, 10b, 3
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 8△208 8△208 8△208 8△208 8△208 8△208 8△208 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 9△130 9△130 9△130 9△130 9△130 9△130 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 10△180 10△180 10△180 10△180 10△180 10△180 10△180 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3, Duplicate Characters 10△808 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49)
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 12△120 12△120 12△120 12△120 12△120 12△120 12△120 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 14△54 14△54 14△54 14△54 14△54 14△54 14△54 Two-letter
Caslon No. 3 with Italic 18△66 18△66 18△66 18△66 Display
Caslon No. 3 with Italic 24△66 24△66 24△66 24△66 Display
Caslon No. 3 18△213 18△213 18△213 18△213 18△213 18△213 Display BE
Caslon No. 3 24△175 24△175 24△175 24△175 24△175 24△175 Display
Caslon No. 3 30△113 30△113 30△113 30△113 30△113 30△113 Display CF
Caslon No. 3 Italic 18△215 18△215 18△215 18△215 18△215 18△215 Display
Caslon No. 3 Italic 24△177 24△177 24△177 24△177 24△177 24△177 Display
Caslon No. 3 Italic 30△115 30△115 30△115 30△115 30△115 30△115 Display CF
Caslon No. 4 18△115 18△115 18△115 18△115 18△115 18△115 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Caslon No. 137 with Italic & Small Caps 7△168 7△168 7△168 7△168 7△168 Two-letter
Caslon No. 137 with Italic & Small Caps 8△466 8△466 8△466 8△466 8△466 Two-letter
Caslon No. 137 with Italic & Small Caps 9△144 9△144 9△144 9△144 9△144 Two-letter
Caslon No. 137 with Italic & Small Caps 10△424 10△424 10△424 10△424 10△424 Two-letter
Caslon No. 137 with Italic & Small Caps 11△122 11△122 11△122 11△122 11△122 Two-letter
Caslon No. 137 with Italic & Small Caps 12△440 12△440 12△440 12△440 12△440 Two-letter
Caslon Text 10△91 10△91 10△91 10△91 10△91 10△91 One-letter
Caslon Text 12△29 12△29 12△29 12△29 12△29 12△29 One-letter
Caslon with Italic & Small Caps 7△8 7△8 7△8 7△8 7△8 7△8 Two-letter
Caslon with Italic & Small Caps 8△24 8△24 8△24 8△24 8△24 8△24 8△24 Two-letter 61
Caslon with Italic & Small Caps 9△18 9△18 9△18 9△18 9△18 9△18 9△18 Two-letter 61
Caslon with Italic & Small Caps 10△8 10△8 10△8 10△8 10△8 10△8 10△8 Two-letter 61
Caslon with Italic & Small Caps 11△12 11△12 11△12 11△12 11△12 11△12 11△12 Two-letter 61
Caslon with Italic & Small Caps 12△12 12△12 12△12 12△12 12△12 12△12 12△12 Two-letter 61
Caslon with Italic & Small Caps 14△34 14△34 14△34 14△34 14△34 14△34 14△34 Two-letter 61
Caslon with Italic 18△86 18△86 18△86 Display A
Caslon Italic, Regular Position 18△461 18△461 Display
Caslon Italic 18△385 18△385 18△385 18△385 Display
Caslon Italic 24△335 24△335 24△335 24△335 24△335 Display
Caslon Italic 30△255 30△255 30△255 30△255 Display
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 6△224 6△224 6△224 6△224 6△224 6△224 Two-letter
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 8△312 8△312 8△312 8△312 8△312 8△312 Two-letter
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 9△82 9△82 9△82 9△82 9△82 9△82 Two-letter
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 10△280 10△280 10△280 10△280 10△280 10△280 10△280 Two-letter 62
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 11△76 11△76 11△76 11△76 11△76 11△76 11△76 Two-letter 62
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 11½△4 11½△4 11½△4 11½△4 Two-letter
> Caslon Old Face 11½△4 11½△4 Two-letter
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 12△236 12△236 12△236 12△236 12△236 12△236 Two-letter
Caslon Old Face with Italic & Small Caps 14△132 14△132 14△132 14△132 14△132 14△132 Two-letter
Caslon Old Face Italic 18△171 18△171 18△171 18△171 18△171 18△171 Display A
Caslon Old Face Italic 21△5 21△5 21△5 21△5 21△5 21△5 Display
Caslon Old Face Italic 24△125 24△125 24△125 24△125 24△125 24△125 Display BE
Caslon Old Face 18△169 18△169 18△169 18△169 18△169 18△169 Display A
Caslon Old Face 21△3 21△3 21△3 21△3 21△3 21△3 Display BE
Caslon Old Face 24△127 24△127 24△127 24△127 24△127 24△127 Display BE
Caslon Old Face 30△129 30△129 30△129 30△129 30△129 30△129 Display CF
Caslon Old Face 36△81 36△81 36△81 36△81 36△81 36△81 Display F
Celtic No. 1 8△59 8△59 8△59 One-letter
Century Bold 18△133 18△133 18△133 18△133 18△133 18△133 18△133 Display A 19a, 90, 90c
Century Bold 24△107 24△107 24△107 24△107 24△107 24△107 24△107 Display BE 25a, 72c, 76
Century Bold 30△89 30△89 30△89 30△89 30△89 30△89 30△89 Display CF 72c, 77
Century Bold 36△55 36△55 36△55 36△55 36△55 36△55 36△55 Display CF 72c, 83 *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, double mentioned: also in the advertising figures.
Century Bold, Roman, Advertising Figures 14△7 14△7 14△7 14△7 14△7 One-letter
Century Bold, Advertising Figures 18△9 18△9 18△9 18△9 18△9 18△9 Display
Century Bold, Advertising Figures 24△15 24△15 24△15 24△15 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, also available as Underscored.
> Century Bold, Roman, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△15 24△15 Display
Century Bold, Advertising Figures 30△25 30△25 30△25 30△25 Display
> Century Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△25 Display
Century Bold, Advertising Figures 36△55 *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, double mentioned: also as just 'Century Bold'.
Century Bold, Advertising Figures 42△11 42△11 42△11 42△11 42△11 Display
Century Bold Condensed 18△57 18△57 18△57 18△57 18△57 18△57 Display A
Century Bold Condensed 24△57 24△57 24△57 24△57 24△57 24△57 Display A
Century Bold Condensed, Caps 18△127 18△127 Display
Century Bold Extra Condensed 30△75 Display A
Century Bold Extra Condensed, Caps & Figures 30△75 30△75 30△75 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, the caps and figures were not explicitly mentioned as name, but was present in the specimen.
Century Bold Extra Condensed, Caps 30△75 30△75 Display
Century Bold Italic 18△173 18△173 18△173 18△173 18△173 18△173 Display BE
Century Bold Italic 24△131 24△131 24△131 24△131 24△131 24△131 Display BE
Century Bold Italic 30△91 30△91 30△91 30△91 30△91 30△91 Display CF
Century Bold Italic 36△149 36△149 36△149 36△149 36△149 Display
Century Bold Italic, Advertising Figures 14△23 14△23 One-letter
Century Bold Italic, Advertising Figures 18△11 18△11 18△11 18△11 Display
Century Bold Italic, Advertising Figures 24△3 24△3 Display
Century Bold Italic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△3 Display
Century Bold Plain and Cancelled 12△306 Two-letter 14a, 14b
Century Bold Plain and Cancelled 14△184 Two-letter
Century Bold with 10 point Half Title 12△192 12△192 Two-letter
Century Bold with Antique No. 1 8△292 Two-letter
Century Bold with Century Bold Italic 8△308 8△308 8△308 8△308 8△308 8△308 Two-letter
> Century Bold with Italic 8△308 Two-letter
Century Bold with Century Bold Italic 10△268 10△268 10△268 10△268 10△268 10△268 Two-letter
> Century Bold with Italic 10△268 Two-letter
Century Bold with Century Bold Italic 12△198 12△198 12△198 12△198 12△198 12△198 Two-letter
> Century Bold with Italic 12△198 Two-letter
Century Bold with Century Bold Italic 14△124 14△124 14△124 14△124 14△124 14△124 Two-letter
> Century Bold with Italic 14△124 Two-letter
Century Bold with Century Expanded 18△60 18△60 18△60 18△60 18△60 Display 19a, 90
Century Bold with Italic 18△76 18△76 18△76 18△76 Display 19a, 90, 90c
Century Bold with Italic 24△76 24△76 24△76 24△76 Display 25a, 72c, 76
Century Expanded 8△135 One-letter
Century Expanded with 10 point Bold Face No. 1 12△24 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold 6△94 6△94 6△94 6△94 6△94 6△94 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 6△94 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold 7△80 7△80 7△80 7△80 7△80 7△80 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 7△80 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold 8△122 8△122 8△122 8△122 8△122 8△122 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 8△122 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold 9△72 9△72 9△72 9△72 9△72 9△72 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 9△72 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold 10△112 10△112 10△112 10△112 10△112 10△112 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 10△112 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold 11△70 11△70 11△70 11△70 11△70 11△70 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 11△70 Two-letter 60
Century Expanded with Century Bold 12△64 12△64 12△64 12△64 12△64 12△64 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 12△64 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold 14△20 14△20 14△20 14△20 14△20 14△20 Two-letter
> Century Expanded with Bold 14△20 Two-letter 61
Century Expanded with Century Bold Italic 10△226 10△226 10△226 10△226 10△226 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold Italic 12△166 12△166 12△166 12△166 12△166 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Century Bold Italic 14△102 14△102 14△102 14△102 14△102 14△102 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Cheltenham Bold 6△172 6△172 6△172 6△172 6△172 6△172 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Cheltenham Bold 8△254 8△254 8△254 8△254 8△254 8△254 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Cheltenham Bold 10△208 10△208 10△208 10△208 10△208 10△208 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Cheltenham Bold 12△140 12△140 12△140 12△140 12△140 12△140 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Cheltenham Bold 14△86 14△86 14△86 14△86 14△86 14△86 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Gothic Condensed No. 1 Figures 12△290 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Gothic No. 16 4△2 4△2 4△2 4△2 4△2 4△2 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Gothic No. 38 10△294 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic 4△4 4△4 4△4 4△4 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 6△42 6△42 6△42 6△42 6△42 6△42 6△42 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 7△88 7△88 7△88 7△88 7△88 7△88 7△88 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 8△26 8△26 8△26 8△26 8△26 8△26 8△26 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 9△58 9△58 9△58 9△58 9△58 9△58 9△58 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 10△16 10△16 10△16 10△16 10△16 10△16 10△16 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 11△104 11△104 11△104 11△104 11△104 11△104 11△104 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 12△22 12△22 12△22 12△22 12△22 12△22 12△22 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic & Small Caps 14△58 14△58 14△58 14△58 14△58 14△58 14△58 Two-letter
Century Expanded with Italic 18△44 18△44 18△44 18△44 18△44 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is unclear if the small caps are included. It is asumed not.
Century Expanded 18△123 18△123 18△123 18△123 18△123 18△123 Display A
Century Expanded 24△137 24△137 24△137 24△137 24△137 24△137 Display BE
Century Expanded with Gothic Condensed No. 1 8△390 Two-letter
Cheltenham 10△13 One-letter
Cheltenham 20△9 20△9 20△9 20△9 20△9 20△9 Display A *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines
Cheltenham 24△101 24△101 24△101 24△101 24△101 24△101 Display BE
Cheltenham 30△55 30△55 30△55 30△55 30△55 30△55 Display BF
Cheltenham 36△43 36△43 36△43 36△43 36△43 36△43 Display CF *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also a font with advertising figures
Cheltenham Bold 18△97 18△97 18△97 18△97 18△97 Display A *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines
Cheltenham Bold 24△75 24△75 24△75 24△75 24△75 24△75 Display BE
Cheltenham Bold 30△31 30△31 30△31 30△31 30△31 Display BF
Cheltenham Bold 36△33 36△33 36△33 36△33 36△33 36△33 Display CF *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also a font with advertising figures
Cheltenham Bold Condensed 18△59 18△59 18△59 18△59 18△59 18△59 18△59 Display A 90 *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also available as Greek Cheltenham Bold Condensed.
Cheltenham Bold Condensed 18△59 Two-letter Food Store Logotypes *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'.
Cheltenham Bold Condensed 24△123 24△123 24△123 24△123 24△123 24△123 Display A *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines
Cheltenham Bold Condensed 30△71 30△71 30△71 30△71 30△71 30△71 Display BE
Cheltenham Bold Condensed 36△73 36△73 36△73 36△73 36△73 36△73 Display CF *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also a font with advertising figures
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic 18△131 18△131 18△131 18△131 18△131 18△131 Display A
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic 24△173 24△173 24△173 24△173 24△173 24△173 Display BE
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic 30△111 30△111 30△111 30△111 30△111 30△111 Display BE
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic 36△157 36△157 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic, Caps & Figures 36△157 36△157 36△157 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also a font with advertising figures
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic, Advertising Figures 18△19 18△19 18△19 18△19 18△19 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic, Advertising Figures 36△157 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also available as just 'Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic'.
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic, Figures 10△89 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic, Figures 12△59 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures 30△35 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△35 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 6△232 6△232 6△232 6△232 6△232 6△232 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 8△176 8△176 8△176 8△176 8△176 8△176 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 10△148 10△148 10△148 10△148 10△148 10△148 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 12△98 12△98 12△98 12△98 12△98 12△98 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 12△194 12△194 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 14△46 14△46 14△46 14△46 14△46 14△46 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 18△24 18△24 18△24 18△24 18△24 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is indicated as 'two-Letter'
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 18△24 Two-letter Food Store Logotypes *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'.
Cheltenham Bold Condensed with Italic 24△24 24△24 24△24 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 14△39 14△39 14△39 14△39 14△39 14△39 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 18△17 18△17 18△17 18△17 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Roman, Advertising Figures 18△17 18△17 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△37 24△37 24△37 24△37 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△37 24△37 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 30△43 30△43 30△43 30△43 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△43 30△43 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 36△73 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also available as just 'Cheltenham Bold Condensed'.
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 42△13 42△13 42△13 42△13 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 42△13 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed 60△3 Display CF
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Caps & Figures 60△3 60△3 60△3 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed 60△3 60△3 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Italic, Advertising Figures 24△41 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Italic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△41 Display
Cheltenham Bold Condensed, Vertical Slug, Cap Font 14△131 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 12△77 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 14△43 14△43 14△43 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 18△41 18△41 18△41 18△41 18△41 18△41 Display A
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 24△29 24△29 24△29 24△29 24△29 24△29 Display A *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 30△7 30△7 30△7 30△7 30△7 30△7 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 36△45 36△45 36△45 36△45 36△45 36△45 Display A *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed Italic 24△95 24△95 24△95 24△95 24△95 24△95 Display A *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed, Advertising Figures 18△223 18△223 Display
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△191 24△191 24△191 24△191 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△191 Display
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 42△21 42△21 Display A
> Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed, Caps & Figures 42△21 42△21 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 42△21 42△21 Display
Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 48△9 Display BE
> Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed, Caps & Figures 48△9 48△9 48△9 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed 48△9 48△9 Display
Cheltenham Bold Face 8△57 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Face 10△61 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Face 12△27 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold Figures, Duplicate Character 14△110 14△110 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold Italic 18△175 18△175 18△175 18△175 18△175 18△175 Display BE
Cheltenham Bold Italic 24△117 24△117 24△117 24△117 24△117 24△117 Display BE
Cheltenham Bold Italic 30△95 30△95 30△95 30△95 30△95 30△95 Display CF
Cheltenham Bold Italic, Advertising Figures 18△15 18△15 18△15 18△15 18△15 Display
Cheltenham Bold Italic, Advertising Figures 24△7 24△7 24△7 24△7 Display
> Cheltenham Bold Italic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position] 24△7 Display
Cheltenham Bold No. 2 30△151 30△151 30△151 30△151 Display CF
Cheltenham Bold Special (Part Font) 30△65 Display
Cheltenham Bold with Cheltenham Italic 14△116 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 6△162 6△162 6△162 6△162 6△162 6△162 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 8△60 8△60 8△60 8△60 8△60 8△60 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 10△82 10△82 10△82 10△82 10△82 10△82 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 11△106 11△106 11△106 11△106 11△106 11△106 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 12△46 12△46 12△46 12△46 12△46 12△46 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 14△30 14△30 14△30 14△30 14△30 14△30 Two-letter
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 18△90 18△90 18△90 Display
Cheltenham Bold with Italic 24△90 24△90 24△90 Display
Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures 14△13 14△13 14△13 14△13 One-letter
> Cheltenham Bold, Roman, Advertising Figures 14△13 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures 18△13 18△13 18△13 18△13 Display
> Cheltenham Bold, Roman, Advertising, Figures 18△13 Display
Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures 24△5 24△5 24△5 Display
> Cheltenham Bold, Roman, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△5 Display
Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures 30△179 30△179 30△179 30△179 Display
> Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△179 30△179 Display
Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures 36△33 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also available as just 'Cheltenham Bold'.
Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures 42△9 42△9 42△9 42△9 Display
> Cheltenham Bold, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 42△9 Display
Cheltenham Bold, Italic, Advertising Figures 14△15 14△15 One-letter
Cheltenham Bold, Special 36△49 Display
Cheltenham Condensed 18△99 18△99 18△99 18△99 18△99 18△99 Display A
Cheltenham Condensed 24△55 24△55 24△55 24△55 24△55 24△55 24△55 Display A 90, 90c *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it are Special Figures for 72 and 90 channel magazines. *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also available as Greek Cheltenham Condensed.
Cheltenham Condensed 30△187 30△187 30△187 30△187 30△187 30△187 Display BF
Cheltenham Condensed with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 8△166 8△166 8△166 8△166 8△166 8△166 Two-letter
Cheltenham Condensed with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 10△142 10△142 10△142 10△142 10△142 10△142 Two-letter
Cheltenham Condensed with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 12△94 12△94 12△94 12△94 12△94 12△94 Two-letter
Cheltenham Condensed with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 14△42 14△42 14△42 14△42 14△42 14△42 Two-letter
Cheltenham Extra Condensed Italic 18△209 18△209 18△209 18△209 Display A
Cheltenham Extra Condensed Italic 24△165 24△165 24△165 24△165 24△165 Display A
Cheltenham Extra Condensed Italic 30△101 30△101 30△101 30△101 Display BE
Cheltenham Italic 20△17 20△17 20△17 20△17 20△17 20△17 Display BE
Cheltenham Italic 24△159 24△159 24△159 24△159 Display BE
Cheltenham Italic 30△97 30△97 30△97 30△97 30△97 30△97 Display CF
Cheltenham Italic (Food Store Logotypes) 18△363 18△363 18△363 Display
> Cheltenham Italic 18△363 Display Food Store Logotypes
Cheltenham Italic, Advertising Figures 14△63 14△63 14△63 One-letter
Cheltenham Italic, Advertising Figures 18△185 Display
Cheltenham Medium Condensed 18△389 18△389 18△389 18△389 18△389 Display
Cheltenham Medium Condensed 24△331 24△331 24△331 24△331 24△331 Display
Cheltenham Medium Condensed 30△253 30△253 30△253 30△253 30△253 Display
Cheltenham Wide with Cheltenham Bold 6△180 6△180 6△180 6△180 6△180 6△180 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is just named 'Cheltenham Wide with Bold'
Cheltenham Wide with Cheltenham Bold 8△156 8△156 8△156 8△156 8△156 8△156 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is just named 'Cheltenham Wide with Bold'
> Cheltenham Wide with Bold 8△156 Two-letter
Cheltenham Wide with Cheltenham Bold 10△134 10△134 10△134 10△134 10△134 10△134 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is just named 'Cheltenham Wide with Bold'
> Cheltenham Wide with Bold 10△134 Two-letter
Cheltenham Wide with Cheltenham Bold 12△88 12△88 12△88 12△88 12△88 12△88 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is just named 'Cheltenham Wide with Bold'
> Cheltenham Wide with Bold 12△88 Two-letter
Cheltenham Wide with Cheltenham Bold 14△40 14△40 14△40 14△40 14△40 14△40 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is just named 'Cheltenham Wide with Bold'
> Cheltenham Wide with Bold 14△40 Two-letter
Cheltenham Wide with Cheltenham Bold Italic 10△266 10△266 Two-letter
Cheltenham Wide with Cheltenham Bold Italic 12△196 12△196 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Century Bold, Figures 14△44 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic 14△128 14△128 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Italic 18△92 18△92 18△92 Display
Cheltenham with Italic 24△92 24△92 24△92 Display
Cheltenham with Italic & Small Caps 8△12 8△12 8△12 8△12 8△12 8△12 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Italic & Small Caps 9△46 9△46 9△46 9△46 9△46 9△46 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Italic & Small Caps 10△18 10△18 10△18 10△18 10△18 10△18 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Italic & Small Caps 11△48 11△48 11△48 11△48 11△48 11△48 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Italic & Small Caps 12△18 12△18 12△18 12△18 12△18 12△18 Two-letter
Cheltenham with Italic & Small Caps 14△4 14△4 14△4 14△4 14△4 14△4 Two-letter
Cheltenham, Advertising Figures 18△255 18△255 18△255 18△255 Display
> Cheltenham, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△255 Display
Cheltenham, Advertising Caps & Figures 20△25 Display
> Cheltenham, Advertising Figures 20△25 20△25 Display
> Cheltenham, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 20△25 Display
Cheltenham, Advertising Figures 24△195 24△195 24△195 24△195 Display
> Cheltenham, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△195 Display
Cheltenham, Advertising Figures 30△149 30△149 30△149 30△149 Display
> Cheltenham, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△149 30△149 Display
Cheltenham, Advertising Figures 36△43 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also available as just 'Cheltenham'.
Cheltenham, Figures 14△137 14△137 One-letter
Cheltenham, Roman 8△9 One-letter
Cheltenham, Roman 12△3 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1 5½△11 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1 6△19 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1 8△25 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1 8△91 8△91 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1 10△25 10△25 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1 12△5 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 11△142 Two-letter
Clarendon No. 1 with 6 point Bold Face No. 1 8△290 Two-letter
Clarendon No. 1 with 7 point No. 1, Figures 8△68 8△68 Two-letter
Clarendon No. 1 with Antique No. 1 6△198 Two-letter
Clarendon No. 1, Figures 5½△13 One-letter
Clarendon No. 1, Figures 9△35 One-letter
Clarendon with Bold 6△728 6△728 Two-letter
Clarendon with Bold 7△728 7△728 Two-letter
Clarendon with Bold 8△728 8△728 Two-letter
Clarendon with Bold 9△728 9△728 Two-letter
Clarendon with Bold 10△728 10△728 Two-letter
Clarendon with Bold 12△728 12△728 Two-letter
Classic Italic 18△129 18△129 18△129 18△129 18△129 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Classic with Century Bold 8△108 8△108 8△108 8△108 8△108 8△108 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Classic with Century Bold 10△86 10△86 10△86 10△86 10△86 10△86 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Classic with Century Bold 12△58 12△58 12△58 12△58 12△58 12△58 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Classic with Century Bold 14△26 14△26 14△26 14△26 14△26 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Classic with Italic & Small Caps 6△20 6△20 6△30* 6△20 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces *In 'Linotype Faces', this had another number than the rest. It is assumed that that was an error in that book.
Classic with Italic & Small Caps 8△28 8△28 8△28 8△28 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Classic with Italic & Small Caps 10△22 10△22 10△22 10△22 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Classic with Italic & Small Caps 12△20 12△20 12△20 12△20 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Classified Display 22△59 22△59 Display
Classified Display 28△59 28△59 Display
Classified Display 38△59 38△59 Display
Classified Display Outline 11△59 11△59 One-letter
Classified with Bold 5½△78 5½△78 Two-letter
Clearface Bold with Italic 14△148 14△148 14△148 14△148 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Clearface Bold Italic 18△241 18△241 18△241 18△241 Display BE Miscellaneous Faces
Clearface Bold Italic 24△201 24△201 24△201 24△201 24△201 Display BE Miscellaneous Faces
Clearface Bold Italic 30△147 30△147 30△147 30△147 Display CF Miscellaneous Faces
Clearface Bold 18△239 18△239 18△239 18△239 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Clearface Bold 24△199 24△199 24△199 24△199 24△199 Display BE Miscellaneous Faces
Clearface Bold 30△145 30△145 30△145 30△145 Display CF Miscellaneous Faces
Cloister 14△111 14△111 One-letter *only available as an E-triangle
Cloister 18△263 18△263 18△263 18△263 18△263 18△263 Display A
Cloister 24△223 24△223 24△223 24△223 24△223 Display BE
Cloister 30△161 30△161 30△161 30△161 30△161 Display CF
Cloister 36△91 36△91 36△91 36△91 36△91 Display CF
Cloister Bold 18△243 18△243 18△243 18△243 18△243 18△243 Display A
Cloister Bold 24△207 24△207 24△207 24△207 24△207 24△207 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, also available as 'Greek Cloister Bold'.
Cloister Bold 30△155 30△155 30△155 30△155 30△155 30△155 Display CF
Cloister Bold 36△137 36△137 36△137 36△137 36△137 Display *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also a font with advertising figures
Cloister Bold Italic 18△245 18△245 18△245 18△245 18△245 Display A
Cloister Bold Italic 24△209 24△209 24△209 24△209 Display BE
Cloister Bold Italic 30△157 30△157 30△157 30△157 30△157 Display CF
Cloister Bold Italic 36△139 36△139 36△139 36△139 Display
Cloister Bold with Italic 6△268 6△268 6△268 6△268 6△268 6△268 Two-letter
Cloister Bold with Italic 8△370 8△370 8△370 8△370 8△370 8△370 Two-letter
Cloister Bold with Italic 10△302 10△302 10△302 10△302 10△302 10△302 Two-letter
Cloister Bold with Italic 12△276 12△276 12△276 12△276 12△276 12△276 Two-letter
Cloister Bold with Italic 14△154 14△154 14△154 14△154 14△154 14△154 Two-letter
Cloister Bold with Italic 18△12 18△12 18△12 18△12 Display
Cloister Bold with Italic 24△12 24△12 24△12 Display
Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures 18△323 18△323 18△323 18△323 Display
> Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△323 Display
Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures 24△271 24△271 24△271 24△271 Display
> Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures 24△271 Display
Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures 30△195 30△195 30△195 30△195 Display
> Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△195 Display
Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures 36△137 *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it is also a font with advertising figures
Cloister Bold, Advertising Figures 42△51 42△51 42△51 42△51 Display
Cloister Italic 18△267 18△267 18△267 18△267 18△267 Display A
Cloister Italic 24△225 24△225 24△225 24△225 24△225 Display BE
Cloister Italic 30△163 30△163 30△163 30△163 30△163 Display BF
Cloister Wide with Cloister Bold 6△276 6△276 6△276 6△276 6△276 6△276 Two-letter
Cloister Wide with Cloister Bold 8△374 8△374 8△374 8△374 8△374 8△374 Two-letter
Cloister Wide with Cloister Bold 10△306 10△306 10△306 10△306 10△306 10△306 Two-letter
Cloister Wide with Cloister Bold 12△280 12△280 12△280 12△280 12△280 12△280 Two-letter
Cloister Wide with Cloister Bold 14△158 14△158 14△158 14△158 14△158 14△158 Two-letter
Cloister with Italic 18△14 18△14 18△14 18△14 Display
Cloister with Italic & Small Caps 6△280 6△280 6△280 6△280 6△280 6△280 Two-letter
Cloister with Italic & Small Caps 8△378 8△378 8△378 8△378 8△378 8△378 Two-letter
Cloister with Italic & Small Caps 10△312 10△312 10△312 10△312 10△312 10△312 Two-letter
Cloister with Italic & Small Caps 11△98 11△98 11△98 11△98 11△98 11△98 Two-letter
Cloister with Italic & Small Caps 12△284 12△284 12△284 12△284 12△284 12△284 Two-letter
Cloister with Italic & Small Caps 14△162 14△162 14△162 14△162 14△162 14△162 Two-letter
Common Language Bank Check Characters, Duplicate Character 10△203 Two-letter
Common Language Bank Check Characters, Duplicate Character 11△203 Two-letter
Congressional Italic Plain and Cancelled 14△8
Congressional Plain and Cancelled 14△6
Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 3 11△68 11△68 Two-letter
Condensed Normande No. 1 Sectional 12△42 Two-letter
Condensed Normande No. 1, Sectional, Caps 14△32 Two-letter
Condensed Title No. 1 10△39 One-letter
Condensed Title No. 1 12△7 One-letter
Condensed Title No. 1 with 12 point Antique Condensed 10△96 Two-letter
Condensed Title No. 1, Caps & Figures 20△3 20△3 Display Miscellaneous Faces
> Condensed Title No. 1, Caps 20△3 Display BE
Condensed Title No. 2 10△95 One-letter
Condensed Title No. 2 12△11 One-letter
Condensed Outline 10△101 10△101 10△101 10△101 10△101 One-letter Outline Faces
Condensed Outline 12△69 12△69 12△69 12△69 12△69 One-letter Outline Faces
Condensed Outline 18△75 18△75 18△75 18△75 18△75 Display A Outline Faces
Condensed Outline 24△99 24△99 24△99 24△99 24△99 Display A Outline Faces
Condensed Outline 30△53 Display A
> Condensed Outline, Caps & Figures 30△53 30△53 30△53 Display Outline Faces
> Condensed Outline, Caps 30△53 Display
Congressional (Plain & Cancelled) 14△6 14△6 Two-letter
Congressional Italic (Plain & Cancelled) 14△8 Two-letter
Corona No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 8△36 8△36 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
Corona No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 8△34 8△34 8△34 8△34 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
Corona No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 8△232 8△232 Two-letter
> Corona No. 2 with Boldface 8△232 Two-letter
Corona No. 2 with Erbar Bold 8△172 8△172 8△172 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
Corona with Bold Face No. 2 6△114 6△114 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
> Corona with boldface No. 2 6△114 Two-letter
Corona with Bold Face No. 2 7½△28 7½△28 7½△28 Two-letter
> Corona with boldface No. 2 7½△28 Two-letter
Corona with Bold Face No. 2 8△568 8△568 8△568 Two-letter
> Corona with boldface No. 2 8△568 Two-letter
Corona with Bold Face No. 2 8½△8 Two-letter
Corona with Bold Face No. 2 9△228 9△228 Two-letter
> Corona with boldface No. 2 9△228 Two-letter
Corona with Bold Face No. 2 10△540 10△540 10△540 Two-letter
> Corona with boldface No. 2 10△540 Two-letter
Original Old Style with Italics & Small Caps 11△6 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2 11△6 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
> Corona with boldface No. 2 11△6 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 5△46 5△46 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 5½△70 5½△70 5½△70 Two-letter 60
Corona with Erbar Bold 6△490 6△490 6△490 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 7△202 7△202 7△202 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 8△580 8△580 8△580 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 9△204 9△204 9△204 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 10△546 10△546 10△546 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 11△170 11△170 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 12△554 12△554 12△554 Two-letter
Corona with Erbar Bold 14△316 14△316 Two-letter
Corona with Gothic 7½△32 7½△32 7½△32 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 5△48 5△48 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 5½△76 5½△76 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 6△500 6△500 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 7△214 7△214 7△214 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 7½△30 7½△30 7½△30 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 8△574 8△574 8△574 8△574 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 8½△6 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 9△220 9△220 9△220 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 10△560 10△560 10△560 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 11△190 11△190 Two-letter
Corona with Italic & Small Caps 12△562 12△562 12△562 Two-letter
Cree 12△181 12△181 One-letter
Dash Leader 5½△DL Classified: universal pi characters
Dash Leader 6△DL Classified: universal pi characters
Dash Leader 8△DL Classified: universal pi characters
Dash Leader 9△DL Classified: universal pi characters
Dash Leader 10△DL Classified: universal pi characters
Dash Leader 12△DL Classified: universal pi characters
Dash Leader 14△DL Classified: universal pi characters
De Vinne 8△83 One-letter
De Vinne 8△99 One-letter
De Vinne (Duplicate Character, Vertical Slug) 10△244 10△244 10△244 Two-letter
De Vinne (Vertical Slug), Figures 8△276 Two-letter
De Vinne Condensed 8△33 One-letter
De Vinne Condensed 10△33 One-letter
De Vinne Condensed 12△21 One-letter
De Vinne Condensed 24△157 24△157 24△157 24△157 Display BE Miscellaneous Faces
De Vinne Condensed 30△83 30△83 30△83 30△83 30△83 Display BE Miscellaneous Faces
De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures 14△35 One-letter
De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures 18△47 18△47 18△47 18△47 Display
De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△33 24△33 Display
> De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△33 Display
De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures 30△39 30△39 Display
> De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△39 Display
De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures 36△29 36△29 Display
De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△29 Display
De Vinne Condensed, Advertising Figures 42△15 42△15 Display
De Vinne Extra Condensed 12△73 One-letter
De Vinne Extra Condensed 14△31 One-letter
De Vinne Extra Condensed 18△55 18△55 18△55 18△55 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
De Vinne Extra Condensed 24△27 24△27 24△27 24△27 24△27 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
De Vinne Figures with Old Style Small Caps 10△100 10△100 Two-letter
De Vinne Italic 11△39 One-letter
De Vinne with 7 point Century Bold 8△230 8△230 Two-letter
De Vinne with 10 point Gothic No. 4, 11 point alignment 9△42 9△42 9△42 Two-letter
> De Vinne with 10 point Gothic No. 4 9△42 9△42 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique Black No. 2 Figures 10△188 10△188 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 1 6△26 6△26 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 6△28 6△28 6△28 6△28 6△28 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3, high alignment 8△16 8△16 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Antique No. 3, 7 point alignment 8△16 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Antique No. 3 8△16 8△16 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 8△164 8△164 8△164 8△164 8△164 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 9△6 9△6 9△6 9△6 9△6 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 10△12 10△12 10△12 10△12 10△12 10△12 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 11△16 11△16 11△16 11△16 11△16 11△16 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 12△16 12△16 12△16 12△16 12△16 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 14△22 14△22 14△22 14△22 14△22 14△22 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3 (Vertical Slug), Figues 12△38 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Antique No. 3 12△38 Two-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
> De Vinne with Antique No. 3 (Vertical Slug) 12△38 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Antique No. 3 (Vertical Slug) Table Mat 12△38 12△38 Two-letter
De Vinne with Antique No. 3, Vertical Slug, Figures 10△64 10△64 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Antique No. 3 10△64 Two-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
> De Vinne with Antique No. 3, Vertical Slug, Table Mats 10△64 10△64 Two-letter
De Vinne with Gothic No. 7, Figures 6△44 6△44 6△44 Two-letter
De Vinne with Gothic No. 8, Figures 6△68 Two-letter
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 6△24 6△24 6△24 6△24 6△24 6△24 Two-letter
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps, high alignment 8△18 8△18 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps, 7 point alignment 8△18 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps, High 8△18 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 8△18 8△18 Two-letter
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 8△118 8△118 8△118 8△118 8△118 8△118 Two-letter
> De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps, Low 8△118 Two-letter
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 8△180 Two-letter
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 9△4 9△4 9△4 9△4 9△4 9△4 9△4 Two-letter 61
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 10△24 10△24 10△24 10△24 10△24 10△24 10△24 Two-letter 61
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps, cancelled 10△316 10△316 10△316 Two-letter 61
> De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 10△316 Two-letter
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 11△14 11△14 11△14 11△14 11△14 11△14 11△14 Two-letter 61
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps (cancelled) 11△62 11△62 11△62 11△62 11△62 Two-letter 61
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 12△14 12△14 12△14 12△14 12△14 12△14 12△14 Two-letter 61
De Vinne with Italic & Small Caps 14△84 14△84 14△84 14△84 14△84 14△84 Two-letter
De Vinne with Title No. 1 8△234 8△234 8△234 8△234 Two-letter
De Vinne with Title No. 1 10△206 10△206 10△206 10△206 Two-letter
De Vinne with Title No. 1 12△152 12△152 12△152 Two-letter
De Vinne with Title No. 1 14△140 14△140 14△140 Two-letter
De Vinne, Vertical Slug 12△93 One-letter
De Vinne Outline with Bold Face No. 6 10△276 10△276 10△276 10△276 Two-letter Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline with Bold Face No. 6 12△122 12△122 12△122 12△122 Two-letter Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline with Bold Face No. 6 14△80 14△80 14△80 14△80 Two-letter Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline 12△19 One-letter
De Vinne Outline with Italic 12△108 12△108 12△108 12△108 Two-letter Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline with Italic 14△52 14△52 14△52 14△52 Two-letter Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline 18△183 18△183 18△183 18△183 18△183 Display A Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline 24△141 24△141 24△141 24△141 24△141 Display Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline 30△269 30△269 30△269 30△269 Display Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline 36△159 36△159 36△159 36△159 Display Outline Faces
De Vinne Outline, Advertising Figures 14△41 14△41 One-letter
De Vinne Outline, Advertising Figures 18△61 18△61 Display
De Vinne Outline, Advertising Figures 24△83 Display
> De Vinne Outline, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△83 Display
De Vinne Outline, Sectional Figures 12△71 One-letter
De Vinne Outline (Part Font) 10△119 One-letter
Devangari 12△157 12△157 12△157 12△157 One-letter
Devangari Light with Bold 12△594 Two-letter
Devangari Light with Bold 14△224 14△224 14△224 14△224 Two-letter
> Devangari Light and Bold 14△224 Oriental Faces
Doric No. 1 7△23 One-letter
Doric No. 1 7△25 One-letter
Doric No. 1 10△63 One-letter
Doric No. 1 (Part Font) 11△33 One-letter
Doric No. 1 with Bold Face Italic No. 2 11△42 11△42 11△42 Two-letter
Doric No. 1 with 7 point No. 1 7△32 Two-letter
Doric No. 1, Auxiliary Position 7△41 One-letter
Doric No. 1, Figures 7△59 One-letter
Doric No. 1, Figures 12△101 One-letter
Doric No. 2 11△19 One-letter
Egyptienne Serree No. 1 with Normande No. 4 6△64 Two-letter
Egyptienne Serree No. 1 with Normande No. 4 7△24 Two-letter
Egyptienne Serree No. 1 with Normande No. 4 8△46 Two-letter
Egyptienne Serree No. 1 with Normande No. 4 9△26 Two-letter
Egyptienne Serree No. 3 with Normande No. 4 10△132 10△132 Two-letter
Eldorado with Italic & Small Caps 6△608 Two-letter
Eldorado with Italic & Small Caps 7△608 7△608 Two-letter
Eldorado with Italic & Small Caps 8△608 8△608 Two-letter
Eldorado with Italic & Small Caps 9△608 9△608 Two-letter
Eldorado with Italic & Small Caps 10△608 10△608 Two-letter
Eldorado with Italic & Small Caps 11△608 11△608 Two-letter
Eldorado with Italic & Small Caps 12△608 12△608 Two-letter
Electra Bold with Cursive 8△578c 8△578c Two-letter
Electra Bold with Cursive & Small Caps 9△208c 9△208c Two-letter
Electra Bold with Cursive & Small Caps 10△544c 10△544c Two-letter
Electra Bold with Cursive & Small Caps 11△174c 11△174c Two-letter
Electra Bold with Cursive & Small Caps 12△506c 12△506c Two-letter
Electra Bold with Cursive & Small Caps 14△300c 14△300c Two-letter
Electra Bold with Italic 8△572 Two-letter
Electra Bold with Italic & Small Caps 8△578 8△578 Two-letter
Electra Bold with Italic & Small Caps 9△208 9△208 Two-letter
Electra Bold with Italic & Small Caps 10△544 10△544 Two-letter
Electra Bold with Italic & Small Caps 11△174 11△174 Two-letter
Electra Bold with Italic & Small Caps 12△506 12△506 Two-letter
Electra Bold with Italic & Small Caps 14△300 Two-letter
Electra with Cursive & Small Caps 7△182c 7△182c Two-letter
Electra with Cursive & Small Caps 8△484c 8△484c 8△484c Two-letter 9b, 60
Electra with Cursive & Small Caps 9△160c 9△160c 9△160c Two-letter 10b, 60
Electra with Cursive & Small Caps 10△422c 10△422c 10△422c Two-letter 11b, 60
Electra with Cursive & Small Caps 11△124c 11△124c 11△124c Two-letter 12b, 60
Electra with Cursive & Small Caps 12△384c 12△384c 12△384c Two-letter 13b, 60
Electra with Cursive & Small Caps 14△216c 14△216c Two-letter
Electra with Electra Bold 8△548 8△548 8△548 Two-letter
Electra with Electra Bold 9△114 9△114 9△114 Two-letter
Electra with Electra Bold 10△504 10△504 10△504 Two-letter
Electra with Electra Bold 11△158 11△158 11△158 Two-letter
Electra with Electra Bold 12△482 12△482 12△482 Two-letter
Electra with Electra Bold 14△276 14△276 14△276 Two-letter
Electra with Italic & Small Caps 7△182 7△182 7△182 7△182 Two-letter
Electra with Italic & Small Caps 8△484 8△484 8△484 8△484 8△484 8△484 Two-letter 9b, 60
Electra with Italic & Small Caps 9△160 9△160 9△160 9△160 9△160 Two-letter 10b, 60
Electra with Italic & Small Caps 10△422 10△422 10△422 10△422 10△422 10△422 Two-letter 11b, 60
Electra with Italic & Small Caps 11△124 11△124 11△124 11△124 11△124 11△124 Two-letter 12b, 60
Electra with Italic & Small Caps 12△384 12△384 12△384 12△384 12△384 12△384 Two-letter 13b, 60
Electra with Italic & Small Caps 14△216 14△216 14△216 14△216 14△216 Two-letter
Elzevir Gothic 8△45 One-letter
Elzevir Gothic 10△45 One-letter
Elzevir No. 1, Roman 8△11 One-letter
Elzevir No. 1, Roman 10△17 One-letter
Elzevir No. 1, Roman 12△1 One-letter
Elzevir No. 2 18△113 18△113 18△113 18△113 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Elzevir No. 2 24△89 24△89 24△89 24△89 Display BE Miscellaneous Faces
Elzevir No. 2 30△41 30△41 30△41 30△41 Display BF Miscellaneous Faces
Elzevir No. 2 36△31 36△31 36△31 36△31 Display CF Miscellaneous Faces
Elzevir No. 2 Condensed, Caps 24△213 24△213 Display A
Elzevir No. 2, Caps Only, Regular Position 30△45 Display
Elzevir No. 3 18△155 18△155 18△155 18△155 Display A
Elzevir No. 3 24△133 24△133 24△133 24△133 Display BE
Elzevir No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 6△220 6△220 6△220 6△220 Two-letter
Elzevir No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 8△306 8△306 8△306 8△306 8△306 Two-letter
Elzevir No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 9△78 9△78 9△78 9△78 Two-letter
Elzevir No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 10△274 10△274 10△274 10△274 10△274 Two-letter
Elzevir No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 11△74 11△74 11△74 11△74 Two-letter
Elzevir No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 12△224 12△224 12△224 12△224 Two-letter
Elzevir No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 14△126 14△126 14△126 14△126 Two-letter
Elzevir with Cheltenham 10△84 10△84 10△84 10△84 10△84 Two-letter
Elzevir with Cheltenham Bold 8△104 8△104 8△104 8△104 Two-letter
Elzevir with Cheltenham Bold 12△56 12△56 12△56 12△56 12△56 Two-letter
Elzevir with Cheltenham Bold 14△28 14△28 14△28 14△28 14△28 Two-letter
Elzevir with Italic 8△182 Two-letter
Elzevir with Italic 10△160 Two-letter
Encore Condensed 18△81 Display
Encore Condensed 24△61 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed, Caps 14△139 One-letter
> Erbar Bold Condensed 14△139 14△139 One-letter
Erbar Bold Condensed 18△351 18△351 18△351 18△351 18△351 18△351 18△351 Display A 90
Erbar Bold Condensed 24△295 24△295 24△295 24△295 24△295 24△295 24△295 Display A 90
Erbar Bold Condensed 28△19 28△19 28△19 28△19 28△19 28△19 28△19 Display A 90
Erbar Bold Condensed 34△11 34△11 34△11 34△11 34△11 34△11 34△11 Display BE 72c, 75
Erbar Bold Condensed 42△49 42△49 42△49 42△49 42△49 42△49 Display 36b, 72a, 77
Erbar Bold Condensed 48△15 48△15 48△15 48△15 48△15 48△15 Display 45b, 72a, 84
Erbar Bold Condensed No. 1, Caps & Figures 48△19 48△19 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed 48△19
> Erbar Bold Condensed No. 1 48△19 48△19 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed (V.S.), Advertising Figures 36△173 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed Vertical Slug, Figures 36△173 36△173 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed with Erbar Light Condensed 18△56 18△56 18△56 18△56 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed with Erbar Light Condensed 18△56 Display 90
Erbar Bold Condensed with Erbar Light Condensed 24△56 24△56 24△56 24△56 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed with Erbar Light Condensed 24△56 Display 90
Erbar Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 18△417 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△417 18△417 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△361 24△361 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△361 24△361 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△325 30△325 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed, Caps & Figures 54△5 54△5 54△5 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed 54△5 54△5 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed, Caps & Figures 60△9 60△9 60△9 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed 60△9 60△9 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed, Vertical Slug, Figures 14△133 14△133 14△133 One-letter
Erbar Bold Condensed, (V.S.), Figures 24△377 Display
> Erbar Bold Condensed, Vertical Slug, Figures 24△377 24△377 Display
Erbar Bold Condensed, Vertical Slug, Figures, Regular Position 24△445 24△445 Display
Erbar Light Condensed 18△353 18△353 18△353 18△353 18△353 18△353 18△353 Display A 90
Erbar Light Condensed 24△299 24△299 24△299 24△299 24△299 24△299 24△299 Display A 90
Erbar Light Condensed 28△21 28△21 28△21 28△21 28△21 28△21 28△21 Display A 90
Erbar Light Condensed 34△13 34△13 34△13 34△13 34△13 34△13 34△13 Display BE 90, 90c
Erbar Light Condensed 42△47 42△47 42△47 42△47 42△47 Display
Erbar Light Condensed 48△17 48△17 48△17 48△17 48△17 Display
Erbar Light Condensed Advertising Figures 18△431 18△431 Display
> Erbar Light Condensed Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△431 Display
Erbar Light Condensed with Erbar Bold Condensed 8△504 8△504 8△504 8△504 Two-letter
> Erbar Light with Bold Condensed 8△504
Erbar Light Condensed with Erbar Bold Condensed 10△416 10△416 10△416 10△416 10△416 Two-letter
> Erbar Light with Bold Condensed 10△416
Erbar Light Condensed with Erbar Bold Condensed 12△392 12△392 12△392 12△392 12△392 Two-letter
> Erbar Light with Bold Condensed 12△392
Erbar Light Condensed with Erbar Bold Condensed 14△210 14△210 14△210 14△210 14△210 Two-letter
> Erbar Light with Bold Condensed 14△210
Erbar Light Condensed with Erbar Bold Condensed 18△4 18△4 18△4 18△4 Display
Erbar Light Condensed with Poster Bodoni Compressed 18△162 18△162 Display
Erbar Light Condensed with Poster Bodoni Compressed 24△162 24△162 Display
Erbar Light Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△383 Display
> Erbar Light Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△383 24△383 Display
Erbar Light Condensed, Caps & Figures 54△3 54△3 54△3 Display
> Erbar Light Condensed 54△3 54△3 Display
Erbar Light Condensed, Caps & Figures 60△7 60△7 60△7 Display
> Erbar Light Condensed 60△7 60△7 Display
Erbar Medium Condensed 18△391 18△391 18△391 18△391 18△391 18△391 Display 90
Erbar Medium Condensed 24△353 24△353 24△353 24△353 24△353 24△353 Display 90
Erbar Medium Condensed 28△23 28△23 28△23 28△23 28△23 28△23 Display 90
Erbar Medium Condensed 34△15 34△15 34△15 34△15 34△15 34△15 Display 90, 90c
Erbar Medium Condensed 42△59 42△59 42△59 42△59 42△59 42△59 Display 36b, 72d
Erbar Medium Condensed with Erbar Light Condensed 18△88 18△88 18△88 Display
> Erbar Medium Condensed with Light Condensed 18△88 Display 90
Erbar Medium Condensed with Erbar Light Condensed 24△88 24△88 24△88 Display
> Erbar Medium Condensed with Light Condensed 24△88 Display 90
Erbar Medium Condensed, Advertising Figures 14△147 14△147 One-letter
Estienne 16△17 16△17 16△17 16△17 Display
Estienne 16△942 16△942 16△942 Display A
Estienne 18△355 18△355 18△355 18△355 18△355 Display
Estienne 18△865 18△865 Display A
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 8△446 8△446 8△446 8△446 Two-letter
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 8△A18 8△A18 8△A18 Two-letter
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 10△408 10△480 10△408 10△408 10△408 Two-letter *In the 'Linotype Faces' book, it was reffered to as 480 instead of 408. It is unclear if that was a typo.
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 10△A11 10△A11 Two-letter
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 12△380 12△380 12△380 12△380 Two-letter
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 12△980 12△980 12△980 Two-letter
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 14△941 14△941 14△941 Two-letter
Estienne with Italic & Small Caps 14△202 14△202 Two-letter
> Estienne with Italic & Small Caps Special Alignment 14△202 14△202 Two-letter
Estrangela 18△167 18△167 18△167 18△167 18△167 Display Oriental Faces (Syriac)
Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 7△138 7△138 7△138 7△138 7△138 7△138 Two-letter
> Excelsior No. 1 with Boldface No. 2 7△138 Two-letter 61
Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 8△424 8△424 8△424 8△424 8△424 8△424 Two-letter
> Excelsior No. 1 with Boldface No. 2 8△424 Two-letter 61
Excelsior No. 1 with Gothic No. 3 7△156 7△156 7△156 7△156 7△156 7△156 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 7△140 7△140 7△140 7△140 7△140 7△140 7△140 Two-letter 61
Excelsior No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 8△432 8△432 8△432 8△432 8△432 8△432 8△432 Two-letter 61
Excelsior No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 7△136 7△136 7△136 7△136 7△136 7△136 Two-letter
> Excelsior No. 2 with Boldface No. 2 7△136 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 8△440 8△440 8△440 8△440 8△440 Two-letter
> Excelsior No. 2 with Boldface No. 2 8△440 Two-letter 61
Excelsior No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 7△158 7△158 7△158 7△158 7△158 7△158 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 8△468 8△468 8△468 8△468 8△468 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 7△142 7△142 7△142 7△142 7△142 7△142 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 8△444 8△444 8△444 8△444 8△444 Two-letter
Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 5△32 5△32 5△32 5△32 5△32 5△32 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 5½△48 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 5½△48 5½△48 5½△48 5½△48 5½△48 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Boldface No. 2 5½△48 Two-letter 62, 5
Excelsior No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 6△314 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 6△314 6△314 6△314 6△314 6△314 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Boldface No. 2 6△314 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 7½△6 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 7½△6 7½△6 7½△6 7½△6 7½△6 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Boldface No. 2 7½△6 Two-letter 61
Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 7¾△2 7¾△2 7¾△2 7¾△2 Two-letter
Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 9△136 9△136 9△136 9△136 9△136 9△136 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Boldface No. 2 9△136 Two-letter 61
Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 10△380 10△380 10△380 10△380 10△380 10△380 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Boldface No. 2 10△380 Two-letter 61
Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 11△128 11△128 11△128 11△128 11△128 Two-letter
Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 12△378 12△378 12△378 12△378 12△378 12△378 Two-letter
Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 14△214 14△214 14△214 14△214 14△214 Two-letter
Excelsior with Gothic No. 3 5△36 5△36 5△36 5△36 5△36 Two-letter
Excelsior with Gothic No. 3 5½△54 5½△54 5½△54 5½△54 5½△54 Two-letter
Excelsior with Gothic No. 3 6△366 6△366 6△366 Two-letter
Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 5△40 5△40 5△40 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 5½△50 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 5½△50 5½△50 5½△50 5½△50 5½△50 Two-letter
Excelsior No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 6△320 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 6△320 6△320 6△320 6△320 6△320 6△320 Two-letter 61, 5
Excelsior No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 7½△8 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 7½△8 7½△8 7½△8 7½△8 7½△8 7½△8 Two-letter
Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 9△134 9△134 9△134 9△134 9△134 9△134 9△134 Two-letter 61
Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 10△386 10△386 10△386 10△386 10△386 10△386 10△386 Two-letter 61
Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 11△120 11△120 11△120 11△120 11△120 11△120 Two-letter
Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 12△534 12△534 12△534 Two-letter
Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 14△218 14△218 14△218 14△218 14△218 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 6△426 6△426 6△426 6△426 6△426 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 7△190 7△190 7△190 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 7½△24 7½△24 7½△24 7½△24 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 8△502 8△502 8△502 8△502 8△502 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 9△166 9△166 9△166 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 10△466 10△466 10△466 10△466 10△466 10△466 Two-letter 61
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 11△150 11△150 11△150 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 12△488 12△488 12△488 12△488 12△488 Two-letter
Excelsior with Memphis Bold 14△252 14△252 14△252 14△252 14△252 Two-letter
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 6△606 6△606 Two-letter
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 7△606 7△606 Two-letter
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 8△606 8△606 8△606 Two-letter 61
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 9△606 9△606 9△606 Two-letter 61
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 10△606 10△606 10△606 Two-letter 61
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 11△606 11△606 Two-letter
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 12△606 12△606 12△606 Two-letter 61
Fairfield Medium with Italic & Small Caps 14△606 14△606 Two-letter
Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps, 7 point slug 6△476 Two-letter
> Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps 6△476 6△476 6△476 Two-letter 7b, 60
Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps 8△538 8△538 8△538 8△538 Two-letter 9b, 60
Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps 9△174 9△174 9△174 9△174 Two-letter 10b, 60
Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps 10△500 10△500 10△500 10△500 Two-letter 11b, 60
Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps 11△146 11△146 11△146 11△146 Two-letter 12b, 60
Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps 12△508 12△508 12△508 12△508 Two-letter 13b, 60
Fairfield with Italic & Small Caps 14△282 14△282 14△282 14△282 Two-letter 61
Falcon with Italic & Small Caps 7△212 Two-letter
Falcon with Italic & Small Caps 8△594 Two-letter
Falcon with Italic & Small Caps 9△218 Two-letter
Falcon with Italic & Small Caps 10△558 Two-letter
Falcon with Italic & Small Caps 11△184 Two-letter
Falcon with Italic & Small Caps 12△560 Two-letter
Franklin Gothic 18△399 18△399 18△399 18△399 18△399 Display
Franklin Gothic 24△351 24△351 24△351 24△351 24△351 Display
Franklin Old Style 18△177 18△177 18△177 Display BE
Franklin Old Style Italic 18△181 18△181 18△181 Display BE
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 6△228 6△228 6△228 Two-letter
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 7△98 7△98 7△98 Two-letter
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 8△316 8△316 8△316 Two-letter
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 9△84 9△84 9△84 Two-letter
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 10△284 10△284 10△284 Two-letter
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 11△78 11△78 11△78 Two-letter
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 12△240 12△240 12△240 Two-letter
Franklin Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 14△134 14△134 14△134 Two-letter
French Old Style No. 2 18△63 18△63 Display A
French Old Style No. 2, Caps 22△3 Display
French Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 10△30 Two-letter
Furlong Light with Bold 7△206 7△206 7△206 Two-letter Special Usage
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic 6△396 Two-letter
> Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 6△396 6△396 6△396 6△396 Two-letter
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 7△174 7△174 7△174 7△174 7△174 Two-letter
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 8△476 8△476 8△476 8△476 8△476 8△476 Two-letter 61
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 9△154 9△154 9△154 9△154 9△154 Two-letter
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic 10△436 Two-letter
> Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 10△436 10△436 10△436 10△436 10△436 Two-letter 61
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic 11△130 Two-letter
> Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 11△130 11△130 11△130 11△130 Two-letter
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic 12△452 Two-letter
> Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 12△452 12△452 12△452 12△452 12△452 Two-letter 61
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic 14△228 Two-letter
> Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 14△228 14△228 14△228 14△228 Two-letter
Garamond Bold No. 3 18△401 18△401 18△401 18△401 18△401 Display
Garamond Bold No. 3 24△339 24△339 24△339 24△339 24△339 Display
Garamond Bold No. 3 30△261 30△261 30△261 30△261 30△261 Display
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic 18△58 18△58 18△58 18△58 18△58 Display 16a, 90
Garamond Bold No. 3 with Italic 24△58 24△58 24△58 24△58 Display
Garamond Bold No. 3 Italic 18△415 18△415 18△415 18△415 Display
Garamond Bold with Italic 6△286 6△286 6△286 6△286 6△286 6△286 Two-letter
Garamond Bold with Italic 8△380 8△380 8△380 8△380 8△380 8△380 Two-letter
Garamond Bold with Italic 10△314 10△314 10△314 10△314 10△314 10△314 Two-letter
Garamond Bold with Italic 12△286 12△286 12△286 12△286 12△286 12△286 Two-letter
Garamond Bold with Italic 14△164 14△164 14△164 14△164 14△164 14△164 Two-letter
Garamond Bold with Italic 18△22 18△22 18△22 18△22 Display
Garamond Bold with Italic 24△22 24△22 24△22 24△22 Display
Garamond Bold 18△277 18△277 18△277 18△277 18△277 Display A
Garamond Bold 24△235 24△235 24△235 24△235 24△235 24△235 Display BE
Garamond Bold 30△173 30△173 30△173 30△173 30△173 30△173 Display CF
Garamond Bold 36△97 36△97 36△97 36△97 36△97 36△97 Display F
Garamond Bold Italic 18△279 18△279 18△279 18△279 18△279 Display
Garamond Bold Italic 24△237 24△237 24△237 24△237 24△237 24△237 Display BF
Garamond Bold Italic 30△175 30△175 30△175 30△175 30△175 30△175 Display CF
Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 6△398 6△398 6△398 6△398 6△398 6△398 Two-letter 61
Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 7△172 7△172 7△172 7△172 7△172 Two-letter
Garamond No. 3 with Italic 8△478 Two-letter
> Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 8△478 8△478 8△478 8△478 8△478 Two-letter 61
Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 9△152 9△152 9△152 9△152 9△152 9△152 Two-letter 61
Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 10△440 10△440 10△440 10△440 10△440 10△440 Two-letter 61
Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 11△126 11△126 11△126 11△126 11△126 11△126 Two-letter 61
Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 12△454 12△454 12△454 12△454 12△454 12△454 Two-letter 61
Garamond No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 14△236 14△236 14△236 14△236 14△236 14△236 Two-letter 61
Garamond No. 3 18△425 18△425 18△425 Display
Garamond No. 3 with Italic 18△62 18△62 18△62 18△62 18△62 Display 16a, 90
Garamond No. 3 with Italic 24△62 24△62 Display
Garamond with Italic & Small Caps 6△274 6△274 6△274 6△274 6△274 6△274 Two-letter
Garamond with Italic & Small Caps 8△372 8△372 8△372 8△372 8△372 8△372 Two-letter
Garamond with Italic & Small Caps 9△102 9△102 9△102 9△102 9△102 9△102 Two-letter
Garamond with Italic & Small Caps 10△304 10△304 10△304 10△304 10△304 10△304 Two-letter
Garamond with Italic & Small Caps 11△96 11△96 11△96 11△96 11△96 11△96 Two-letter
Garamond with Italic & Small Caps 12△278 12△278 12△278 12△278 12△278 12△278 Two-letter
Garamond with Italic & Small Caps 14△156 14△156 14△156 14△156 14△156 14△156 Two-letter
Garamond 18△265 18△265 18△265 18△265 18△265 Display A
Garamond 24△227 24△227 24△227 24△227 24△227 24△227 Display BE
Garamond 30△165 30△165 30△165 30△165 30△165 30△165 Display CF
Garamond 36△93 36△93 36△93 36△93 36△93 36△93 Display F
Garamond Italic 18△269 18△269 18△269 18△269 18△269 Display A
Garamond Italic 24△229 24△229 24△229 24△229 24△229 24△229 Display BE
Garamond Italic 30△167 30△167 30△167 30△167 30△167 30△167 Display CF
German No. 3 with Bold Face No. 2 6△18 6△18 6△18 6△18 Two-letter
German No. 3 with Bold Face No. 2 8△20 8△20 8△20 8△20 8△20 8△20 Two-letter
German No. 3 with Bold Face No. 2 9△10 9△10 9△10 9△10 9△10 9△10 Two-letter
German No. 3 with Bold Face No. 2 10△38 10△38 10△38 10△38 10△38 10△38 Two-letter
German No. 3 with Bold Face No. 2 11△24 11△24 11△24 11△24 11△24 11△24 Two-letter
German No. 3 with Bold Face No. 2 12△164 12△164 12△164 12△164 12△164 12△164 Two-letter
German No. 4 with Bold Face No. 4 14△118 14△118 14△118 14△118 14△118 14△118 Two-letter
German Bold Face No. 3 18△105 18△105 18△105 18△105 Display A
Heading Text 18△67 18△67 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', this font is mentioned as a part of the face 'German No. 3 with Bold Face No. 2'.
German Bold Face No. 1 9△15 One-letter
German Bold Face No. 2 6△31 One-letter
German Bold Face No. 2 8△61 One-letter
German Bold Face No. 2 10△65 One-letter
German Bold Face No. 2 11△21 One-letter
German Condensed 30△13 30△13 Display A
German No. 1 6△7 One-letter
German No. 1 8△17 One-letter
German No. 1 Figures with Old Style No. 1 Small Caps 8△84 8△84 Two-letter
German No. 1 Figures with Ronaldson Small Caps 8△86 8△86 Two-letter
German No. 2 9△11 One-letter
German No. 2 10△19 10△19 One-letter
German No. 3 6△9 One-letter
German No. 3 8△19 One-letter
German No. 3 10△21 One-letter
German No. 3 11△13 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 1 8△69 8△69 8△69 8△69 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 1 10△69 10△69 10△69 10△69 10△69 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 1 11△17 11△17 11△17 11△17 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 1 12△13 12△13 12△13 12△13 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 1 14△5 14△5 14△5 14△5 14△5 14△5 One-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
Gothic Condensed No. 1 18△33 18△33 18△33 18△33 18△33 18△33 Display A
Gothic Condensed No. 1 Sectional, Advertising Figures 24△1 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 1, Advertising Figures 16△9 16△9 16△9 16△9 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 1, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 16△9 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 1, Advertising Figures 18△29 18△29 18△29 18△29 18△29 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 1, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△29 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 1, Advertising Figures 24△19 24△19 24△19 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 1, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△19 24△19 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 1 (Figures) 7△43 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 1, Figures 7△43 7△43 7△43 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 1, Sectional 18△51 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 1, Sectional Figures, Two-Line 18△2 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 1, Sectional Figures, Two-Line 24△2 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 2 6△53 6△53 6△53 6△53 6△53 6△53 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 8△39 8△39 8△39 8△39 8△39 8△39 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 Duplicate 8△570 8△570 8△570 Two-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 10△41 10△41 10△41 10△41 10△41 10△41 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 10△87 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 12△17 12△17 12△17 12△17 12△17 12△17 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 14△3 14△3 14△3 14△3 14△3 14△3 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 18△1 18△1 18△1 18△1 18△1 18△1 18△1 Display A 90
Gothic Condensed No. 2 24△21 24△21 24△21 24△21 24△21 24△21 24△21 Display A 90
Gothic Condensed No. 2 30△3 30△3 30△3 30△3 30△3 30△3 30△3 Display A 90, 90c *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
Gothic Condensed No. 2 36△23 36△23 36△23 36△23 36△23 36△23 36△23 Display A 90, 90c
Gothic Condensed No. 2 42△27 42△27 Display BE
> Gothic Condensed No. 2, Caps & Figures 42△27 42△27 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 42△27 42△27 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 2 Duplicate 10△532 10△532 10△532 Two-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 with Cheltenham Compressed 12△188 12△188 Two-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 with Cheltenham Compressed 14△112 14△112 Two-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures 18△463 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△463 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures 24△419 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△419 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures 36△13 36△13 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 2, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△13 36△13 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 2 (Vertical Slug) 6△123 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 (Vertical Slug) Caps 6△123 6△123 6△123 6△123 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 6△123 One-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
Gothic Condensed No. 2 6△123 One-letter Food Store Typography *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'. *In 'Linotype Faces', also referred to as 'vertical gothic'.
Gothic Condensed No. 2 (Vertical Slug) 10△137 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 (Vertical Slug) Caps 10△137 10△137 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 10△137 One-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
Gothic Condensed No. 2 10△137 One-letter Food Store Typography *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'. *In 'Linotype Faces', also referred to as 'vertical gothic'.
> Gothic Condensed No. 2, Vertical Slug, Caps 10△137 10△137 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 2 (Vertical Slug) 12△153 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 (Vertical Slugs), Caps 12△153 12△153 12△153 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 12△153 One-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
Gothic Condensed No. 2 12△153 One-letter Food Store Typography *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'. *In 'Linotype Faces', also referred to as 'vertical gothic'.
> Gothic Condensed No. 2 Vertical Slugs, Caps 12△153 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps & Figures 20△27 20△27 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps 20△27 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps & Figures 24△59 24△59 24△59 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps 24△59 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps & Figures 28△5 28△5 28△5 28△5 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 3 30△1 30△1 30△1 Display A
> Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps & Figures 30△1 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps 30△1 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 3 34△3 Display A
> Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps & Figures 34△3 34△3 34△3 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 3 34△3 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 3 36△1 36△1 36△1 36△1 36△1 Display A
Gothic Condensed No. 3 48△3 Display BE
> Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps & Figures 48△3 48△3 48△3 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 3 48△3 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 3 60△5 Display BE
> Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps & Figures 60△5 60△5 60△5 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 3 60△5 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 3B, Caps, Figures and Points 30△273 30△273 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 3B, Caps 30△273 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 4 5½△31 One-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 4 6△97 6△97 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed No. 4, regular position 6△97 Telephone Face
Gothic Condensed No. 4 30△181 Display A
> Gothic Condensed No. 4, Caps & Figures 30△181 30△181 30△181 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 4, Caps 30△181 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 4 42△25 Display A
> Gothic Condensed No. 4, Caps & Figures 42△25 42△25 Display
> Gothic Condensed No. 4 42△25 Display
Gothic Condensed No. 5 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 6△444 6△444 6△444 Two-letter
Gothic Condensed No. 11, Caps 5½△19 One-letter
Gothic Italic No. 4 6△27 One-letter
Gothic Italic No. 4 8△43 One-letter
Gothic Italic No. 4 (Duplicate Character) 6△134 Two-letter
Gothic No. 2 6△47 One-letter
Gothic No. 2 7△13 One-letter
Gothic No. 2 (Duplicate Character) 7△64 Two-letter
Gothic No. 2, Vertical Slug, Figures 7△53 One-letter
Gothic No. 3 8△41 One-letter
Gothic No. 3 8△184 Two-letter
Gothic No. 3 10△43 One-letter
Gothic No. 3 12△49 One-letter
Gothic No. 3 Duplicate 5△42 5△42 5△42 Two-letter
Gothic No. 3 with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 8△66 Two-letter
Gothic No. 3 with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 8△144 Two-letter
Gothic No. 3 with 11 point Gothic Condensed No. 1 10△102 10△102 10△102 10△102 10△102 10△102 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
Gothic No. 3 with 12 point De Vinne Condensed 10△136 10△136 10△136 Two-letter
Gothic No. 3 with Title No. 2 8△168 Two-letter
Gothic No. 3, Caps 8△111 One-letter
Gothic No. 3, Figures 6△59 6△59 6△59 6△59 One-letter
Gothic No. 3, Figures 7△35 One-letter
Gothic No. 4 7△15 One-letter
Gothic No. 4 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 7△60 7△60 7△60 7△60 7△60 Two-letter
Gothic No. 4 (Sectional Figures) 10△150 Two-letter
Gothic No. 4, Sectional Figures 12△61 One-letter
Gothic No. 4, Sectional Figures 12△34 Two-letter
Gothic No. 5 with Gothic Condensed No. 1 12△30 12△30 12△30 12△30 12△30 12△30 Two-letter
Gothic No. 5 12△15 One-letter
Small Gothic No. 5 12△83 One-letter
Gothic No. 5 20△15 Display
Gothic No. 6 (Duplicate Character, Vertical Slug) 8△322 Two-letter
Gothic No. 8 6△55 One-letter
Gothic No. 8 Figures, Duplicate Character 6△84 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 8 (Duplicate Character, Caps & Figures) 6△84 Two-letter
Gothic No. 8 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 8△130 8△130 8△130 8△130 8△130 Two-letter
Gothic No. 9 8△23 One-letter
Gothic No. 9, Duplicate Character, Figures 5△10 5△10 5△10 5△10 Two-letter
Gothic No. 9, Figures 5△5 One-letter
Gothic No. 9, Figures 6△91 One-letter
Gothic No. 9, Figures 7△49 One-letter
Gothic No. 12 with 6 point Bell Gothic Bold (Cap Font) 7△228 7△228 Two-letter
Gothic No. 12, regular position 7△63 One-letter Telephone Face
Gothic No. 12, (6 point slug), Caps 7△63 One-letter
> Gothic No. 12 7△63 7△63 7△63 One-letter 6b, 3
Gothic 12 (7 point slug), Caps 8△165 One-letter
> Gothic 12 8△165 8△165 One-letter
> Gothic No. 12 8△165 One-letter 7b, 3
Gothic No. 12 10△83 One-letter
Gothic No. 13 12△57 12△57 12△57 One-letter
Gothic No. 13 18△65 18△65 18△65 18△65 18△65 18△65 18△65 Display A 90
Gothic No. 13 24△51 24△51 24△51 24△51 24△51 24△51 24△51 Display A 90b
Gothic No. 13 30△59 30△59 30△59 30△59 30△59 30△59 30△59 Display A 90b
Gothic No. 13 36△61 36△61 36△61 36△61 36△61 36△61 36△61 Display BE 72c, 76 *In 'Linotype Faces' also available as Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary position
Gothic No. 13 48△21 48△21 48△21 48△21 48△21 Display
Gothic 13 Duplicate Character, Figures 8△598 8△598 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 Duplicate Character, Figures 10△516 10△516 10△516 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 Duplicate Character, Figures 12△436 12△436 12△436 12△436 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces' also available as Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures
Gothic No. 13 Duplicate Character, Figures 14△278 14△278 14△278 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with 12 point Gothic No. 16 18△98 18△98 18△98 18△98 Display 63, 90
Gothic No. 13 with 14 point Gothic No. 16 24△100 24△100 24△100 24△100 Display 64, 90b
Gothic No. 13 with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 8△318 8△318 8△318 8△318 8△318 8△318 8△318 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 10△286 10△286 10△286 10△286 10△286 10△286 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 12△242 12△242 12△242 12△242 12△242 12△242 12△242 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 14△136 14△136 14△136 14△136 14△136 14△136 14△136 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 18△36 18△36 18△36 18△36 18△36 18△36 Display 90
Gothic No. 13 with Cheltenham Bold Condensed 24△36 24△36 24△36 24△36 24△36 24△36 Display 90b
Gothic No. 13 with De Vinne Condensed 8△204 8△204 8△204 8△204 8△204 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with De Vinne Condensed 10△154 10△154 10△154 10△154 10△154 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with De Vinne Condensed 12△102 12△102 12△102 12△102 12△102 12△102 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with De Vinne Condensed 14△48 14△48 14△48 14△48 14△48 14△48 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with Gothic Condensed No. 1 14△324 14△324 Two-letter
Gothic No. 13 with Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 18△120 18△120 18△120 18△120 Display 90
Gothic No. 13 with Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 24△120 24△120 24△120 24△120 Display 90b
Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures 12△436 Display *In the other books available as Gothic No. 13 Duplicate Character, Figures *The 'Linotype Faces' book mentions that it is both in regular and auxiliary positions
Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures 14△61 One-letter
> Gothic No. 13 14△61 14△61 14△61 14△61 One-letter *The 'Linotype Faces' book mentions that it is both in regular and auxiliary positions
Gothic No. 13 14△61 One-letter Food Store Typography *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'.
Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures 18△289 18△289 18△289 Display A
> Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△289 18△289 18△289 Display A
Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures 24△187 24△187 24△187 Display
> Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△187 24△187 24△187 Display
Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures 30△37 30△37 30△37 Display
> Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△37 30△37 30△37 Display
Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary position 36△61 Display *The 'Linotype Faces' book mentions that it is both in regular and auxiliary positions
Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures 42△53 42△53 42△53 42△53 Display
> Gothic No. 13, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary position 42△53 Display
Gothic No. 13 (6 point slug) Caps 7△61 7△61 7△61 One-letter
> Gothic No. 13, Caps 7△61 7△61 One-letter
> Gothic No. 13, Caps (No Figures) 7△61 One-letter Special Usage, 6a, 6b, 1
Gothic No. 13, Hebrew Alignment, Figures 30△99 30△99 Display
> Gothic No. 13 30△99 Display
Gothic No. 13, Vertical Slug, Caps & Figures 12△185 One-letter
Gothic No. 13, Vertical Slug 12△185 12△185 One-letter
Gothic No. 14 18△43 18△43 18△43 18△43 18△43 Display A *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
Gothic No. 14 28△1 Display A
> Gothic No. 14, Caps & Figures 28△1 28△1 28△1 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
> Gothic No. 14, Caps 28△1 Display
Gothic No. 14 34△1 Display A
Gothic No. 14, Caps & Figures 34△1 34△1 34△1 34△1 Display
Gothic No. 14 34△1 Display
Gothic No. 14 (Duplicate Character Figures) 24△140 Display
Gothic No. 14 36△3 Display A
> Gothic No. 14, Caps & Figures 36△3 36△3 36△3 Display
> Gothic No. 14 36△3 Display
Gothic No. 14 42△1 42△1 Display A
> Gothic No. 14, Caps & Figures 42△1 42△1 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
> Gothic No. 14 42△1 42△1 Display
Gothic No. 14 48△1 Display BE
> Gothic No. 14 48△1 48△1 48△1 Display
> Gothic No. 14, Caps & Figures 48△1 Display
Gothic No. 14 54△1 54△1 54△1 54△1 54△1 Display
Gothic No. 14 60△1 Display BE
> Gothic No. 14, Caps & Figures 60△1 60△1 60△1 Display
> Gothic No. 14 60△1 Display
Gothic No. 14B, Caps & Figures 28△3 28△3 Display
Gothic No. 15 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 12△238 12△238 12△238 12△238 12△238 Two-letter
Gothic No. 15 with Bold Face No. 4 12△44 12△44 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 10△139 10△139 10△139 10△139 10△139 10△139 One-letter
Gothic No. 16 12△163 12△163 12△163 12△163 12△163 12△163 One-letter
Gothic No. 16 14△119 14△119 14△119 14△119 14△119 14△119 One-letter
Gothic No. 16 14△119 One-letter Food Store Typography *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'.
Gothic No. 16 18△179 18△179 18△179 18△179 18△179 18△179 18△179 Display A 19a, 72e, 90
Gothic No. 16 24△139 24△139 24△139 24△139 24△139 24△139 24△139 Display BE 25a, 72c, 72f, 76
Gothic No. 16 30△93 30△93 30△93 30△93 30△93 30△93 30△93 Display CF 5, 72a, 77
Gothic No. 16 36△59 36△59 36△59 36△59 36△59 36△59 36△59 Display CF 72, 72g, 73 *In 'Linotype Faces' also available as Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position
Gothic No. 16 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 6△486 6△486 6△486 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 8△260 8△260 8△260 8△260 8△260 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 10△224 10△224 10△224 10△224 10△224 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 11△100 11△100 11△100 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 (Duplicate Character, Figures) 12△158 12△158 12△158 12△158 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16, Figures, Duplicate font 14△92 14△92 14△92 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 (Duplicate Character) (Part Font) 14△92 14△92 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Century Bold 18△124 18△124 18△124 18△124 Display 19a, 90
Gothic No. 16 with Century Bold 24△124 24△124 24△124 24△124 Display 25a, 72c, 76
Gothic No. 16 with Cheltenham Bold 8△320 8△320 8△320 8△320 8△320 8△320 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Cheltenham Bold 10△288 10△288 10△288 10△288 10△288 10△288 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Cheltenham Bold 12△244 12△244 12△244 12△244 12△244 12△244 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Cheltenham Bold 14△138 14△138 14△138 14△138 14△138 14△138 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Cheltenham Bold 18△34 18△34 18△34 18△34 18△34 Display
Gothic No. 16 with Cheltenham Bold 24△34 24△34 24△34 24△34 24△34 Display
Gothic No. 16 with Memphis Extra Bold 18△130 18△130 Display
Gothic No. 16 with Memphis Extra Bold 24△130 24△130 Display
Gothic No. 16 with Title No. 4 8△206 8△206 8△206 8△206 8△206 8△206 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Title No. 4 10△152 10△152 10△152 10△152 10△152 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Title No. 4 10△156 10△156 10△156 10△156 10△156 10△156 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Title No. 4 12△104 12△104 12△104 12△104 12△104 12△104 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16 with Title No. 4 14△50 14△50 14△50 14△50 14△50 14△50 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures 14△9 14△9 14△9 14△9 14△9 One-letter
> Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 14△9
Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures 18△5 18△5 18△5 18△5 18△5 Display
> Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△5
Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures 24△45 24△45 24△45 Display
> Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△45 24△45 24△45 Display
Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures 30△33 30△33 Display
> Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△33 30△33 30△33 Display
Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△59 *Also available as Gothic No. 16
Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures 42△7 42△7 42△7 Display
> Gothic No. 16, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 42△7 42△7 Display
Gothic No. 16, Figures 6△125 6△125 6△125 6△125 One-letter
Gothic No. 16, Figures 8△159 8△159 8△159 8△159 One-letter
Gothic No. 16, Figures 14△81 Two-letter
Gothic No. 16, Figures 24△109 Display
Gothic No. 16, Hebrew Alignment, Figures 30△63 30△63 Display
> Gothic No. 16 30△63 Display
Gothic No. 17 with Bold Face No. 2, Figures 5½△28 5½△28 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17, Figures 5½△23 One-letter
Gothic No. 17 14△141 14△141 One-letter *only available as an E-triangle
Gothic No. 17 D.C. 18△180 One-letter 2, 90
Gothic No. 17 with Italic Gothic No. 19 6△610 6△610 6△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19 7△610 7△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19 8△610 8△610 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed with Bold Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19) 8△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19 9△610 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed with Bold Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19) 9△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19 10△610 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed with Bold Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19) 10△610 10△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19 11△610 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed with Bold Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19) 11△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19 12△610 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extra Condensed with Bold Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19) 12△610 12△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19 14△610 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed with Bold Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17 with Gothic No. 19) 14△610 14△610 Two-letter
Gothic No. 17 18△469 18△469 Display 90 *also available with an E-triangle
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17) 18△469 Display *also available with an E-triangle
Gothic No. 17 24△387 24△387 Display 90 *also available with an E-triangle
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17) 24△387 Display *also available with an E-triangle
Gothic No. 17 30△333 30△333 Display 90
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17) 30△333 Display
Gothic No. 17 36△209 36△209 Display 90
> Trade Gothic Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 17) 36△209 Display
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 6△502 6△502 6△502 Two-letter *also available as an E-triangle
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 7△216 7△216 7△216 Two-letter
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20, Spec. Mfg 7△242 Two-letter
Gothic No. 18, Figs 8△167 8△167 One-letter
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 8△582 8△582 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
> Trade Gothic Condensed with Bold Condensed (Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20) 8△582 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 9△222 9△222 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Condensed with Bold Condensed (Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20) 9△222 Two-letter
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 10△548 10△548 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
> Trade Gothic Condensed with Bold Condensed (Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20) 10△548 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 11△192 11△192 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Condensed with Bold Condensed (Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20) 11△192 Two-letter
Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 12△556 12△556 Two-letter
> Trade Gothic Condensed with Bold Condensed (Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20) 12△556 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Condensed with Bold Condensed (Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20) 14△302 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
> Gothic No. 18 with Gothic No. 20 14△302 Two-letter
Gothic No. 18 12△65 12△65 12△65 12△65 12△65 One-letter
Gothic No. 18 14△33 14△33 14△33 14△33 14△33 One-letter
Gothic No. 18 14△145 14△145 One-letter
Gothic No. 18 18△71 18△71 18△71 18△71 18△71 18△71 Display A
Gothic No. 18 Duplicate Characters 18△182 Display 90b
Gothic No. 18 24△53 24△53 24△53 24△53 24△53 24△53 Display A
Gothic No. 19 Duplicate Character 6△514 Two-letter
Gothic No. 19 with Gothic No. 17 18△136 18△136 Display 90
> Trade Gothic Bold Extra Condensed with Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 19 with Gothic No. 17) 18△136 Display
Gothic No. 19 with Gothic No. 17 24△136 24△136 Display 90
Trade Gothic Bold Extra Condensed with Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 19 with Gothic No. 17) 24△136 Display
Gothic No. 20 with Gothic No. 18 18△138 18△138 Display 90 *also available with an E-triangle
> Trade Gothic Bold Extra Condensed with Extra Condensed (Gothic No. 20 with Gothic No. 18) 18△138 Display *also available with an E-triangle
Gothic No. 20 with Gothic No. 18 24△138 24△138 Display 90 *also available with an E-triangle
> Trade Gothic Bold Condensed with Condensed (Gothic No. 20 with Gothic No. 18) 24△138 Display *also available with an E-triangle
Gothic No. 23, Figures 8△109 One-letter
Gothic No. 25 with 6 point Gothic No. 26 6△170 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25 with 6 point Gothic No. 26, Caps and Figures 6△170 6△170 6△170 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25 with 6 point Gothic No. 26 6△170 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25 with Gothic No. 26 8△266 8△266 8△266 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 25 with Gothic No. 26, Caps & Figures 8△266
Gothic No. 25 with Gothic No. 26 10△228 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25 with Gothic No. 26, Caps and Figures 10△228 10△228 10△228* Two-letter *10△224 was mentioned twice in this book, but I assume 10△228 was intended here
Gothic No. 25 with Gothic No. 26 10△228 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25 with Gothic No. 26 12△168 12△168 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 25 with Gothic No. 26, Caps & Figures 12△168 12△168 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25A with 6 point Gothic Condensed No. 2 6△164 6△164 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 25A with 6 point Gothic Condensed No. 2, Caps and Figures 6△164 6△164 6△164 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25B with 8 point Gothic Condensed No. 2 6△166 6△166 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 25B with 8 point Gothic Condensed No. 2, Caps and Figures 6△166 6△166 6△166 Two-letter
Gothic No. 25C with 6 point Gothic No. 26C 6△168 6△168 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 25C with 6 point Gothic No. 26C, Caps and Figures 6△168 6△168 6△168 Two-letter
Gothic No. 27, Figures 8△113 One-letter
Gothic No. 29 with Gothic No. 30 6△204 6△204 6△204 6△204 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 29 with Gothic No. 30, Caps & Figures 6△204 6△204 6△204 Two-letter
Gothic No. 29 with Gothic No. 30 12△208 12△208 12△208 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 29 with Gothic No. 30, Caps & Figures 12△208 12△208 12△208 Two-letter
Gothic No. 29, Caps & Figures 18△139 18△139 Display BE
> Gothic No. 29, Caps & Figures 18△139 18△139 18△139 Display
Gothic No. 29A with Gothic No. 30A 6△210 6△210 6△210 6△210 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 29A with Gothic No. 30A, Caps & Figures 6△210 6△210 6△210 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
Gothic No. 29A with Gothic No. 30A 12△214 12△214 12△214 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 29A with Gothic No. 30A, Caps & Figures 12△214 12△214 12△214 Two-letter
Gothic No. 29A 18△145 Display A
> Gothic No. 29A, Caps & Figures 18△145 18△145 18△145 Display
> Gothic No. 29A, Caps 18△145 Display
Gothic No. 29B with Gothic No. 30B 6△208 6△208 6△208 6△208 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 29B with Gothic No. 30B, Caps & Figures 6△208 6△208 6△208 Two-letter
Gothic No. 29B with Gothic No. 30B 12△212 12△212 12△212 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 29B with Gothic No. 30B, Caps & Figures 12△212 12△212 12△212 Two-letter
Gothic No. 29C with Gothic No. 30C 6△206 6△206 6△206 6△206 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 29C with Gothic No. 30C, Caps & Figures 6△206 6△206 6△206 Two-letter
Gothic No. 29C with Gothic No. 30C 12△210 12△210 12△210 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 29C with Gothic No. 30C, Caps & Figures 12△210 12△210 12△210 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Greek Gothic.
Gothic No. 30 18△141 18△141 Display BE
> Gothic No. 30, Caps & Figures 18△141 18△141 18△141 Display
Gothic No. 30A 18△147 Display A
Gothic No. 30A, Caps & Figures 18△147 18△147 18△147 Display
Gothic No. 30A, Caps & Figures 18△147 Display
Gothic No. 30B Figures with Underscore 11△188 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 30B Figures with Underscore (Bank Identification Figures) 11△188 Two-letter
Gothic No. 30 Figures with Underscore 7△220 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 30 Figures with Underscore (Bank Identification Figures) 7△220 Two-letter Two-letter Two-letter
> Bank Identification Figures: Gothic No. 30 Figures with Underscore, Figures and Hyphen 7△220 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49)
Gothic No. 31 with Gothic No. 32 6△256 6△256 6△256 6△256 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 31 with Gothic No. 32, Caps & Figures 6△256 6△256 6△256 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31 with Gothic No. 32 12△266 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31 with Gothic No. 32, Caps & Figures 12△266 12△266 12△266 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31 with Gothic No. 32, Caps (14 point Slug) 12△266 12△266 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31 with Gothic No. 33, Caps & Figures 6△248 6△248 6△248 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31 with Gothic No. 33 6△248 6△248 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31 18△143 Display CF
> Gothic No. 31, Caps & Figures 18△143 18△143 18△143 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Bold Face No. 9 with Gothic No. 31
> Gothic No. 31, Caps 18△143 Display
Gothic No. 31A Duplicate (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△718 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 32A 6△258 6△258 6△258 6△258 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 32A, Caps & Figures 6△258 6△258 6△258 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 32A, Caps (12 point Slug) 12△576 12△576 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 32A 12△268 12△268 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 16s, 14b, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 32A, Caps & Figures 12△268 12△268 12△268 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 32A, Caps (14 point Slug) 12△268 12△268 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 33A, Caps & Figures 6△252 6△252 6△252 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31A with Gothic No. 33A 6△252 6△252 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31A 18△149 Display BE
> Gothic No. 31A, Caps & Figures 18△149 18△149 18△149 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', also available as Bold Face No. 9A with Gothic No. 31A
> Gothic No. 31A, Caps 18△149 Display
Gothic No. 31B Duplicate (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△720 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31B, Duplicate Character 12△720 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 12a, 10b, 3 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 32B 6△260 6△260 6△260 6△260 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2
> Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 32B, Caps & Figures 6△260 6△260 6△260 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 32B, Caps (12 point Slug) 12△578 12△578 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 32B 12△270 12△270 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 16s, 14b, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 32B, Caps & Figures 12△270 12△270 12△270 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 32B, Caps (14 point Slug) 12△270 12△270 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 33B, Caps & Figures 6△254 6△254 6△254 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31B with Gothic No. 33B 6△254 6△254 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31C Duplicate (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△722 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31C, Duplicate Character 12△722 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 12a, 10b, 3 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 32C 6△262 6△262 6△262 6△262 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 32C, Caps & Figures 6△262 6△262 6△262 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 32C, Caps (12 point Slug) 12△580 12△580 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 32C 12△272 12△272 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 16s, 14b, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 32C, Caps & Figures 12△272 12△272 12△272 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 32C, Caps (14 point Slug) 12△272 12△272 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 33C, Caps & Figures 6△270 6△270 6△270 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 33C 6△270 6△270 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 33C, Caps & Figures 12△486 12△486 12△486 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31C with Gothic No. 33C, Caps 12△486 12△486 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31D Duplicate (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△724 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31D, Duplicate Character 12△724 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 12a, 10b, 3 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Gothic No. 31D with Gothic No. 32D, Caps (12 point Slug) 12△582 12△582 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31D with Gothic No. 32D, Caps & Figures 12△396 12△396 12△396 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31D with Gothic No. 32D, Caps (14pt Slug) 12△396 12△396 Two-letter
Gothic No. 31E Duplicate (12 point Alignment—10 point Slug) 12△726 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 31E, Duplicate Character 12△726 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 12a, 10b, 3 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
Gothic No. 32 with Gothic No. 33 6△236 6△236 6△236 6△236 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 32 with Gothic No. 33, Caps & Figures 6△236 6△236 6△236 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32 with Gothic No. 33 12△250 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32 with Gothic No. 33, Caps & Figures 12△250 12△250 12△250 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32 with Gothic No. 33, Caps 12△250 12△250 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32A with Gothic No. 33A 6△238 6△238 6△238 6△238 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 32A with Gothic No. 33A, Caps & Figures 6△238 6△238 6△238 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32A with Gothic No. 33A 12△252 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32A with Gothic No. 33A, Caps & Figures 12△252 12△252 12△252 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32A with Gothic No. 33A, Caps 12△252 12△252 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32B Figures with Underscore 11△186 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32B Figures with Underscore (Bank Identification Figures) 11△186 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32B with Gothic No. 33B 6△240 6△240 6△240 6△240 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 32B with Gothic No. 33B, Caps & Figures 6△240 6△240 6△240 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32B with Gothic No. 33B 12△254 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32B with Gothic No. 33B, Caps & Figures 12△254 12△254 12△254 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32B with Gothic No. 33B, Caps 12△254 12△254 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32C with Gothic No. 33C 6△242 6△242 Two-letter Lining Gothics, 6 1/2a, 98, 2 *The 1970+ edition mentions: Mergenthalers Lining Gothics Base align when sizes are mixed.
> Gothic No. 32C with Gothic No. 33C, Caps & Figures 6△242 6△242 6△242 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32C with Gothic No. 33C, Caps 6△242 6△242 Two-letter
Gothic No. 32C with Gothic No. 33C 12△256 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32C with Gothic No. 33C, Caps & Figures 12△256 12△256 12△256 Two-letter
> Gothic No. 32C with Gothic No. 33C, Caps 12△256 12△256 Two-letter
Gothic No. 38 10△115 10△115 10△115 10△115 10△115 One-letter
Gothic No. 38 12△129 12△129 One-letter
> Gothic No. 36 12△129 12△129 12△129 One-letter
Gothic No. 38 14△87 14△87 14△87 One-letter
> Gothic No. 38, 15 point alignment 14△87 14△87 One-letter
Gothic No. 38 18△251 18△251 18△251 18△251 18△251 Display BE
Gothic No. 38 24△215 24△215 24△215 24△215 24△215 Display CF
Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures 18△367 18△367 Display
> Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△367 18△367 Display
Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures 24△309 24△309 Display
> Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△309 24△309 Display
Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures 30△231 30△231 Display
> Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△231 30△231 Display
Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures 36△131 36△131 Display
> Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△131 36△131 Display
Gothic No. 39, Advertising Figures 42△39 42△39 Display
> Gothic No. 39 42△39 42△39 Display
Gothic No. 39, Figures 18△373 18△373 18△373 18△373 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternative figures set from Metrothin No. 2
Gothic No. 39, Figures, Auxiliary Position 24△315 24△315 24△315 24△315 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternative figures set from Metrothin No. 2
Gothic No. 39, Figures, Auxiliary Position 30△239 30△239 30△239 30△239 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternative figures set from Metrothin No. 2
Gothic No. 39 36△131 *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternative figures set from Metrothin No. 2
Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures 18△369 18△369 Display
> Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△369 18△369 18△369 Display
Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures 24△311 24△311 Display
> Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△311 24△311 24△311 Display
Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures 30△233 30△233 Display
> Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△233 30△233 30△233 Display
Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures 36△133 36△133 Display
> Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△133 36△133 Display
Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures 42△41 42△41 Display
> Gothic No. 40, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 42△41 42△41 Display
Gothic No. 40, Figures 18△375 18△375 18△375 Display
Gothic No. 40, Figures, Auxiliary Position 24△317 24△317 24△317 Display
Gothic No. 40, Figures, Auxiliary Position 30△241 30△241 30△241 Display
Gothic No. 41 Duplicate Character, Figures 6△178 6△178 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41 Duplicate Character, Figures 8△588 8△588 8△588 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41 Duplicate Character, Figures 10△514 10△514 10△514 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41 Duplicate Character, Figures 12△520 12△520 12△520 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41 Duplicate Character, Figures 14△296 14△296 14△296 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41, Duplicate Character, Figures 18△140 18△140 Display
Gothic No. 41 with Poster Bodoni, Figures 8△648 8△648 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41 with Poster Bodoni, Figures 10△648 10△648 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41 with Poster Bodoni, Figures 12△648 12△648 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41 with Poster Bodoni, Figures 14△648 14△648 Two-letter
Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures 18△371 18△371 Display
> Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△371 18△371 18△371 Display
Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures 24△313 24△313 Display
> Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△313 24△313 24△313 Display
Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 24△319 24△319 24△319 24△319 Display
Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures 30△235 30△235 Display
> Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△235 30△235 30△235 Display
Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures 36△135 36△135 Display
> Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△135 36△135 36△135 Display
Gothic No. 41, Advertising Figures 42△43 42△43 Display
> Gothic No. 41 42△43 42△43 42△43 Display
Gothic No. 41, Figures 8△157 8△157 8△157 8△157 One-letter
Gothic No. 41, Figures 10△143 10△143 10△143 10△143 One-letter
Gothic No. 41, Figures 12△167 12△167 12△167 12△167 One-letter
Gothic No. 41, Figures 14△121 14△121 14△121 14△121 One-letter
Gothic No. 41, Figures 18△377 18△377 Display
> Gothic No. 41, Figures, Auxiliary Position 18△377 18△377 Display
Gothic No. 41, Figures, Auxiliary Position 30△243 30△243 30△243 30△243 Display
Gothic No. 44 with Gothic No. 42, Figures 8△490 8△490 8△490 8△490 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternate figures set from Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2
Gothic No. 44 with Gothic No. 42, Figures 10△456 10△456 10△456 10△456 10△456 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternate figures set from Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 3
Gothic No. 44 with Gothic No. 42, Figures 12△468 12△468 12△468 12△468 12△468 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternate figures set from Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 4
Gothic No. 44 with Gothic No. 42, Figures 14△242 14△242 14△242 14△242 14△242 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', this was the alternate figures set from Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 5
Gothic No. 44, Figures 18△395 18△395 18△395 Display
Gothic No. 44, Figures 24△375 Display
> Gothic No. 44, Figures, Auxiliary Position 24△375 Display
Gothic No. 44, Figures 30△281 Display
> Gothic No. 44, Figures, Auxiliary Position 30△281 Display
Gothic No. 44, Figures 36△153 36△153 Display
Gothic No. 45 with Gothic No. 43, Figures 8△492 8△492 8△492 Two-letter
Gothic No. 45 with Gothic No. 43, Figures 10△458 10△458 10△458 10△458 Two-letter
Gothic No. 45 with Gothic No. 43, Figures 12△470 12△470 12△470 12△470 Two-letter
Gothic No. 45 with Gothic No. 43, Figures 14△244 14△244 14△244 14△244 Two-letter
Gothic Relief, Cap Font 14△77 14△77 14△77 14△77 One-letter
Gothic Condensed Outline 12△125 12△125 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed Outline (15 point alignment) 12△125 One-letter
> Gothic Condensed Outline, Cap Font 12△125 One-letter
Gothic Condensed Outline, Caps & Figures 18△247 18△247 18△247 Display A
> Gothic Condensed Outline 18△247
> Gothic Condensed Italic 18△247 Display
Granjon with Granjon Bold 6△306 6△306 6△306 6△306 6△306 6△306 Two-letter
Granjon with Granjon Bold 8△418 8△418 8△418 8△418 8△418 8△418 Two-letter
> Granjon with Bold 8△418 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Granjon Bold 9△176 9△176 9△176 Two-letter
> Granjon with Bold 9△176 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Granjon Bold 10△376 10△376 10△376 10△376 10△376 10△376 Two-letter
> Granjon with Bold 10△376 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Granjon Bold 11△114 11△114 11△114 11△114 11△114 11△114 Two-letter
> Granjon with Bold 11△114 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Granjon Bold 12△316 12△316 12△316 12△316 12△316 12△316 Two-letter
> Granjon with Bold 12△316 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Granjon Bold 14△192 14△192 14△192 14△192 14△192 14△192 Two-letter
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 6△372 6△372 6△372 6△372 6△372 Two-letter
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 6△668 6△668 Two-letter
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 8△386 8△386 8△386 8△386 8△386 8△386 8△386 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 9△671 9△671 Two-letter
Granjon No. 137 with Italic & Small Caps 9△142 9△142 9△142 9△142 9△142 Two-letter 61 *in 'Linotype Faces' just mentioned as Granjon with Italic (and small caps were shown).
> Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 9△142 Two-letter *in the other books mentioned as No. 137
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 10△318 10△318 10△318 10△318 10△318 10△318 10△318 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 11△102 11△102 11△102 11△102 11△102 11△102 11△102 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 12△288 12△288 12△288 12△288 12△288 12△288 12△288 Two-letter 61
Granjon with Italic & Small Caps 14△170 14△170 14△170 14△170 14△170 14△170 14△170 Two-letter 61
Granjon 18△301 18△301 18△301 18△301 18△301 18△301 Display A
Granjon 21△19 21△19 21△19 21△19 21△19 Display A
Granjon Small Caps 21△19 *in 'Linotype Faces' mentioned as a separate font
Granjon 24△321 24△321 24△321 Display
Granjon 24△683 24△683 Display BE
Granjon 30△245 30△245 30△245 Display
Granjon 30△685 30△685 Display F
Granjon 36△638 36△638 Display F
Granjon, Caps & Figures 48△687 48△687 48△687 Display
Granjon Italic 18△303 18△303 18△303 18△303 18△303 18△303 Display A
Granjon Italic 21△23 21△23 Display
Granjon Italic 21△684 21△684 Display A
Granjon Italic 24△323 24△323 24△323 Display
Granjon Italic 24△840 24△840 Display BE
Greek Benedictine Bold, Caps & Figures 24△393 Display
> Greek Benedictine Bold, Caps 24△393 24△393 Display
Greek Benedictine Bold, Caps 30△297 Display
Greek Benedictine Bold, Caps 36△179 Display
Greek Bold Face No. 1 9△38 9△38 9△38 9△38 9△38 9△38 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek Bold Face No. 1 10△78 10△78 10△78 10△78 10△78 10△78 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek Bold Face No. 1, Caps & Figures 12△25 Greek Face
Greek Condensed No. 1, Caps & Figures 14△5 Greek Face
Greek Caption 30△5 Greek Face
Greek Cheltenham Condensed 24△55 Greek Face
Greek Cheltenham Bold Condensed 18△59 Greek Face
Greek Cloister Bold 24△207 Greek Face
Greek Elzevir 9△50 9△50 9△50 9△50 9△50 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek Elzevir 11△54 11△54 11△54 11△54 11△54 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek Erbar Light Condensed, Caps & Figures 18△405 18△405 18△405 Display Greek Face
> Greek Erbar Light Condensed (Cap Font) 18△405 Display
> Greek Erbar Light Condensed (Cap Font) Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△405 Display
Greek Erbar Light Condensed (Cap Font) 24△359 24△359 24△359 24△359 24△359 Display Greek Face
Greek Erbar Light Condensed, Caps & Figures 28△25 28△25 28△25 Display Greek Face
> Greek Erbar Light Condensed (Cap Font) 28△25 28△25 Display
Greek Erbar Light Condensed, Caps & Figures 34△17 34△17 Display Greek Face
>Greek Erbar Light Condensed, Caps 34△17 34△17 Display
Greek Erbar Light Condensed, Caps & Figures 42△55 42△55 Display Greek Face
> Greek Erbar Light Condensed (Caps Font) 42△55 42△55 Display
Greek Erbar Medium Condensed 34△19 34△19 Display
Greek Erbar Medium Condensed 42△63 42△63 Display
Greek Erbar Medium Condensed, Caps & Figures 24△391 Display
Greek Erbar Medium Condensed, Caps 24△391 24△391 Display
Greek Erbar Medium Condensed, Caps & Figures 28△27 Display
> Greek Erbar Medium Condensed, Caps 28△27 28△27 Display
Greek Gothic No. 29 with Gothic No. 30, Caps & Figures 6△204 Greek Face
Greek Gothic No. 29A with Gothic No. 30A, Caps & Figures 6△210 Greek Face
Greek Gothic No. 3 with 11 Point Greek Gothic Condensed No. 1, Caps & Figures 10△102 Greek Face
Greek Gothic No 14, Caps & Figures 18△43 Greek Face
Greek Gothic No 14, Caps & Figures 28△1 Greek Face
Greek Gothic Condensed No. 2, Caps & Figures 30△3 Greek Face
Greek Gothic No 14, Caps & Figures 42△1 Greek Face
Greek Gothic Condensed No. 3, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△175 Display
Greek Gothic Condensed No. 3, Caps 36△177 Display
Greek Gothic Condensed No. 4, Caps 30△299 Display
Greek Gothic Condensed No. 4 42△65 Display
Greek Metroblack, Caps 30△295 30△295 30△295 Display
Greek Metrolite, Two-Letter 6△448 Two-letter
> Greek Metrolite No. 2 6△448 6△448 Two-letter
Greek Metrolite No. 2 7△226 7△226 Two-letter
Greek Metrolite, Two-Letter 8△510 8△510 8△510 Two-letter Greek Face
> Greek Metrolite No. 2 8△510 8△510 Two-letter
Greek Metrolite, Two-Letter 9△184 Two-letter
Greek Metrolite No. 2 9△184 9△184 Two-letter
Greek Metromedium, Two-Letter 6△446 Two-letter
> Greek Metromedium No. 2 6△446 6△446 Two-letter
Greek Metromedium No. 2 7△218 7△218 Two-letter
Greek Metromedium, Two-Letter 8△542 Two-letter
> Greek Metromedium No. 2 8△542 8△542 Two-letter
Greek Metromedium, Two-Letter 9△182 Two-letter
> Greek Metromedium No. 2 9△182 9△182 Two-letter
Greek No. 1 (Part Font) 6△43 6△43 6△43 6△43 One-letter
> Greek No. 1 6△43 Greek Face
Greek Italic No. 1 10△106 10△106 10△106 10△106 10△106 Two-letter
> Greek No. 1 10△106 Greek Face
Greek No. 1 12△41 12△41 12△41 One-letter
> Greek No. 1 (Part Font) 12△41 One-letter
Greek No. 2 9△36 9△36 9△36 9△36 9△36 9△36 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek No. 2 10△76 10△76 10△76 10△76 10△76 10△76 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek No. 2 12△50 12△50 12△50 12△50 12△50 12△50 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek No. 3 6△174 6△174 6△174 6△174 6△174 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek No. 3 8△150 8△150 8△150 8△150 8△150 8△150 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek No. 3 10△126 10△126 10△126 10△126 10△126 10△126 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek No. 3 12△76 12△76 12△76 12△76 12△76 12△76 Two-letter Greek Face
Greek Royal Gothic, Caps & Figures 6△29 Greek Face
Greek Royal Gothic, Caps & Figures 8△49 Greek Face
Gujarati 12△169 12△169 12△169 12△169 12△169 One-letter Oriental Faces
Gujardi Light with Bold 12△442 12△442 Two-letter
Half Title 8△139 One-letter
Hebrew 6△17 6△17 6△17 6△17 6△17 One-letter Hebrew Faces
Hebrew 8△71 8△71 8△71 8△71 8△71 8△71 One-letter Hebrew Faces
Hebrew 9△13 One-letter
Hebrew 11△15 One-letter
Hebrew 12△79 12△79 12△79 12△79 12△79 12△79 One-letter Hebrew Faces
Hebrew 16△5 16△5 16△5 16△5 16△5 16△5 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew 18△83 18△83 18△83 18△83 18△83 18△83 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew 28△17 28△17 28△17 28△17 28△17 28△17 28△17 Display BE Hebrew Faces Non-roman
Hebrew 36△67 36△67 36△67 36△67 36△67 36△67 Display C Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Condensed 12△81 12△81 12△81 12△81 12△81 12△81 One-letter Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Condensed 16△7 16△7 16△7 16△7 16△7 16△7 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Condensed 20△7 20△7 20△7 20△7 20△7 20△7 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Condensed 28△9 28△9 28△9 28△9 28△9 28△9 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Condensed 30△141 30△141 30△141 30△141 30△141 30△141 Display BE Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Condensed 36△9 36△9 36△9 36△9 36△9 36△9 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Condensed 42△29 42△29 42△29 42△29 42△29 42△29 Display C Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Extra Condensed 42△45 42△45 42△45 42△45 Display Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Gothic No. 3 9△80 9△80 Two-letter
Hebrew Light and Bold 5△34 5△34 5△34 5△34 5△34 Two-letter
> Hebrew Light with Bold 5△34 Two-letter Hebrew Faces
Hebrew No. 2 9△29 9△29 9△29 9△29 9△29 9△29 One-letter Hebrew Faces *In 'Linotype Faces', it is mentioned that this face is specifically for English 10 point allignment
Hebrew No. 2 11△37 11△37 11△37 11△37 11△37 11△37 One-letter Hebrew Faces *In 'Linotype Faces', it is mentioned that this face is specifically for English 12 point allignment
Hebrew No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 9△92 9△92 9△92 Two-letter
Hebrew No. 2 with Hebrew Bold Face 11△108 11△108 11△108 11△108 11△108 Two-letter
> Hebrew No. 2 with Bold 11△108 Two-letter Hebrew Faces
> Hebrew No. 2 with Hebrew Boldface 11△108 Two-letter Non-roman
Hebrew No. 2 with Italic No. 3 9△110 9△110 9△110 9△110 9△110 9△110 9△110 Two-letter Hebrew Faces Non-roman
Hebrew No. 2 (10 point. Alignment) Special for English, 11△49 11△49 One-letter
> Hebrew No. 2, Special for English, 10 point. Alignment 11△49 11△49 One-letter
> Hebrew No. 2 Roman Alignment, 10 pt Alignment 11△49 One-letter Non-roman
Hebrew No. 2 (12 point. Alignment) Special for English, 11△51 11△51 One-letter
> Hebrew No. 2, Special for English, 12 point. Alignment 11△51 11△51 One-letter
Hebrew No. 3 18△297 18△297 18△297 18△297 18△297 18△297 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew No. 3 24△249 24△249 24△249 24△249 24△249 24△249 Display BE Hebrew Faces
Hebrew No. 3 Italic 18△299 18△299 18△299 18△299 18△299 Display A Hebrew Faces
Hebrew Italic No. 3 24△251 24△251 24△251 24△251 24△251 Display BE
> Hebrew No. 3 Italic 24△251 Display Hebrew Faces
Hebrew No. 3 with Italic 14△168 14△168 14△168 14△168 14△168 14△168 Two-letter Hebrew Faces
Hebrew with Hebrew Italic No. 3 12△296 12△296 12△296 12△296 12△296 12△296 12△296 Two-letter Hebrew Faces Non-roman
Hebrew with Hebrew Light Face 12△294 12△294 12△294 12△294 12△294 12△294 12△294 Two-letter Hebrew Faces Non-roman
Hebrew with Italic 6△290 6△290 6△290 6△290 6△290 6△290 6△290 Two-letter Hebrew Faces Non-roman
Hebrew with Italic 8△408 8△408 8△408 8△408 8△408 8△408 8△408 Two-letter Hebrew Faces Non-roman
Hebrew with Hebrew Italic No. 3 9△120 9△120 9△120 Two-letter
> Hebrew with Italic No. 3 9△120 9△120 Two-letter
> Hebrew with Hebrew Italic No. 3 9△120 Two-letter Non-roman
Hebrew, 7 point alignment (Special for English) 8△161 One-letter
> Hebrew, Special for English 8△161 8△161 One-letter
Hebrew, Auxiliary Position 12△87 12△87 One-letter
Hebrew, Special for English 8△169 8△169 One-letter
Hebrew Roman Alignment, 8 pt Alignment 8△169 One-letter Non-roman
Hebrew, Special for English 9△51 9△51 One-letter
Helvetica, Duplicate Character 6△782 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12s, 10b, 3
Helvetica, Duplicate Character 7△782 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12s, 10b, 3
Helvetica, Duplicate Character 10△782 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12s, 10b, 3
Helvetica Bold, Duplicate Character 10△780 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12s, 10b, 3
Helvetica Bold, Duplicate Character 12△780 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 12s, 10b, 3
Helvetica Bold with Helvetica 18△168 Two-letter 90
Helvetica Bold with Helvetica 24△168 Two-letter 72
Helvetica Bold with Italic 6△700 6△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Bold with Italic 7△700 7△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Bold with Italic 8△700 8△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Bold with Italic 9△700 9△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Bold with Italic 10△700 10△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Bold with Italic 11△700 11△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Bold with Italic 12△700 12△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Bold with Italic 14△700 14△700 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 6△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 7△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 8△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 9△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 10△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 11△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 12△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Condensed with Bold Condensed 14△746 Two-letter
Helvetica Light, Duplicate Character 9△786 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49)
Helvitica Light with Italic 6△754 Two-letter
Helvitica Light with Italic 7△754 Two-letter
Helvitica Light with Italic 8△754 Two-letter
Helvitica Light with Italic 9△754 Two-letter
Helvitica Light with Italic 10△754 Two-letter
Helvitica Light with Italic 11△754 Two-letter
Helvitica Light with Italic 12△754 Two-letter
Helvitica Light with Italic 14△754 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 6△696 6△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 7△696 7△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 8△696 8△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 9△696 9△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 10△696 10△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 11△696 11△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 12△696 12△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Bold 14△696 14△696 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 6△698 6△698 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 7△698 7△698 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 8△698 8△698 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 9△698 9△698 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 10△698 10△698 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 11△698 11△698 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 12△698 12△698 Two-letter
Helvetica with Italic 14△698 14△698 Two-letter
Howland, Caps 24△151 Display
Howland, Caps 30△85 30△85 Display
Ionic Condensed 18△287 18△287 18△287 18△287 18△287 18△287 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Ionic Condensed 24△243 24△243 24△243 24△243 24△243 24△243 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Ionic Condensed 30△185 30△185 30△185 30△185 30△185 30△185 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Ionic Condensed 36△99 36△99 36△99 36△99 36△99 Display BE Miscellaneous Faces
Ionic Extra Condensed 42△35 42△35 Display BE
> Ionic Extra Condensed, Caps & Figures 42△35 Display
Ionic No. 1 8△27 One-letter
Ionic No. 1 8△85 One-letter
Ionic No. 1 10△27 One-letter
Ionic No. 1 with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 8△62 Two-letter
Ionic No. 1 with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 8△178 8△178 Two-letter
Ionic No. 1 with 8 point Half Title 10△256 Two-letter
Ionic No. 1, Figures 6△41 One-letter
Ionic No. 4 with Antique No. 8 8△452 8△452 8△452 Two-letter Self Spacing Face
Ionic No. 4 with Antique No. 8, Self Spacing 8△454 8△454 Two-letter Self Spacing Face
> Ionic No. 4 with Antique No. 8 8△454 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 5△24 5△24 5△24 5△24 5△24 5△24 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 5½△42 5½△42 5½△42 5½△42 5½△42 5½△42 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 5½△42 Two-letter 60, 5
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 6△288 6△288 6△288 6△288 6△288 6△288 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 6△288 Two-letter 60
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 6½△2 6½△2 6½△2 6½△2 6½△2 6½△2 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 6½△2 Two-letter 60
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 6¾△2 6¾△2 6¾△2 6¾△2 6¾△2 6¾△2 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 6¾△2 Two-letter 7a, 7b
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 7△122 7△122 7△122 7△122 7△122 7△122 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 7△122 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 7½△2 7½△2 7½△2 7½△2 7½△2 7½△2 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 7½△2 Two-letter 8a, 61
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 8△382 8△382 8△382 8△382 8△382 8△382 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 8△382 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 8½△12 8½△12 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 8½△12 Two-letter 8a, 8b
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 9△112 9△112 9△112 9△112 9△112 9△112 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 9△112 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 10△392 10△392 10△392 10△392 10△392 10△392 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 10△392 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 12△368 12△368 12△368 12△368 12△368 12△368 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Boldface No. 2 12△368 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Gothic No. 16 5½△64 5½△64 5½△64 5½△64 5½△64 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic 8½△14 8½△14 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 5△26 5△26 5△26 5△26 5△26 5△26 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 5½△44 5½△44 5½△44 5½△44 5½△44 5½△44 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 6△302 6△302 6△302 6△302 6△302 6△302 6△302 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 6½△6 6½△6 6½△6 6½△6 6½△6 6½△6 6½△6 Two-letter 60
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 6¾△4 6¾△4 6¾△4 6¾△4 6¾△4 6¾△4 6¾△4 Two-letter 7a, 7b
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 7△126 7△126 7△126 7△126 7△126 7△126 7△126 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 7½△4 7½△4 7½△4 7½△4 7½△4 7½△4 7½△4 Two-letter 8a, 61
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 8△384 8△384 8△384 8△384 8△384 8△384 8△384 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 9△116 9△116 9△116 9△116 9△116 9△116 9△116 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 10△390 10△390 10△390 10△390 10△390 10△390 10△390 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 12△320 12△320 12△320 12△320 12△320 12△320 Two-letter
Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 12△322 12△322 Two-letter
Jacobite 12△105 12△105 12△105 12△105 12△105 One-letter
Jacobite 12△234 12△234 12△234 12△234 12△234 12△234 Two-letter Oriental Faces (Syriac)
Janson with Italic & Small Caps 8△436 8△436 8△436 8△436 8△436 8△436 8△436 Two-letter 9b, 60
Janson with Italic & Small Caps 9△180 9△180 9△180 9△180 Two-letter 10b, 60
Janson with Italic & Small Caps 10△388 10△388 10△388 10△388 10△388 10△388 10△388 Two-letter 11b, 60
Janson with Italic & Small Caps 11△118 11△118 11△118 11△118 11△118 11△118 11△118 Two-letter 12b, 60
Janson with Italic & Small Caps 12△318 12△318 12△318 12△318 12△318 12△318 12△318 Two-letter 13b, 60
Janson with Italic & Small Caps 14△178 14△178 14△178 14△178 14△178 14△178 Two-letter
Jenson 6△23 One-letter
Jenson 8△35 One-letter
Jenson 10△35 One-letter
Jenson 12△43 One-letter
Jenson Bold 18△117 18△117 Display BE
Jenson Bold 24△183 24△183 Display BE
Jenson Bold Condensed 24△87 Display A
> Jenson Bold Condensed, Caps 24△87 Display
Jenson Condensed 18△53 18△53 18△53 18△53 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Jenson with Italic 8△112 Two-letter
Jenson, Advertising Figures 18△45 18△45 Display
Jenson, Advertising Figures 24△31 24△31 Display
> Jenson, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△31 Display
Kata Kana 9△41 One-letter
Kenilworth 9△33 One-letter
Korean Hongul (10 point Alignment) 9△684 Two-letter
Latin Antique, Figures 6△63 One-letter
Latin Antique 8△53 One-letter
Latin Antique 10△51 One-letter
Latin Antique 12△47 One-letter
Latin Compressed, Caps & Figures 30△19 30△19 Display Miscellaneous Faces
> Latin Compressed 30△19 Display
Latin Condensed 18△37 18△37 18△37 18△37 18△37 18△37 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Latin Condensed 21△1 Display A
> Latin Condensed, Caps & Figures 21△1 21△1 21△1 Display Miscellaneous Faces
> Latin Condensed, Caps 21△1 21△1 Display
Latin Condensed 24△25 24△25 Display A 2, 90
> Latin Condensed, Caps & Figures 24△25 24△25 24△25 Display Miscellaneous Faces
> Latin Condensed, Caps 24△25 24△25 Display
Latin Condensed, Caps 30△9 30△9 Display
> Latin Condensed, Caps & Figures 30△9 30△9 30△9 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Latin Condensed 36△85 36△85 Display BE
> Latin Condensed, Caps & Figures 36△85 36△85 36△85 Display Miscellaneous Faces
> Latin Condensed, Caps 36△85 Display
Latin Extra Condensed 30△127 Display A
> Latin Extra Condensed, Caps and Figures 30△127 30△127 30△127 Display Miscellaneous Faces
> Latin Extra Condensed, Caps 30△127 30△127 Display
Law Italic 10△49 One-letter
Law Italic 12△33 One-letter
Leaders 8△712 Classified: universal pi characters
Leaders 8△714 Classified: universal pi characters
Leaders 10△714 Classified: universal pi characters
Leaders 10△716 Classified: universal pi characters
Leaders: Leader Alligning Dashes xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', this casts a continuous unbroken line. Useful for jobbing work. Available in all standard alignments in uniform set-widths of 2, 3 and 12 points. Available in en and em widths.
Leaders: Jobbing Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', this is available in 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 point alignments, two and four strokes, and on 6 and 12 point set-width only. Weight of the stroke and the set-width of the character is uniform in all point sizes.
Leaders: Newspaper Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', this is available as regular dot or hyphen, and is .005 shallower than type to minimize punching through the paper.
Leaders: Newspaper Radial Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', this is available as round dot style only, with a rounded or radial printing surface to prevent perforating paper and damaging press blankets. .005 shallower than type high.
Leaders: Regular Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', this is available in round dots or hyphen stlyle in two, four or six dots or strokes to the em.
Leaders: Thin Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', this is available in quarter-em widths in round dot or hyphen style, 8, 10, 12 and 14 point sizes.
Leaders: Universal Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', the weight of the dot or stroke uniform in all point sizes, regardless of the style of the face. Leaders are .003 shallower than type high, so they will not punch through the paper in printing. Furnished two four and six dots to the em, hyphen leaders in two and four strokes to the em.
Leaders: Universal Dot Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', available in 8, 9, 10 and 12 point.
Leaders: Universal Hyphen Leaders xxx Leader *According to 'Linotype Faces', available in 8, 9, 10 and 12 point.
Lining Card Gothic Medium with Bold, Caps & Figures 6△414 Two-letter
> Lining Card Gothic Medium with Bold 6△414 Two-letter
Lining Card Gothic Medium with Bold, Caps and Figures 12△462 Two-letter
> Lining Card Gothic Medium with Bold, Caps 12△462 Two-letter
Lining Caslon Italic, Advertising Figures 18△107 18△107 Display A
Lining Caslon Italic, Advertising Figures 24△81 Display
> Lining Caslon Italic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△81 Display
Lining Caslon, Advertising Figures 18△49 18△49 Display
Lining Caslon, Advertising Figures 24△35 24△35 Display
> Lining Caslon, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△35 Display
Lining Gothic No. 1 12△55 One-letter
Lining Memphis Light A with Lining Memphis Bold A 6△384 6△384 6△384 Two-letter
> Lining Memphis Light A with Lining Memphis Bold A 6△384 6△384 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light A with Lining Memphis Bold A, Caps & Figures 12△424 12△424 12△424 Two-letter
> Lining Memphis Light A with Lining Memphis Bold A, Caps 12△424 12△424 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light B with Lining Memphis Bold B, Caps & Figures 6△386 6△386 6△386 Two-letter
> Lining Memphis Light B with Lining Memphis Bold B 6△386 6△386 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light B with Lining Memphis Bold B, Caps & Figures 12△426 12△426 12△426 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light B with Lining Memphis Bold B, Caps 12△426 12△426 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light C with Lining Memphis Bold C, Caps & Figures 12△428 12△428 12△428 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light C with Lining Memphis Bold C, Caps 12△428 12△428 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light with Lining Memphis Bold, Caps & Figures 6△382 6△382 6△382 Two-letter
> Lining Memphis Light with Lining Memphis Bold 6△382 6△382 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light with Lining Memphis Bold, Caps & Figures 12△434 12△434 12△434 Two-letter
Lining Memphis Light with Lining Memphis Bold, Caps 12△434 12△434 Two-letter
Lining Metromedium A with Lining Metrothin A, Caps & Figures 6△378 6△378 6△378 Two-letter
> Lining Metromedium A with Lining Metrothin A 6△378 6△378 Two-letter
Lining Metromedium A with Lining Metrothin A, Caps & Figures 12△418 12△418 12△418 Two-letter
> Lining Metromedium A with Lining Metrothin A, Caps 12△418 12△418 Two-letter
Lining Metromedium B with Lining Metrothin B, Caps & Figures 6△380 6△380 6△380 Two-letter
> Lining Metromedium B with Lining Metrothin B 6△380 6△380 Two-letter
Lining Metromedium B with Lining Metrothin B, Caps & Figures 12△420 12△420 12△420 Two-letter
> Lining Metromedium B with Lining Metrothin B, Caps 12△420 12△420 Two-letter
Lining Metromedium C with Lining Metrothin C, Caps 12△422 12△422 12△422 Two-letter
> Lining Metromedium C with Lining Metrothin C, Caps 12△422 12△422 Two-letter
Lining Metromedium with Lining Metrothin, Caps & Figures 6△376 6△376 6△376 Two-letter
> Lining Metromedium with Lining Metrothin 6△376 6△376 Two-letter
Lining Metromedium with Lining Metrothin, Caps & Figures 12△416 12△416 12△416 Two-letter
> Lining Metromedium with Lining Metrothin, Caps 12△416 12△416 Two-letter
Lino Script 18△271 18△271 18△271 18△271 18△271 18△271 18△271 Display A 90
Lino Text 8△151 8△151 8△151 8△151 8△151 8△151 8△151 One-letter
Lino Text 10△125 10△125 10△125 10△125 10△125 10△125 10△125 One-letter
Lino Text 12△109 12△109 12△109 12△109 12△109 12△109 12△109 One-letter
Lino Text 14△95 14△95 14△95 14△95 14△95 14△95 14△95 One-letter
Lino Text 18△285 18△285 18△285 18△285 18△285 18△285 18△285 Display A 16a, 90
Lino Text 24△417 24△417 24△417 24△417 Display 22a, 72c, 75
Lino Text 30△343 30△343 30△343 Display 28a, 72a, 77
Lino Text 36△185 36△185 36△185 36△185 Display 32a, 72a, 79
Majestic with Bold Face 9△624 9△624 Two-letter
Majestic with Italic & Small Caps 9△650 9△650 Two-letter
Market Gothic 6△131 6△131 6△131 One-letter
Market Gothic Duplicate 6△128 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
Math, Greek Metrolite No. 2 Duplicate Character Auxiliary Position 6△672 6△672 Two-letter
Math Greek Metrolite No. 2 Duplicate Character (Part Font) Auxiliary Position 8△672 8△672 Two-letter
Marhathi Light with Bold 14△364 Two-letter
Mathematical Greek Metrolite No. 2 Regular Position 10△672 10△672 Two-letter
Mathematical Greek Metrolite No. 2 Regular Position Only 14△672 14△672 Two-letter
Matson 30△11 Display
Matson 36△7 Display
Melior with Bold 6△8486 One-letter 4
Melior with Bold 7△8487 One-letter 4
Melior with Bold 8△8488 One-letter 4
Melior with Bold 9△8489 One-letter One-letter One-letter 4
Melior with Bold 10△8490 4
Melior with Bold 12△8491 4
Melior with Italic 6△8497 One-letter 4
Melior with Italic 7△8498 One-letter 4
Melior with Italic 8△8499 One-letter 4
Melior with Italic 9△8500 One-letter 4
Melior with Italic 10△8501 4
Melior with Italic 12△8502 4
Memphis Black Condensed, Figures 18△449 18△449 Display
Memphis Black Condensed, Figures, Auxiliary Position 24△409 24△409 Display
> Memphis Bold, Part Font 12△173 One-letter
Memphis Bold 12△173 12△173 One-letter
Memphis Bold 18△349 18△349 18△349 18△349 18△349 18△349 Display A
Memphis Bold 24△303 24△303 24△303 24△303 24△303 24△303 Display CF
Memphis Bold 30△225 30△225 30△225 30△225 30△225 30△225 Display CF
Memphis Bold 36△129 36△129 36△129 36△129 36△129 36△129 Display F
Memphis Bold Condensed 18△407 18△407 18△407 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed 24△363 24△363 24△363 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed 30△287 30△287 30△287 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed 36△163 36△163 36△163 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed with 14 point Memphis Medium 18△152 18△152 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed with 18 point Memphis Medium 24△152 24△152 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed with Memphis Medium Condensed 18△68 18△68 18△68 18△68 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed with Memphis Medium Condensed 24△68 24△68 24△68 Display
Memphis Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 30△279 Display
> Memphis Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△279 Display
Memphis Bold Italic 18△447 18△447 18△447 Display
Memphis Bold Italic 30△307 30△307 30△307 Display
Memphis Bold with Italic 6△364 6△364 6△364 6△364 6△364 Two-letter
Memphis Bold with Italic 8△448 8△448 8△448 8△448 8△448 Two-letter
Memphis Bold with Italic 9△148 9△148 9△148 9△148 9△148 Two-letter
Memphis Bold with Italic 10△412 10△412 10△412 10△412 10△412 Two-letter
Memphis Bold with Italic 12△388 12△388 12△388 12△388 12△388 Two-letter
Memphis Bold with Italic 14△206 14△206 14△206 14△206 14△206 Two-letter
Memphis Bold with Italic 18△20 18△20 18△20 18△20 18△20 Display
Memphis Bold with Italic 24△20 24△20 24△20 Display
Memphis Bold with Memphis Light 18△48 18△48 18△48 18△48 18△48 Display
Memphis Bold with Memphis Light 24△48 24△48 24△48 24△48 24△48 Display
Memphis Bold with Memphis Medium 18△64 18△64 18△64 18△64 18△64 Display
> Memphis Bold with Medium 18△64 Display 90
Memphis Bold with Memphis Medium 24△64 24△64 24△64 24△64 Display
> Memphis Bold with Medium 24△64 Display 72, 85
Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures 14△129 14△129 14△129 One-letter
> Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 14△129 One-letter
Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures 18△397 18△397 Display
> Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△397 18△397 Display
Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures 24△345 24△345 Display
> Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△345 24△345 24△345 Display
Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures 30△265 30△265 Display
> Memphis Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△265 30△265 Display
Memphis Extra Bold 18△357 18△357 18△357 18△357 18△357 Display
Memphis Extra Bold 24△333 24△333 24△333 24△333 24△333 Display
Memphis Extra Bold 30△277 30△277 30△277 30△277 30△277 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 18△411 18△411 18△411 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 24△367 24△367 24△367 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 30△291 30△291 30△291 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 36△167 36△167 36△167 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Bodoni Bold Condensed 30△96 30△96 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Gothic No. 13 8△562 8△562 8△562 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Gothic No. 13 10△520 10△520 10△520 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Gothic No. 13 12△530 12△530 12△530 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Gothic No. 13 14△288 14△288 14△288 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Gothic No. 13 18△110 18△110 18△110 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Gothic No. 13 24△110 24△110 24△110 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Memphis Medium Condensed 18△70 18△70 18△70 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Medium Condensed 18△70 Display 90
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Memphis Medium Condensed 24△70 24△70 24△70 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold Condensed with Medium Condensed 24△70 Display 90
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 18△437 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△437 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△401 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△401 Display
Memphis Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 30△305 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△305 Display
Memphis Extra Bold with Gothic No. 16 8△564 8△564 8△564 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Gothic No. 16 10△528 10△528 10△528 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Gothic No. 16 12△532 12△532 12△532 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Gothic No. 16 14△290 14△290 14△290 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Gothic No. 16 18△112 18△112 18△112 Display
Memphis Extra Bold with Gothic No. 16 24△112 24△112 24△112 Display
Memphis Extra Bold with Italic 8△506 8△506 8△506 8△506 8△506 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Italic 10△444 10△444 10△444 10△444 10△444 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Italic 12△458 12△458 12△458 12△458 12△458 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Italic 14△234 14△234 14△234 14△234 14△234 Two-letter
Memphis Extra Bold with Italic 18△52 18△52 18△52 18△52 18△52 Display
Memphis Extra Bold with Italic, Figures 24△52 24△52 Display
Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 42△69 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 42△69 42△69 Display
Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 18△403 18△403 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△403 18△403 18△403 Display * in the 1966 edition, the name ended on a comma, I assume it was a typo and should be the regular position
Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 24△355 24△355 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△355 24△355 24△355 Display
Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 30△285 30△285 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△285 30△285 30△285 Display
Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 36△161 36△161 36△161 36△161 Display
Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△161 Display
Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 48△23 48△23 Display
> Memphis Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 48△23 48△23 48△23 Display
Memphis Extra Bold, Regular Position 24△389 24△389 Display
Memphis Light 18△347 18△347 18△347 18△347 18△347 18△347 Display A
Memphis Light 24△301 24△301 24△301 24△301 24△301 24△301 Display CF
Memphis Light 30△223 30△223 30△223 30△223 30△223 30△223 Display CF
Memphis Light 36△127 36△127 36△127 36△127 36△127 36△127 Display F
Memphis Light with Bold 6△322 6△322 6△322 6△322 6△322 6△322 6△322 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Bold 8½△4 8½△4 8½△4 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Bold 8△442 8△442 8△442 8△442 8△442 8△442 8△442 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Bold 9△140 9△140 9△140 9△140 9△140 9△140 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Bold 10△398 10△398 10△398 10△398 10△398 10△398 10△398 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Bold 12△376 12△376 12△376 12△376 12△376 12△376 12△376 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Bold 14△200 14△200 14△200 14△200 14△200 14△200 14△200 Two-letter
Memphis Light Condensed, Advertising Figures 18△441 Display
> Memphis Light Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△441 Display
Memphis Light Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△405 Display
Memphis Light Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△405 Display
Memphis Light Condensed, Figures, Auxiliary Position 24△447 Display
Memphis Light Condensed, Figures, Auxiliary Position 18△483 Display
Memphis Light with Italic & Small Caps 6△368 6△368 6△368 6△368 6△368 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Italic 8△450 Two-letter
> Memphis Light with Italic & Small Caps 8△450 8△450 8△450 8△450 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Italic 10△414 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Italic & Small Caps 10△414 10△414 10△414 10△414 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Italic & Small Caps 12△390 12△390 12△390 12△390 12△390 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Italic 14△208 Two-letter
> Memphis Light with Italic & Small Caps 14△208 14△208 14△208 14△208 Two-letter
Memphis Light with Memphis Bold 18△16 18△16 18△16 18△16 18△16 Display
Memphis Light, Advertising Figures 24△329 24△329 Display
> Memphis Light, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△329 Display
Memphis Light, Advertising Figures, Regular position 24△275 Display
Memphis Light, Advertising Figures 30△275 30△275 Display
> Memphis Light, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△275 Display
Memphis Light, Advertising Figures, Regular position 30△329 Display
Memphis Medium 18△379 18△379 18△379 18△379 Display
> Memphis Medium, small caps available as an extra, special No. 15 is available (extra letters Gkty) 18△379 Display
Memphis Medium 24△349 24△349 24△349 24△349 24△349 Display
Memphis Medium 30△271 30△271 30△271 30△271 30△271 Display
Memphis Medium 36△169 36△169 36△169 36△169 Display
Memphis Medium Condensed 18△409 18△409 18△409 Display
Memphis Medium Condensed 24△365 24△365 24△365 Display
Memphis Medium Condensed 30△289 30△289 30△289 Display
Memphis Medium Condensed 36△165 36△165 36△165 Display
Memphis Medium Condensed with Memphis Bold Condensed 10△486 10△486 10△486 Two-letter
Memphis Medium Condensed with Memphis Bold Condensed 12△480 12△480 12△480 Two-letter
Memphis Medium Condensed with Memphis Bold Condensed 14△260 14△260 14△260 Two-letter
Memphis Medium Condensed with Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 8△554 8△554 8△554 Two-letter
Memphis Medium Condensed with Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 10△494 10△494 10△494 Two-letter
Memphis Medium Condensed with Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 12△502 12△502 12△502 Two-letter
Memphis Medium Condensed with Memphis Extra Bold Condensed 14△268 14△268 14△268 Two-letter
Memphis Medium Condensed 18△439 Display
> Memphis Medium Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△439 Display
Memphis Medium Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△403 Display
> Memphis Medium Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△403 Display
Memphis Medium with Italic 6△326 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Italic & Small Caps 6△326 6△326 6△326 6△326 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Italic 8△456 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Italic & Small Caps 8△456 8△456 8△456 8△456 8△456 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Italic 9△146 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Italic & Small Caps 9△146 9△146 9△146 9△146 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Italic 10△418 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Italic & Small Caps 10△418 10△418 10△418 10△418 10△418 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Italic 12△398 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Italic & Small Caps 12△398 12△398 12△398 12△398 12△398 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Italic & Small Caps 14△212 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Italic & Small Caps 14△212 14△212 14△212 14△212 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Italic 18△28 18△28 18△28 18△28 18△28 Display
Memphis Medium with Italic 24△28 24△28 24△28 Display
Memphis Medium Italic 18△381 18△381 18△381 18△381 18△381 Display
> Memphis Medium Italic, small caps available as an extra Display
Memphis Medium Italic 24△385 24△385 24△385 Display
Memphis Medium Italic 30△293 30△293 30△293 Display
Memphis Medium with Memphis Bold 6△416 6△416 6△416 6△416 6△416 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Memphis Bold 8△488 8△488 8△488 8△488 8△488 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Bold 8△488 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Memphis Bold 10△454 10△454 10△454 10△454 10△454 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Bold 10△454 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Memphis Bold 12△466 12△466 12△466 12△466 12△466 Two-letter
> Memphis Medium with Bold 12△466 Two-letter
Memphis Medium with Memphis Bold 14△240 14△240 14△240 14△240 14△240 Two-letter
Memphis Medium, Advertising Figures 24△369 Display
> Memphis Medium, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△369 24△369 Display
Metroblack 18△321 18△321 18△321 18△321 18△321 18△321 Display BE 90, 90c
> Metroblack 18△321 One-letter
Metroblack 24△267 24△267 24△267 24△267 24△267 24△267 Display BE 72b
> Metroblack 24△267 One-letter
Metroblack 30△193 30△193 30△193 30△193 30△193 30△193 Display CF 55, 72a, 77
Metroblack 30△193 One-letter
Metroblack 36△103 36△103 36△103 36△103 36△103 36△103 Display F 5, 72a, 73
Metroblack 36△103 One-letter
Metroblack No. 2 10△153 One-letter Food Store Typography *Separatedly mentioned in 'Linotype Faces'.
Metroblack No. 2 10△153 10△153 One-letter
Metroblack No. 2 18△329 18△329 18△329 18△329 18△329 18△329 Display BE 90, 90c
> Metroblack No. 2 18△329 One-letter
Metroblack No. 2 24△281 24△281 24△281 24△281 24△281 24△281 Display BE 72c, 76
> Metroblack No. 2 24△281 One-letter
Metroblack No. 2 30△209 30△209 30△209 30△209 30△209 30△209 Display CF 72a, 77
> Metroblack No. 2 30△209 One-letter
Metroblack No. 2 36△115 36△115 36△115 36△115 36△115 36△115 Display F 5, 72a, 73
> Metroblack No. 2 36△115 One-letter
Metroblack No. 2, Caps & Figures 42△67 Display
Metroblack No. 2 42△67 42△67 Display
Metroblack No. 2 Italic 18△481 Display
Metroblack No. 2 Italic 24△443 24△443 Display
Metroblack No. 2 with Italic 6△434 6△434 6△434 6△434 6△434 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Italic 6△434 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Italic 8△512 8△512 8△512 8△512 8△512 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Italic 8△512 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Italic 10△476 10△476 10△476 10△476 10△476 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Italic 10△476 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Italic 12△476 12△476 12△476 12△476 12△476 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Italic 12△476 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Italic 14△250 14△250 14△250 14△250 14△250 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Italic 14△250 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Italic 18△46 18△46 18△46 18△46 18△46 18△46 Display 90, 90c
Metroblack No. 2 with Italic 24△46 24△46 24△46 24△46 24△46 24△46 Display 72c, 76
Metroblack No. 2 with Metrolite No. 2 6△310 6△310 6△310 6△310 6△310 6△310 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Metrolite 2 6△310 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Metrolite No. 2 8△426 8△426 8△426 8△426 8△426 8△426 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Metrolite 2 8△426 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Metrolite No. 2 10△382 10△382 10△382 10△382 10△382 10△382 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Metrolite 2 10△382 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Metrolite No. 2 12△364 12△364 12△364 12△364 12△364 12△364 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Metrolite 2 12△364 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Metrolite No. 2 14△196 14△196 14△196 14△196 14△196 14△196 Two-letter
> Metroblack 2 with Metrolite 2 14△196 Two-letter
Metroblack No. 2 with Metrolite No. 2 18△8 18△8 18△8 18△8 18△8 18△8 Display 90, 90c
Metroblack No. 2 with Metrolite No. 2 24△8 24△8 24△8 24△8 24△8 Display 72c, 76
Metroblack with Metrolite 6△298 6△298 6△298 6△298 6△298 6△298 Two-letter
Metroblack with Metrolite 8△410 8△410 8△410 8△410 8△410 8△410 Two-letter
Metroblack with Metrolite 10△364 10△364 10△364 10△364 10△364 10△364 Two-letter
Metroblack with Metrolite 12△302 12△302 12△302 12△302 12△302 12△302 Two-letter
Metroblack with Metrolite 14△180 14△180 14△180 14△180 14△180 14△180 Two-letter
Metroblack, Advertising Figures 18△325 18△325 18△325 Display
> Metroblack, Advertising Figures (Special No. 6) 18△325 Two-letter
> Metroblack, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△325 18△325 18△325 Display
Metroblack, Advertising Figures 24△277 24△277 24△277 Display
> Metroblack, Advertising Figures (Special No. 6) 24△277 Two-letter
> Metroblack, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△277 24△277 24△277 Display
Metroblack, Advertising Figures 30△251 30△251 Display
> Metroblack, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△251 30△251 30△251 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', it is unclear if this also is intended as a Special No. 6 (see p 668c), as this one was not mentioned earlier in the book.
Metrolite 18△235 18△235 18△235 18△235 18△235 Display BE
> Metrolite 18△235 One-letter
Metrolite 24△269 24△269 24△269 24△269 24△269 Display BE
> Metrolite 24△269 One-letter
Metrolite 30△197 30△197 30△197 30△197 30△197 Display CF
> Metrolite 30△197 One-letter
Metrolite 36△105 36△105 36△105 36△105 36△105 Display F
> Metrolite 36△105 One-letter
Metrolite No. 2 18△331 18△331 18△331 18△331 18△331 Display BE
> Metrolite No. 2 18△331 One-letter
Metrolite No. 2 24△283 24△283 24△283 24△283 24△283 Display BE
> Metrolite No. 2 24△283 One-letter
Metrolite No. 2 30△211 30△211 30△211 30△211 30△211 Display CF
> Metrolite No. 2 30△211 One-letter
Metrolite No. 2 36△117 36△117 36△117 36△117 36△117 Display F
> Metrolite No. 2 36△117 One-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Italic 6△436 6△436 6△436 6△436 6△436 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Italic 8△516 8△516 8△516 8△516 8△516 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Italic 10△478 10△478 10△478 10△478 10△478 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Italic 12△478 12△478 12△478 12△478 12△478 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Italic 14△256 14△256 14△256 14△256 14△256 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Italic 18△50 18△50 18△50 18△50 18△50 Display
Metrolite No. 2 with Italic 24△50 24△50 24△50 24△50 24△50 Display
Metrolite No. 2 with Metroblack No. 2 6△442 6△442 6△442 6△442 Two-letter
> Metrolite 2 with Black 2 6△442 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Metroblack No. 2 8△520 8△520 8△520 8△520 Two-letter
> Metrolite 2 with Black 2 8△520 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Metroblack No. 2 10△482 10△482 10△482 10△482 Two-letter
> Metrolite 2 with Black 2 10△482 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Metroblack No. 2 12△492 12△492 12△492 12△492 Two-letter
> Metrolite 2 with Black 2 12△492 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Metroblack No. 2 14△258 14△258 14△258 14△258 Two-letter
> Metrolite 2 with Black 2 14△258 Two-letter
Metrolite No. 2 with Metroblack No. 2 18△74 18△74 18△74 18△74 Display
Metrolite Italic 24△327 Display
> Metrolite No. 4 Italic 24△327 24△327 24△327 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Metrolite Italic 30△247 Display
> Metrolite No. 4 Italic 30△247 30△247 30△247 30△247 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Metromedium 18△257 18△257 18△257 18△257 18△257 18△257 Display A 90, 90c
> Metromedium 18△257 One-letter
Metromedium 24△205 24△205 24△205 24△205 24△205 Display
> Metromedium 24△205 One-letter
Metromedium 30△203 30△203 30△203 30△203 30△203 30△203 Display CF 72
> Metromedium 30△203 One-letter
Metromedium 36△109 36△109 36△109 36△109 36△109 36△109 Display CF 55, 72a, 77
> Metromedium 36△109 One-letter
Metromedium No. 2 18△333 18△333 18△333 18△333 18△333 18△333 Display A 90, 90c *in the 1959 edition, also available as an E-triangle
> Metromedium No. 2 18△333 Display
Metromedium No. 2 24△285 24△285 24△285 24△285 24△285 Display BE
> Metromedium No. 2 24△285 Display
Metromedium No. 2 30△213 30△213 30△213 30△213 30△213 30△213 30△213 Display CF 72, 72e, 85
Metromedium No. 2 36△119 36△119 36△119 36△119 36△119 36△119 36△119 Display CF 55, 72a, 77
Metromedium No. 2 Italic 18△423 18△423 18△423 Display
> Metromedium No. 2 Italic 18△423 One-letter
Metromedium No. 2 Italic 24△371 24△371 24△371 Display
> Metromedium No. 2 Italic 24△371 One-letter
Metromedium No. 2 Italic 30△309 30△309 30△309 30△309 Display 72, 79
Metromedium No. 2 Italic 36△183 36△183 36△183 36△183 Display 72a, 80
Metromedium No. 2 with Italic 6△392 6△392 6△392 6△392 6△392 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Italic 6△392 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Italic 8△494 8△494 8△494 8△494 8△494 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Italic 8△494 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Italic 10△462 10△462 10△462 10△462 10△462 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Italic 10△462 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Italic 12△464 12△464 12△464 12△464 12△464 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Italic 12△464 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Italic 14△246 14△246 14△246 14△246 14△246 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Italic 14△246 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Italic 18△54 18△54 18△54 18△54 18△54 18△54 Display 90
Metromedium No. 2 with Italic 24△54 24△54 24△54 24△54 24△54 24△54 Display 72c, 78
Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 6△312 6△312 6△312 6△312 6△312 6△312 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Metrothin 2 6△312 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 8△428 8△428 8△428 8△428 8△428 8△428 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Metrothin 2 8△428 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 10△384 10△384 10△384 10△384 10△384 10△384 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Metrothin 2 10△384 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 12△366 12△366 12△366 12△366 12△366 12△366 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Metrothin 2 12△366 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 14△198 14△198 14△198 14△198 14△198 14△198 Two-letter
> Metromedium 2 with Metrothin 2 14△198 Two-letter
Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 18△6 18△6 18△6 18△6 Display
> Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 (Special No. 6) 18△6 Display
Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 24△6 24△6 24△6 24△6 Display
> Metromedium No. 2 with Metrothin No. 2 (Special No. 6) 24△6 Display
Metromedium with Metrothin 6△300 6△300 6△300 6△300 6△300 6△300 Two-letter
Metromedium with Metrothin 8△414 8△414 8△414 8△414 8△414 8△414 Two-letter
Metromedium with Metrothin 10△370 10△370 10△370 10△370 10△370 10△370 Two-letter
Metromedium with Metrothin 12△308 12△308 12△308 12△308 12△308 12△308 Two-letter
Metromedium with Metrothin 14△186 14△186 14△186 14△186 14△186 14△186 Two-letter
Metromedium, Advertising Figures 18△359 18△359 18△359 Display
> Metromedium, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△359 Display
Metromedium, Advertising Figures 24△305 24△305 Display
> Metromedium, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△305 24△305 24△305 Display
Metromedium, Advertising Figures 30△227 30△227 Display
> Metromedium, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△227 30△227 30△227 Display
Metrothin 18△259 18△259 18△259 18△259 18△259 Display A
> Metrothin 18△259 One-letter
Metrothin 24△275 24△275 24△275 24△275 24△275 Display BE
> Metrothin 24△275 One-letter
Metrothin 30△205 30△205 30△205 30△205 30△205 Display CF
> Metrothin 30△205 One-letter
Metrothin 36△111 36△111 36△111 36△111 36△111 Display CF
> Metrothin 36△111
Metrothin Italic 24△325 Display
> Metrothin No. 4 Italic 24△325 24△325 24△325 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Metrothin Italic 30△249 Display
> Metrothin No. 4 Italic 30△249 30△249 30△249 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Metrothin No. 2 18△335 18△335 18△335 18△335 18△335 Display A
> Metrothin No. 2 18△335 One-letter
Metrothin No. 2 24△287 24△287 24△287 24△287 24△287 Display BE
> Metrothin No. 2 24△287 One-letter
Metrothin No. 2 30△215 30△215 30△215 30△215 30△215 30△215 Display CF
Metrothin No. 2 36△121 36△121 36△121 36△121 36△121 36△121 Display CF
Mid-Gothic, Advertising Figures 14△11 14△11 14△11 14△11 14△11 One-letter
> Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 14△11
Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures 18△3 18△3 18△3 18△3 Display
> Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△3
Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 18△161 Display
Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 18△219 Display
Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures 24△39 24△39 24△39 Display
> Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△39 24△39 Display
Mid Gothic, Superior Figures 24△219 24△219 Display
> Mid Gothic, Superior Advertising Figures 24△219 Display
> Mid Gothic, Superior Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 24△219 Display
Mid Gothic Advertising Figures 30△51 30△51 30△51 Display
> Mid Gothic Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△51 30△51 30△51 Display
Modern Hebrew 9△31 9△31 9△31 9△31 One-letter
Monticello with Italic & Small Caps 7△600 7△600 Two-letter
Monticello with Italic & Small Caps 8△600 8△600 Two-letter
Monticello with Italic & Small Caps 9△600 9△600 Two-letter
Monticello with Italic & Small Caps 10△600 10△600 Two-letter
Monticello with Italic & Small Caps 11△600 11△600 Two-letter
Monticello with Italic & Small Caps 12△600 12△600 Two-letter
Monticello with Italic & Small Caps 14△600 14△600 Two-letter
Narciss 10△123 10△123 10△123 10△123 10△123 10△123 One-letter
Narciss 12△127 12△127 12△127 12△127 12△127 12△127 One-letter
Narciss 14△85 14△85 14△85 14△85 14△85 14△85 One-letter
Narciss 18△249 18△249 18△249 18△249 18△249 Display BE
Narciss 21△7 21△7 21△7 21△7 21△7 Display BE
Narciss, Regular Position 21△25 21△25 21△25 Display
Narciss 24△211 24△211 24△211 24△211 24△211 Display BF
Narciss 30△159 30△159 30△159 30△159 30△159 Display CF
Narciss 36△89 36△89 36△89 36△89 36△89 Display CF
Nestorian 12△121 12△121 12△121 12△121 12△121 One-letter
Nestorian 12△228 12△228 12△228 12△228 12△228 12△228 Two-letter Oriental Faces (Syriac)
Newspaper Leader 18△NPL
Newspaper Leader 24△NPL
No. 1 8△1 8△1 One-letter
No. 1 (Part Font) 18△77 Display
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 1, Figures 5½△10 5½△10 5½△10 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Bold Face No. 1 5½△10 5½△10 Two-letter
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 1, Figures 6△46 6△46 6△46 6△46 Two-letter
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 1, Figures 7△38 7△38 7△38 7△38 Two-letter
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 6△12 6△12 6△12 6△12 6△12 6△12 6△12 Two-letter
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 7△90 7△90 7△90 7△90 7△90 7△90 Two-letter
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 8△194 8△194 8△194 8△194 8△194 8△194 Two-letter
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 9△172 Two-letter
No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2, Figures 5½△12 5½△12 5½△12 5½△12 5½△12 Two-letter
No. 1 with Century Bold 11△72 11△72 11△72 11△72 11△72 Two-letter
No. 1 with Clarendon No. 1 5½△8 5½△8 5½△8 5½△8 5½△8 Two-letter
No. 1 with Clarendon No. 1, Figures 6△48 6△48 6△48 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Clarendon No. 1 6△48 6△48 Two-letter
No. 1 with Condensed Title No. 3, Figures 6△190 6△190 Two-letter
No. 1 with Doric No. 1 (Part Font) 7△28 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Doric No. 1 7△28 7△28 7△28 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic Condensed No. 1, Figures 5△4 5△4 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic Condensed No. 1 5△4 5△4 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic Condensed No. 2, Figures, high alignment 8△132 8△132 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic Condensed No. 2, Figures, 7 point alignment 8△132 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic Condensed No. 2, Figures 8△132 8△132 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic No. 2, Figures 6△36 6△36 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Gothic No. 2 (Figures & Fractions) 6△36 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic No. 3, Figures, Hebrew alignment 12△232 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Gothic No. 3 12△232 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic No. 3, Figures, Hebrew alignment 6△222 6△222 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Gothic No. 3, Figures 6△222 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic No. 4 7△42 7△42 7△42 7△42 7△42 Two-letter
No. 1 with Gothic No. 8, Figures 6△100 6△100 6△100 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Gothic No. 8 6△100 6△100 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 5½△4 5½△4 5½△4 5½△4 5½△4 5½△4 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 6△2 6△2 6△2 6△2 6△2 6△2 6△2 Two-letter 5
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 7△4 7△4 7△4 7△4 7△4 7△4 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 8△98 8△98 8△98 8△98 8△98 8△98 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps Low 8△98 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps, high alignment 8△10 8△10 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps, 7 point alignment 8△10 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps, High 8△10 Two-letter
> No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 8△10 8△10 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 9△44 9△44 9△44 9△44 9△44 9△44 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 10△10 10△10 10△10 10△10 10△10 10△10 10△10 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 11△2 11△2 11△2 11△2 11△2 11△2 Two-letter
No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 12△2 12△2 12△2 12△2 12△2 12△2 Two-letter
No. 1 with Title No. 2 8△192 8△192 8△192 8△192 8△192 Two-letter
No. 1, Aligned with 6 point German 6△51 One-letter
No. 1, Italic 5½△3 One-letter
No. 1, Roman 6△1 6△1 One-letter
No. 1, Italic 7△33 One-letter
No. 1, Italic 8△3 One-letter
No. 1, Italic 10△3 One-letter
No. 1, Italic 11△3 One-letter
No. 1, Part Font 13△1 One-letter
No. 1, Roman 5½△1 One-letter
No. 1, Roman 6△3 One-letter
No. 1, Roman 7△1 One-letter
No. 1, Roman 8△97 One-letter
No. 1, Roman 10△1 One-letter
No. 1, Roman 11△1 One-letter
No. 2 Duplicate Character (Vertical Slug), Figures 8△256 Two-letter
No. 2 Duplicate Character (V.S.), Figures 8△256 Two-letter
No. 2 (Duplicate Character Figures, Vertical slug) 8△256 8△256 Two-letter
No. 2 Duplicate Character Vertical Slug Table Matrices 6△154 Two-letter
> No. 2 Duplicate Character Vertical Slug 6△154 6△154 Two-letter
No. 2 Roman 6△21 One-letter
No. 2 Universal Mathematical Characters 8△526 8△526 Two-letter
No. 2 Universal Mathematical Characters 10△526 10△526 Two-letter
No. 2 Vertical Slug Table Mats 6△49 6△49 6△49 One-letter
> No. 2 6△49 One-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
> No. 2 Vertical Slug 6△49 One-letter
No. 2, high alignment, with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 8△88 8△88 Two-letter
> No. 2, 7 point alignment, with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 8△88 Two-letter
> No. 2 with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 8△88 8△88 Two-letter
No. 2 with 8 point Cheltenham Bold Condensed 5½△30 Two-letter
No. 2 with 8 point No. 15 7△82 Two-letter
No. 2 with Antique Black No. 1, Figures 7△58 7△58 7△58 7△58 7△58 Two-letter
No. 2 with Antique No. 2 6△50 6△50 6△50 6△50 6△50 6△50 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1 6△70 6△70 6△70 6△70 6△70 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Boldface No. 1 6△70 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1 9△40 9△40 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1, high alignment 8△8 8△8 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1, 7-point alignment 8△8 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1 8△8 8△8 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1 8△210 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1, Figures 8△210 8△210 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1 8△210 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 5½△2 5½△2 5½△2 5½△2 5½△2 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 7△2 7△2 7△2 7△2 7△2 Two-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 7△86 7△86 7△86 7△86 7△86 Two-letter
No. 2 with Condensed Title No. 3 6△118 6△118 6△118 6△118 Two-letter
No. 2 with Condensed Title No. 3 7△62 7△62 7△62 7△62 7△62 Two-letter
No. 2 with Condensed Title No. 3 8△6 8△6 8△6 8△6 8△6 Two-letter
No. 2 with Condensed Title No. 3 10△114 10△114 10△114 10△114 10△114 Two-letter
No. 2 with Gothic Condensed No. 2, Figures 6△82 6△82 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Gothic Condensed No. 2 6△82 6△82 Two-letter
No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 6△6 6△6 6△6 6△6 6△6 6△6 6△6 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 7△30 7△30 7△30 7△30 7△30 7△30 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 2 with Gothic No. 3, high alignment 8△70 8△70 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 8△70 8△70 8△70 8△70 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces 7a
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 3, 7 point alignment 8△70 Two-letter
No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 10△162 10△162 10△162 10△162 10△162 10△162 10△162 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces 5
No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 12△136 12△136 12△136 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 2 with Gothic No. 6, Vertical Slug, Table Matrix 6△56 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 6 6△56 Two-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 6, Vertical Slug 6△56 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 6, Vertical Slug, Table Matrix 6△56 6△56 Two-letter
No. 2 with Gothic No. 6, Vertical Slug, Figures 8△4 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 6 8△4 Two-letter Ruled Forms and Tabular Work
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 6, (V.S.), Figures 8△4 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Gothic No. 6, Vertical Slug, Table Matrix, Figures 8△4 8△4 Two-letter
No. 2 with Gothic No. 8, Figures 7△74 7△74 7△74 7△74 7△74 Two-letter
No. 2 with Gothic No. 8, Figures 8△240 8△240 8△240 8△240 Two-letter
No. 2 with Ionic No. 3, Vertical Slug, Table Matrices 6△54 Two-letter
No. 2 with Ionic No. 3, (Vercal Slug), Figures 8△80 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Ionic No. 3 (V.S.), Figures 8△80 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Ionic No. 3, Vertical Slug, Table Matrices 8△80 Two-letter
No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 5½△22 5½△22 Two-letter
No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 6△4 6△4 6△4 6△4 6△4 Two-letter
No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 7△46 7△46 7△46 7△46 7△46 Two-letter
No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps, high alignment 8△2 8△2 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps, 7-point alignment 8△2 Two-letter
> No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 8△2 8△2 Two-letter
No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 8△252 8△252 8△252 8△252 Two-letter
No. 2, Caps, Regular Position 30△15 Display
No. 2, Roman 5½△5 One-letter
No. 2, Roman 7△21 One-letter
No. 2, Roman 8△5 One-letter
No. 2, Roman 8△127 One-letter
No. 2, Vertical Slug, Table Mats 8△81 One-letter
No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 6△186 6△186 6△186 6△186 6△186 Two-letter
No. 2A with Bold Face No. 2A 6½△4 Two-letter
No. 2B with Bold Face No. 2B 5½△36 5½△36 5½△36 5½△36 5½△36 Two-letter
No. 3 Figures, Duplicate Character 5½△26 5½△26 Two-letter
> No. 3 Duplicate Character, Lower Case 5½△26 Two-letter
No. 3 with 8 point Elzevir 7△56 Two-letter
No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 6△10 6△10 Two-letter
No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 7△16 Two-letter
No. 3, Italic 7△7 One-letter
No. 3, Roman 5½△7 One-letter
No. 3, Roman 6△5 One-letter
No. 3, Roman 7△5 One-letter
No. 4 Figures with Clarendon No. 1 Figures, high alignment 8△72 8△72 Two-letter
> No. 4 with Clarendon No. 1, Figures 8△72 8△72 Two-letter
No. 4 Figures with Old Style Small Caps 8△102 8△102 Two-letter
No. 4 Figures with Ronaldson Small Caps 8△78 Two-letter
No. 4 Roman with Italic 5½△18 5½△18 Two-letter
No. 4 with Bold Face No. 2 Condensed 5½△32 5½△32 5½△32 5½△32 5½△32 5½△32 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 4 with Bold Face No. 3, Figures 5½△34 Two-letter
No. 4 with Clarendon No. 1 8△74 Two-letter
> No. 4 with Clarendon No. 1, (Figures & Fractions) 8△74 8△74 Two-letter
No. 4 with Gothic No. 9 5½△46 5½△46 Two-letter
No. 4 with Italic & Small Caps 8△14 Two-letter
No. 4, Roman 8△7 One-letter
No. 4, Roman 8△137 One-letter
No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 10△2 Two-letter
No. 6 with Gothic No. 16 4¾△2 4¾△2 4¾△2 4¾△2 4¾△2 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 6 with Italic & Small Caps 10△14 10△14 Two-letter
No. 8 with Bold Face No. 1 6△80 Two-letter
No. 8 Roman 6△33 One-letter
No. 8 with Bold Face No. 2 6△122 6△122 6△122 6△122 6△122 6△122 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 9 (Plain & Cancelled) 11△20 11△20 11△20 Two-letter
No. 9 Figures with Clarendon No. 1 Figures 11△36 11△36 Two-letter
No. 9 Figures with Old Style No. 1 Small Caps 11△32 Two-letter
No. 9 Figures with Ronaldson Small Caps 11△34 Two-letter
No. 9 with Italic & Small Caps 10△20 10△20 Two-letter
No. 9 with Italic & Small Caps 11△18 11△18 Two-letter
No. 9, Italic 11△11 One-letter
No. 9, Roman 11△9 One-letter
No. 10 with Gothic No. 4 5△2 5△2 5△2 5△2 5△2 5△2 5△2 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces 5
No. 10 with Gothic No. 4 6△76 6△76 6△76 6△76 6△76 6△76 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 10 with Italic & Small Caps 5△8 5△8 5△8 5△8 5△8 5△8 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 10, Roman 5△3 One-letter
No. 11 with Gothic Condensed No. 4 5½△24 5½△24 5½△24 5½△24 5½△24 5½△24 5½△24 Two-letter Telephone Face
No. 11B with Gothic Condensed No. 4B 6△176 6△176 6△176 6△176 6△176 Two-letter Telephone Face
No. 11 with Gothic Condensed No. 4 6△120 6△120 6△120 6△120 6△120 6△120 6△120 Two-letter Telephone Face 5
No. 11 with Gothic No. 4 (Self-Spacing) 6△472 Two-letter
> No. 11 with Gothic No. 4 6△472 6△472 Two-letter
No. 12 Figures with Old Style Small Caps 6△38 6△38 6△38 Two-letter
No. 12 Figures with Old Style Small Caps, Special No. 2 6△40 Two-letter
No. 12 Figures with Ronaldson Small Caps 6△52 6△52 Two-letter
No. 12 with Gothic No. 8 6△32 6△32 6△32 6△32 6△32 6△32 Two-letter Telephone Face, Miscellaneous Faces
No. 12 with Gothic No. 8, Figures 6△292 Two-letter
No. 12 with Gothic No. 11 6△278 Two-letter
No. 12 with Gothic No. 11 7△118 7△118 7△118 7△118 7△118 7△118 Two-letter Telephone Face
No. 12 with Gothic No. 11 8△158 8△158 8△158 8△158 Two-letter Telephone Face
No. 12 with Italic & Small Caps 6△22 6△22 Two-letter
No. 12, Roman 6△15 One-letter
No. 13 Figures with 10 point Clarendon No. 1, Figures 10△56 10△56 Two-letter
No. 13 Figures with 10 point Clarendon No. 1 (Figures & Fractions) 10△56 10△56 Two-letter
No. 13 Figures with Clarendon No. 1 Figures 12△36 Two-letter
No. 13 Figures with Old Style Small Caps 10△62 10△62 Two-letter
No. 13 Figures with Old Style No. 1 Small Caps 12△204 Two-letter
No. 13 Figures with Old Style Small Caps 9△20 Two-letter
No. 13 Figures with Ronaldson Small Caps 9△22 Two-letter
No. 13 Figures with Ronaldson Small Caps 10△60 10△60 Two-letter
No. 13 with Italic & Small Caps 9△28 Two-letter
No. 13 with Italic & Small Caps 10△26 10△26 Two-letter
No. 13, Italic 10△7 One-letter
No. 13, Italic, H.A. 9△5 One-letter
No. 13, Italic, L.A. 9△7 One-letter
No. 13, Roman 10△5 One-letter
No. 13, Roman, H.A. 9△1 One-letter
No. 13, Roman, L.A. 9△3 One-letter
No. 14 with Clarendon No. 1 10△176 Two-letter
No. 14 with Italic & Small Caps 10△166 Two-letter
No. 16 with Century Bold 6△110 6△110 6△110 6△110 6△110 Two-letter
No. 16 with Century Bold 7△50 7△50 7△50 7△50 7△50 7△50 7△50 Two-letter
No. 16 with Century Bold 8△128 8△128 8△128 8△128 8△128 8△128 8△128 Two-letter
No. 16 with Century Bold 9△56 9△56 9△56 9△56 9△56 9△56 9△56 Two-letter
No. 16 with Century Bold 10△116 10△116 10△116 10△116 10△116 10△116 10△116 Two-letter
No. 16 with Century Bold 12△70 12△70 12△70 12△70 12△70 12△70 12△70 Two-letter
No. 16 with Century Bold 14△36 14△36 14△36 14△36 14△36 14△36 Two-letter
No. 16 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1, Figures 6△138 Two-letter
No. 16 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1, Figures 8△244 Two-letter
No. 16 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1, Figures 9△68 Two-letter
No. 16 with Egyptienne Serree, Figures 10△210 Two-letter
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 6△62 6△62 6△62 6△62 6△62 6△62 6△62 Two-letter 7b, 60
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 7△6 7△6 7△6 7△6 7△6 7△6 7△6 Two-letter 8b, 60
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 8△54 8△54 8△54 8△54 8△54 8△54 8△54 Two-letter 9b, 60, 5
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 9△12 9△12 9△12 9△12 9△12 9△12 9△12 Two-letter 10b, 60
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 10△48 10△48 10△48 10△48 10△48 10△48 10△48 Two-letter 11b, 60, 5
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 12△40 12△40 12△40 12△40 12△40 12△40 Two-letter
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 12△146 Two-letter
No. 16 with Italic & Small Caps 14△14 14△14 14△14 14△14 14△14 Two-letter
No. 17 with Condensed Title No. 5 6△132 6△132 6△132 6△132 6△132 6△132 Two-letter Self Spacing Face
No. 17 with Condensed Title No. 5 8△242 8△242 8△242 8△242 8△242 8△242 Two-letter Self Spacing Face
No. 18 with Antique Black No. 1 5△18 5△18 5△18 5△18 5△18 5△18 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
No. 18, Roman 5△1 One-letter
No. 19 with Clarendon No. 1 (Figures Only) 8△268 Two-letter
No. 19 with Italic & Small Caps, high alignment 8△38 8△38 Two-letter
> No. 19 with Italic & Small Caps, 7 point alignment 8△38 Two-letter
> No. 19 with Italic & Small Caps 8△38 8△38 Two-letter
No. 19 with Title No. 1, high alignment 8△40 8△40 Two-letter
> No. 19 with Title No. 1, 7 point alignment 8△40 Two-letter
> No. 19 with Title No. 1 8△40 8△40 Two-letter
No. 19 with Title No. 1 8△174 Two-letter
No. 19, Italic, Figures 8△103 One-letter
No. 19, Roman 8△13 One-letter
No. 21 Figures with Old Style Small Caps 7△34 Two-letter
No. 21 Figures with Ronaldson Small Caps 7△36 Two-letter
No. 21 with Antique No. 6 6△88 6△88 6△88 6△88 6△88 Two-letter
No. 21 with Antique No. 6, Figures 8△140 8△140 8△140 8△140 Two-letter
No. 21 with Antique No. 6, Figures 10△124 10△124 10△124 10△124 Two-letter
No. 21 with Antique No. 6, Figures, high alignment 8△282 8△282 Two-letter
No. 21 with Antique No. 6, Figures, 7-point alignment 8△282 Two-letter
No. 21 with Antique No. 6, Figures 8△282 Two-letter
No. 21 with Gothic No. 4 7△102 7△102 7△102 7△102 7△102 7△102 Two-letter
No. 21 with Italic & Small Caps 6△150 6△150 6△150 6△150 6△150 6△150 Two-letter
No. 21 with Italic & Small Caps 7△66 7△66 7△66 7△66 7△66 7△66 Two-letter
No. 21 with Italic & Small Caps 8△214 8△214 8△214 8△214 8△214 8△214 8△214 Two-letter
No. 21 with Italic & Small Caps 9△60 9△60 9△60 9△60 9△60 9△60 9△60 Two-letter
No. 21 with Italic & Small Caps 10△186 10△186 10△186 10△186 10△186 10△186 10△186 Two-letter
No. 21 with Italic & Small Caps 11△56 11△56 11△56 11△56 11△56 11△56 Two-letter
No. 21 with Italic & Small Caps 12△262 12△262 12△262 12△262 12△262 12△262 Two-letter
No. 21 with Old Style No. 1, Figures 8△146 Two-letter
No. 21 with Ronaldson (Part Font) 8△148 Two-letter
No. 21, Roman 7△3 One-letter
No. 21B with Italic & Small Caps 7△152 7△152 7△152 7△152 Two-letter
No. 22 with Special Gothic No. 9, Figures 5△14 5△14 5△14 Two-letter
No. 24 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1, Figures 7△78 Two-letter
No. 24 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1, Figures 8△246 Two-letter
No. 24 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1, Figures 9△70 Two-letter
No. 24 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1, Figures 10△212 Two-letter
No. 24 with Italic & Small Caps 7△26 Two-letter
No. 24 with Italic & Small Caps 8△100 Two-letter
No. 24 with Italic & Small Caps 9△30 Two-letter
No. 24 with Italic & Small Caps 9△54 Two-letter
No. 24 with Italic & Small Caps 10△42 Two-letter
No. 26 8△141 One-letter
No. 26 with Antique No. 2 8△126 8△126 8△126 8△126 Two-letter
No. 26 with Gothic No. 10 6△272 6△272 Two-letter
No. 28 with Antique Black No. 1 6△74 6△74 6△74 6△74 6△74 Two-letter
No. 28 with Antique Black No. 1 7△22 7△22 7△22 7△22 7△22 Two-letter
No. 28 with Antique Black No. 1 8△52 8△52 8△52 8△52 8△52 Two-letter
No. 28 with Antique Black No. 1 9△34 9△34 9△34 Two-letter
No. 28 with Egyptienne Serree 7△20 7△20 Two-letter
No. 28 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1 6△60 6△60 Two-letter
No. 28 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1 8△56 8△56 8△56 Two-letter
No. 28 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1 9△14 9△14 Two-letter
No. 28 with Egyptienne Serree No. 1 10△68 10△68 Two-letter
No. 28 with Italic & Small Caps 6△34 6△34 6△34 6△34 Two-letter
No. 28 with Italic & Small Caps 7△18 7△18 7△18 7△18 Two-letter
No. 28 with Italic & Small Caps 8△48 8△48 8△48 8△48 Two-letter
No. 28 with Italic & Small Caps 9△32 9△32 9△32 Two-letter
No. 28 with Italic & Small Caps 10△54 10△54 10△54 10△54 10△54 Two-letter
No. 28 with Normande No. 4 6△66 6△66 Two-letter
No. 28 with Normande No. 4 7△40 7△40 Two-letter
No. 28 with Normande No. 4 8△92 8△92 8△92 8△92 Two-letter
No. 28 with Normande No. 4 9△24 9△24 Two-letter
No. 28 with Normande No. 4 10△74 10△74 10△74 Two-letter
No. 29 with Italic & Small Caps 12△144 Two-letter
No. 29 with Italic & Small Caps 14△82 Two-letter
No. 36 with 12 point Bold Face No. 4 14△10 Two-letter
No. 36 with Italic & Small Caps 14△12 14△12 Two-letter
Old Roman with Italic 8△220 8△220 8△220 Two-letter
Old Roman with Italic 10△192 10△192 10△192 Two-letter
Old Roman with Italic 12△128 12△128 12△128 Two-letter
Old Roman with Italic 14△64 14△64 Two-letter
Old Style Gothic No. 1, Figures 10△79 One-letter
Old Style Italic No. 1, Advertising Figures 18△73 Display
Old Style No. 1 18△79 18△79 18△79 18△79 Display A
Old Style No. 1 Figures with Clarendon No. 1, Figures 10△58 10△58 10△58 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Antique Italic No. 1 8△152 8△152 8△152 8△152 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books. *In 'Linotype Faces, the name was Old Style No 1 with Antique No. 1 Italic
Old Style No. 1 with Antique Italic No. 1 10△128 10△128 10△128 10△128 10△128 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books. *In 'Linotype Faces, the name was Old Style No 1 with Antique No. 1 Italic
Old Style No. 1 with Antique Italic No. 1 12△78 12△78 12△78 12△78 12△78 12△78 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books. *In 'Linotype Faces, the name was Old Style No 1 with Antique No. 1 Italic
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 6△14 6△14 6△14 6△14 6△14 6△14 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 7△48 7△48 7△48 7△48 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 8△50 8△50 8△50 8△50 8△50 8△50 8△50 Two-letter 5 *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 9△48 9△48 9△48 9△48 9△48 9△48 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 10△44 10△44 10△44 10△44 10△44 10△44 10△44 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 11△22 11△22 11△22 11△22 11△22 11△22 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 12△26 12△26 12△26 12△26 12△26 12△26 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Antique No. 1 14△24 14△24 14△24 14△24 14△24 14△24 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold 5△20 5△20 5△20 5△20 5△20 5△20 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold 6△124 6△124 6△124 6△124 6△124 6△124 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold 8△218 8△218 8△218 8△218 8△218 8△218 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold 10△158 10△158 10△158 10△158 10△158 10△158 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold 12△126 12△126 12△126 12△126 12△126 12△126 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold 14△62 14△62 14△62 14△62 14△62 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold Italic 6△182 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Cheltenham Bold Italic 8△284 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Clarendon No. 1, Figures 8△76 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 5△30 5△30 5△30 5△30 5△30 5△30 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 6△8 6△8 6△8 6△8 6△8 6△8 6△8 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 6△106 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 7△14 7△14 7△14 7△14 7△14 7△14 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 8△30 8△30 8△30 8△30 8△30 8△30 8△30 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 9△2 9△2 9△2 9△2 9△2 9△2 9△2 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 10△6 10△6 10△6 10△6 10△6 10△6 10△6 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 11△4 11△4 11△4 11△4 11△4 11△4 11△4 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 12△4 12△4 12△4 12△4 12△4 12△4 12△4 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Italic & Small Caps 14△76 14△76 14△76 14△76 14△76 14△76 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Jenson 12△156 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Jenson 14△90 Two-letter
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 1 6△90 6△90 6△90 6△90 6△90 6△90 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 1 8△134 8△134 8△134 8△134 8△134 8△134 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 1 10△120 10△120 10△120 10△120 10△120 10△120 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 1 12△84 12△84 12△84 12△84 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 2 6△112 6△112 6△112 6△112 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 2 8△196 8△196 8△196 8△196 8△196 8△196 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 2 10△170 10△170 10△170 10△170 10△170 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 2 12△116 12△116 12△116 12△116 12△116 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 2 14△72 14△72 14△72 14△72 14△72 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', its availability is mentioned, but not the triangle number. It probably is the same as in the other books.
Old Style No. 1, Italic 6△13 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Italic 7△39 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Italic 8△67 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Italic 9△19 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Italic 10△11 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Italic 11△7 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Roman 6△11 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Roman 7△37 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Roman 8△65 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Roman 9△9 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Roman 10△9 One-letter
Old Style No. 1, Roman 11△5 One-letter
Old Style No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 6△102 6△102 6△102 6△102 6△102 6△102 Two-letter
Old Style No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 8△116 8△116 8△116 8△116 8△116 8△116 Two-letter
Old Style No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 10△98 10△98 10△98 10△98 10△98 10△98 Two-letter
Old Style No. 3 with Italic & Small Caps 12△96 12△96 12△96 12△96 12△96 12△96 Two-letter
Old Style No. 4 with Antique No. 2 8△160 8△160 8△160 8△160 Two-letter
Old Style No. 5 with Antique No. 6 8△170 8△170 Two-letter
Old Style No. 5, Small Caps 8△93 One-letter
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 6△194 6△194 6△194 6△194 6△194 6△194 6△194 Two-letter 61 *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 7△96 7△96 7△96 7△96 7△96 7△96 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 8△212 8△212 8△212 8△212 8△212 8△212 8△212 Two-letter 61 *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 9△62 9△62 9△62 9△62 9△62 9△62 9△62 Two-letter 61 *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 10△184 10△184 10△184 10△184 10△184 10△184 10△184 Two-letter 61 *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 10½△2 10½△2 10½△2 10½△2 10½△2 10½△2 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 11△58 11△58 11△58 11△58 11△58 11△58 11△58 Two-letter 61 *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 12△190 12△190 12△190 12△190 12△190 12△190 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 14△120 14△120 14△120 14△120 14△120 14△120 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 18△193 18△193 18△193 18△193 18△193 Display A *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7 24△79 24△79 24△79 24△79 24△79 Display BE *In 'Linotype Faces', it is advertised that replacint some letters from Old Style No. 7 will convert it to the face Ronaldson (p 729)
Old Style No. 7, Advertising Caps 24△63 Display *caps was mentioned in the name, it probably should be Figures
> Old Style No. 7, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△63 Display
Olympian with Bold 8△420 Two-letter
Olympian with Bold 7 1/2△10 Two-letter
Olympian with Bold 8△482 Two-letter
Olympian with Bold 10△470 Two-letter
Olympian with Italic 9△776 Two-letter
Olympian with Italic 10△776 Two-letter
Optical Character—OCR—B, Duplicate Character 8△774 Two-letter Special Usage *Only the characters 1234567890<>+-*/
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 5½△60 5½△60 5½△60 5½△60 Two-letter
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 6△420 6△420 6△420 6△420 6△420 6△420 Two-letter 61
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 7△166 7△166 7△166 7△166 7△166 Two-letter
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 7½△10 7½△10 7½△10 7½△10 7½△10 7½△10 Two-letter 61
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 8△482 8△482 8△482 8△482 8△482 8△482 Two-letter
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 9△162 9△162 9△162 9△162 9△162 Two-letter
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 10△470 10△470 10△470 10△470 10△470 10△470 Two-letter
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 11△138 11△138 11△138 11△138 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', it is mentioned that this font is in the process of Manufacture
Opticon with Bold Face No. 2 12△474 12△474 12△474 12△474 12△474 Two-letter
Opticon with Gothic No. 16 6△458 6△458 6△458 6△458 Two-letter
Opticon with Italic & Small Caps 6△424 6△424 6△424 6△424 6△424 Two-letter
Opticon with Italic & Small Caps 7△180 7△180 7△180 7△180 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', it is mentioned that this font is in the process of Manufacture
Opticon with Italic 7½△16 Two-letter
Opticon with Italic & Small Caps 7½△16 7½△16 7½△16 7½△16 Two-letter
Opticon with Italic & Small Caps 8△496 8△496 8△496 8△496 8△496 Two-letter
Opticon with Italic & Small Caps 10△468 10△468 10△468 10△468 10△468 Two-letter
Opticon with Italic & Small Caps 11△134 11△134 11△134 11△134 Two-letter *In 'Linotype Faces', it is mentioned that this font is in the process of Manufacture
Opticon with Memphis Bold 7△204 7△204 7△204 Two-letter
Opticon with Memphis Bold 8△550 8△550 8△550 Two-letter
Opticon with Memphis Bold 10△538 10△538 10△538 Two-letter
Opticon with Memphis Bold 12△550 12△550 12△550 Two-letter
Optima Medium, Duplicate Character 9△804 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 10b
Optima Medium No. 1, Duplicate Character 10△806 Two-letter Bank Check Type Faces (see notes on p 49), 3
Optima Medium with Black 6△750 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Black 7△750 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Black 8△750 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Black 9△750 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Black 10△750 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Black 12△750 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Italic 6△758 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Italic 7△758 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Italic 8△758 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Italic 9△758 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Italic 10△758 Two-letter
Optima Medium with Italic 12△758 Two-letter
Optima with Bold 6△8567 Two-letter 4
Optima with Bold 7△8568 Two-letter 4
Optima with Bold 8△8569 Two-letter 4
Optima with Bold 9△8570 Two-letter 4
Optima with Bold 10△8571 Two-letter 4
Optima with Bold 12△8572 Two-letter 4
Optima with Italic 6△8561 Two-letter 4
Optima with Italic 7△8562 Two-letter 4
Optima with Italic 8△8563 Two-letter 4
Optima with Italic 9△8564 Two-letter 4
Optima with Italic 10△8565 Two-letter 4
Original Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 6△86 6△86 6△86 6△86 6△86 6△86 Two-letter
Original Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 8△138 8△138 8△138 8△138 8△138 Two-letter
Original Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 10△4 10△4 10△4 10△4 10△4 Two-letter
Original Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 12△6 12△6 12△6 12△6 12△6 Two-letter
Original Old Style with Italic & Small Caps 14△2 14△2 14△2 14△2 14△2 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold with Italic, Figures 8△392 8△392 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold with Italic 10△320 10△320 10△320 10△320 10△320 10△320 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold with Italic 12△292 12△292 12△292 12△292 12△292 12△292 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold with Italic 14△172 14△172 14△172 14△172 14△172 14△172 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold with Italic 18△42 18△42 18△42 18△42 Display
Pabst Extra Bold 18△305 18△305 18△305 18△305 18△305 18△305 Display BE
Pabst Extra Bold 24△259 24△259 24△259 24△259 24△259 24△259 Display CF
Pabst Extra Bold, Regular Position 24△379 24△379 24△379 Display
Pabst Extra Bold (Figures Only) 30△201 30△201 Display
> Pabst Extra Bold, Figures 30△201 Display
> Pabst Extra Bold, Figures, Auxiliary Position 30△201 Display
Pabst Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 18△307 18△307 18△307 Display BE
> Pabst Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△307 18△307 18△307 Display
Pabst Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 24△255 24△255 24△255 Display
Pabst Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 30△217 30△217 30△217 30△217 30△217 30△217 Display
Pabst Extra Bold, Advertising Figures 36△113 36△113 36△113 Display
> Pabst Extra Bold, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 36△113 36△113 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 18△343 18△343 18△343 18△343 Display
> Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular position 18△343 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 24△289 24△289 24△289 24△289 Display
> Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△289 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 30△221 30△221 30△221 30△221 Display
> Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△221 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures 42△37 42△37 42△37 42△37 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Advertising Figures, Auxiliary Position 42△37 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed with Italic 10△410 10△410 10△410 10△410 10△410 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed with Italic 12△382 12△382 12△382 12△382 12△382 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed with Italic 14△204 14△204 14△204 14△204 14△204 Two-letter
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed with Italic 18△72 18△72 18△72 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed with Italic 24△72 24△72 24△72 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed 18△327 18△327 18△327 18△327 18△327 18△327 Display A
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed 24△279 24△279 24△279 24△279 24△279 24△279 Display BE
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed 30△207 30△207 30△207 30△207 30△207 30△207 Display BF
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed 36△125 36△125 36△125 36△125 36△125 36△125 Display CF
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed 42△61 42△61 42△61 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed 48△11 48△11 48△11 Display F
> Pabst Extra Bold Condensed, Caps & Figures 48△11 48△11 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed No. 1 48△13 48△13 48△13 Display
> Pabst Extra Bold Condensed No. 1, Caps & Figures 48△13 48△13 Display
Pabst Extra Bold Condensed with 14 point Gothic No. 16 18△78 18△78 18△78 Display
Pabst Old Style with Italic 10△194 10△194 10△194 10△194 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Pabst Old Style with Italic 12△130 12△130 12△130 12△130 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Pabst Old Style with Italic 14△66 14△66 14△66 14△66 Two-letter Miscellaneous Faces
Pabst Old Style Condensed 18△93 18△93 18△93 18△93 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Palatino Bold 6△8492 Two-letter 4
Palatino Bold 7△8437 Two-letter 4
Palatino Bold 8△8493 Two-letter 4
Palatino Bold 9△8494 Two-letter 4
Palatino Bold 10△8495 Two-letter 4
Palatino Bold 12△8496 Two-letter 4
Palatino with Italic & Small Caps 6△8465 Two-letter 4
Palatino with Italic & Small Caps 7△8470 Two-letter 4
Palatino with Italic & Small Caps 8△8466 Two-letter 4
Palatino with Italic & Small Caps 9△8467 Two-letter 4
Palatino with Italic & Small Caps 10△8468 Two-letter 4
Palatino with Italic & Small Caps 12△8469 Two-letter 4
Paragon with Italic & Small Caps 6△390 6△390 6△390 6△390 6△390 Two-letter
Paragon with Italic & Small Caps 7△164 7△164 7△164 7△164 7△164 Two-letter
Paragon with Italic & Small Caps 7½△20 7½△20 7½△20 7½△20 7½△20 Two-letter
Paragon with Italic & Small Caps 8△464 8△464 8△464 8△464 8△464 Two-letter
Paragon with Italic & Small Caps 9△156 9△156 9△156 9△156 9△156 Two-letter
Paragon with Italic & Small Caps 10△448 10△448 10△448 10△448 10△448 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 5½△66 5½△66 5½△66 5½△66 5½△66 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 6△388 6△388 6△388 6△388 6△388 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 7△162 7△162 7△162 7△162 7△162 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 7½△18 7½△18 7½△18 7½△18 7½△18 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 8△462 8△462 8△462 8△462 8△462 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 9△158 9△158 9△158 9△158 9△158 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 10△450 10△450 10△450 10△450 10△450 Two-letter
Phonetic Characters 8△376 8△376 Two-letter
Phonetic Old Style No. 1 with Title No. 1 10△472 Two-letter
> Phonetic Characters 10△472 10△472 10△472 10△472 Two-letter Phonetic Alphabeth
Phonetic Chinese 14△75 One-letter
Greek No. 1 8△87 One-letter
> Porson Greek 8△87 8△87 8△87 8△87 8△87 One-letter Greek Face Non-roman
Greek No. 1 (high alignment) 8△21 One-letter
> Porson Greek, 7 point align. 8△21 One-letter
> Porson Greek 8△21 8△21 8△21 One-letter Non-roman
Porson Greek 9△45 9△45 9△45 9△45 One-letter Non-roman
Greek No. 1 10△23 One-letter
> Porson Greek 10△23 10△23 One-letter Greek Face
> Porson Greek No. 1 10△23 10△23 10△23 One-letter Non-roman
Porson Greek 11△55 11△55 11△55 11△55 One-letter Non-roman
Porson Greek 12△175 12△175 12△175 12△175 12△175 12△175 One-letter Greek Face Non-roman
Poster Bodoni Compressed 18△427 18△427 18△427 18△427 Display 90
Poster Bodoni Compressed 24△381 24△381 24△381 24△381 Display 90
Poster Bodoni Compressed 30△283 30△283 30△283 30△283 Display 90
Poster Bodoni Compressed 36△171 36△171 36△171 36△171 Display 72c, 75
Poster Bodoni Compressed, Regular Position 18△473 18△473 Display
Poster Bodoni Compressed, Regular Position 24△433 24△433 Display
Poster Bodoni with Gothic No. 41, Figures 8△632 8△632 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Gothic No. 41, Figures 10△632 10△632 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Gothic No. 41, Figures 12△632 12△632 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Gothic No. 41, Figures 14△632 14△632 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Italic 8△412 8△412 8△412 8△412 8△412 8△412 8△412 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Italic 10△326 10△326 10△326 10△326 10△326 10△326 10△326 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Italic 12△298 12△298 12△298 12△298 12△298 12△298 12△298 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Italic 14△174 14△174 14△174 14△174 14△174 14△174 14△174 Two-letter
Poster Bodoni with Italic 18△26 18△26 18△26 18△26 18△26 Display 72c, 76
Poster Bodoni with Italic 24△26 24△26 24△26 24△26 24△26 Display 72a, 84
Poster Bodoni 18△309 18△309 18△309 18△309 18△309 18△309 Display BE
Poster Bodoni 24△257 24△257 24△257 24△257 24△257 24△257 Display CF
Poster Bodoni 30△79 30△79 30△79 30△79 30△79 Display
Poster Bodoni 36△123 36△123 36△123 36△123 36△123 36△123 Display Pi
Poster Bodoni Italic 18△313 18△313 18△313 18△313 18△313 18△313 Display BE
Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures 18△337 18△337 18△337 Display
> Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 18△337 Display
> Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures, Punched in normal position 18△337 Display
Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures 24△291 24△291 24△291 Display
> Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△291 24△291 Display
> Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures, Punched in normal position 24△291 Display
Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures 30△237 30△237 Display
> Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 30△237 30△237 Display
> Poster Bodoni, Advertising Figures, Punched in normal position 30△237 Display
Powell 18△191 18△191 Display A
Powell 24△153 24△153 Display BE
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 6△612 6△612 6△612 Two-letter 61
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 7△612 7△612 7△612 Two-letter 61
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 8△612 8△612 8△612 Two-letter 61
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 9△612 9△612 9△612 Two-letter 61
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 10△612 10△612 10△612 Two-letter 61
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 11△612 11△612 11△612 Two-letter 61
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 12△612 12△612 12△612 Two-letter 61
Primer with Italic & Small Caps 14△612 14△612 Two-letter 61
Provincial 30△57 Display A
> Provincial, Caps 30△57 Display
Provincial 36△47 36△47 Display A
Remington No. 2 with Remington No. 3 8△422 8△422 8△422 Two-letter
Remington Typewriter 8△63 One-letter
Remington Typewriter 10△99 One-letter
Remington Typewriter 12△35 One-letter
Remington Typewriter with Underscore 8△32 8△32 8△32 8△32 8△32 8△32 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Remington Typewriter with Underscore 10△272 10△272 10△272 10△272 10△272 10△272 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Remington Typewriter with Underscore 12△202 12△202 12△202 12△202 12△202 12△202 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Remington Typewriter No. 4 with Underscore 12△370 12△370 12△370 12△370 12△370 12△370 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Roman Bold Condensed 12△67 One-letter
Roman Bold Condensed 14△37 One-letter
Roman Bold Condensed 24△47 24△47 24△47 24△47 Display A
Ronaldson Italic 8△75 One-letter
Ronaldson No. 5, Small Caps 8△95 One-letter
Ronaldson No. 5 with Antique No. 6 8△172 Two-letter *see also Corona for the same number
Ronaldson No. 6 with 12 point Elzevir No. 2 10△190 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 18△413 Display
Ronaldson No. 7 with Cheltenham Bold 10△198 10△198 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 6△200 6△200 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 7△148 7△148 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 8△228 8△228 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 9△64 9△64 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 10△200 10△200 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 10½△4 10½△4 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 11△60 11△60 Two-letter
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 12△194 12△194 Two-letter *see also Cheltenham for the same number
Ronaldson No. 7 with Italic & Small Caps 14△122 14△122 Two-letter
Ronaldson Roman 9△17 One-letter
Ronaldson with Antique Italic No. 1 8△154 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique Italic No. 1 10△130 10△130 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique Italic No. 1 12△80 12△80 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique No. 1 6△30 6△30 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique No. 1 8△36 8△36 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique No. 1 9△52 9△52 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique No. 1 10△34 10△34 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique No. 1 11△26 11△26 Two-letter *see also Sparten for the same number
Ronaldson with Antique No. 1 12△28 12△28 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Antique No. 1 14△38 14△38 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Cheltenham Bold 6△128 6△128 Two-letter *see also Market Gothic for the same number
Ronaldson with Cheltenham Bold 8△224 8△224 Two-letter *see also Market Gothic for the same number
Ronaldson with Cheltenham Bold 12△134 12△134 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Cheltenham Bold 14△70 14△70 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 6△16 6△16 6△16 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 6△108 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 7△10 7△10 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 8△34 8△34 Two-letter *see also Corona for the same number
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 9△8 9△8 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 10△32 10△32 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 11△6 11△6 Two-letter *see also Corona for the same number
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 12△8 12△8 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Italic & Small Caps 14△78 14△78 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Title No. 1 6△92 6△92 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Title No. 1 8△136 8△136 8△136 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Title No. 1 10△122 10△122 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Title No. 2 6△114 6△114 Two-letter *see also Corona for the same number
Ronaldson with Title No. 2 8△200 8△200 Two-letter *see also Teletype Paragon for the same number
Ronaldson with Title No. 2 10△174 10△174 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Title No. 2 12△118 12△118 Two-letter
Ronaldson with Title No. 2 14△74 14△74 Two-letter
Ronaldson, Italic 6△39 One-letter
Ronaldson, Italic 10△73 One-letter
Ronaldson, Italic 11△29 One-letter
Ronaldson, Roman 6△37 One-letter
Ronaldson, Roman 7△57 One-letter
Ronaldson, Roman 8△73 One-letter
Ronaldson, Roman 10△71 One-letter
Ronaldson, Roman 11△27 One-letter
Royal Gothic 6△29 6△29 One-letter *In 'Linotype Faces' also available as 'Greek Royal Gothic'.
Royal Gothic 8△49 8△49 One-letter *In 'Linotype Faces' also available as 'Greek Royal Gothic'.
Royal Gothic Figures, Duplicate Character 6△226 6△226 6△226 Two-letter
Roycroft, Advertising Figures 18△7 Display
Roycroft, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△9 Display
Ruff Old Style, Advertising Figures 14△17 One-letter
Ruff Old Style, Advertising Figures 18△27 Display
Runic 12△189 12△189 One-letter *only available as an E-triangle
Runic 14△113 14△113 One-letter *only available as an E-triangle
Runic 18△341 18△341 Display *only available as an E-triangle
Runic 22△11 Display *only available as an E-triangle
Russian Antique Black Condensed No. 2 18△91 18△91 18△91 18△91 18△91 18△91 18△91 Display A Russian Faces Non-roman
Russian Antique Black Condensed No. 2 24△69 24△69 24△69 24△69 24△69 Display A
> Russian Antique Black Condensed No. 2, Caps & Figures 24△69 Russian Faces
Russian Antique Black Condensed No. 2 30△27 30△27 30△27 Display A
> Russian Antique Black Condensed No. 2, Caps & Figures 30△27 Russian Faces
> Russian Antique Black Condensed No. 2, Caps 30△27 30△27 Display A
Russian Antique Black No. 12 18△89 18△89 18△89 18△89 18△89 18△89 18△89 Display A Russian Faces Non-roman
Russian Antique Condensed 20△11 20△11 20△11 20△11 Display A Russian Faces
> Russian Antique Condensed, Caps 20△11 20△11 Display
Russian Antique Condensed, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 20△1 Display
Russian Antique No. 14 28△11 28△11 28△11 Display
> Russian Antique No. 14 Caps & Figures 28△11 28△11 28△11 Display Russian Faces
Russian Antique No. 14 34△5 34△5 34△5 34△5 34△5 Display A
> Russian Antique No. 14 Caps & Figures 34△5 Russian Faces
Russian Antique No. 14 42△5 42△5 Display B
> Russian Antique No. 14 Caps & Figures 42△5 Russian Faces
Russian Caption 24△71 24△71 24△71 Display A
> Russian Caption, Caps & Figures 24△71 Russian Faces
> Russian Caption, Caps 24△71 24△71 Display
Russian Caption 36△19 36△19 36△19 Display A
> Russian Caption, Caps & Figures 36△19 Russian Faces
Russian Caslon No. 3 24△357 24△357 24△357 24△357 Display
Russian Church 8△101 8△101 8△101 8△101 One-letter
Russian Church 11△45 11△45 11△45 11△45 11△45 One-letter
Russian Church 14△79 14△79 14△79 14△79 14△79 One-letter
Russian Condensed No. 2 with Italic 8△96 8△96 8△96 8△96 8△96 8△96 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian Condensed No. 2 10△66 Two-letter
> Russian Condensed No. 2 with Italic 10△66 10△66 Two-letter Russian Faces
> Russian Condensed No. 2 10△66 10△66 10△66 Two-letter
Russian Condensed No. 2 with Italic 12△54 12△54 12△54 12△54 12△54 12△54 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 2 8△94 8△94 8△94 8△94 8△94 8△94 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 2 10△90 10△90 10△90 10△90 10△90 10△90 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 2 12△66 12△66 12△66 12△66 12△66 12△66 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 3 11△66 11△66 11△66 11△66 11△66 11△66 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 1 Sectional 12△112 Two-letter
Russian No. 1 with Italic 11△44 11△44 11△44 11△44 11△44 11△44 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 11 with Antique Black No. 2 8△58 8△58 8△58 8△58 8△58 8△58 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 11 with Antique Black No. 2 10△80 10△80 10△80 10△80 10△80 10△80 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 11 with Antique Black No. 2 12△52 12△52 12△52 12△52 12△52 12△52 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 11 with Italic 8△110 8△110 8△110 8△110 8△110 8△110 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 11 with Italic 10△88 10△88 10△88 10△88 10△88 10△88 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 11 with Italic 12△48 12△48 12△48 12△48 12△48 12△48 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 3 Light & Bold 8△120 8△120 8△120 8△120 8△120 8△120 8△120 Two-letter Russian Faces Non-roman
Small Russian No. 3, Light & Bold 10△110 10△110 10△110 10△110 10△110 10△110 10△110 Two-letter Russian Faces Non-roman *In 'Linotype Faces', this font had no specific name, it was just referred to as 'small'.
Russian No. 3 Light & Bold 10△108 10△108 10△108 10△108 10△108 10△108 10△108 Two-letter Russian Faces Non-roman
Russian No. 3 Light & Bold 12△150 12△150 12△150 12△150 12△150 12△150 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian No. 8 with Italic 6△58 6△58 6△58 6△58 6△58 6△58 Two-letter Russian Faces
Russian Old Style with Antique No. 1 10△46 10△46 10△46 10△46 10△46 10△46 Two-letter Russian Faces
Ryerson Condensed 18△429 18△429 18△429 Display
Ryerson Condensed 24△395 24△395 24△395 Display
Ryerson Condensed 30△301 30△301 30△301 Display
Ryerson Condensed 36△141 36△141 36△141 Display
Sabon with Bold 6△8671 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Bold 8△8673 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Bold 9△8674 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Bold 10△8675 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Bold 12△8676 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Italic 6△8647 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Italic 8△8649 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Italic 9△8650 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Italic 10△8651 Two-letter 4
Sabon with Italic 12△8652 Two-letter 4
Scotch No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 8△416 8△416 8△416 8△416 8△416 8△416 Two-letter
Scotch No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 9△126 9△126 9△126 9△126 9△126 9△126 Two-letter
Scotch No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 10△374 10△374 10△374 10△374 10△374 10△374 Two-letter
Scotch No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 11△110 11△110 11△110 11△110 11△110 11△110 Two-letter
Scotch No. 2 with Italic & Small Caps 12△374 12△374 12△374 12△374 12△374 12△374 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 6△96 6△96 6△96 6△96 6△96 6△96 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps, high alignment 8△42 8△42 Two-letter
> Scotch with Italic & Small Caps, 7 point alignment 8△42 Two-letter
> Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 8△42 8△42 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 8△82 8△82 8△82 8△82 8△82 8△82 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 10△36 10△36 10△36 10△36 10△36 10△36 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 11△10 11△10 11△10 11△10 11△10 11△10 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 11½△2 11½△2 11½△2 11½△2 11½△2 11½△2 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 12△10 12△10 12△10 12△10 12△10 12△10 Two-letter
Scotch with Italic & Small Caps 14△142 14△142 14△142 14△142 14△142 14△142 Two-letter
Scotch 18△195 18△195 18△195 18△195 18△195 18△195 Display BE
Scotch 24△171 24△171 24△171 24△171 24△171 24△171 Display CF
Scotch 30△107 30△107 30△107 30△107 30△107 Display CF
Scotch Italic 18△197 18△197 18△197 18△197 18△197 Display A
Scotch with Jenson 8△162 8△162 8△162 Two-letter
Scotch with Jenson 10△138 10△138 10△138 Two-letter
Scotch with Jenson 12△90 12△90 Two-letter
Servian Antique Black Condensed No. 2 18△159 18△159 18△159 Display A
Servian Antique Black Condensed No. 2 24△97 24△97 Display A
Servian Antique Black Condensed No. 2 30△49 30△49 Display A
Servian Antique Condensed 20△23 20△23 20△23 20△23 Display A
Servian Antique No. 14 42△17 42△17 42△17 42△17 Display B
Servian Caption 24△129 24△129 Display A
Servian Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 2 8△238 8△238 Two-letter *also used for Teletype Corona
Servian Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 2 10△278 10△278 Two-letter
Servian Condensed No. 2 with Antique Black No. 2 12△82 12△82 Two-letter
Servian Condensed No. 2 with Italic 8△186 8△186 Two-letter *also used for Teletype Excelsior
Servian Condensed No. 2 with Italic 12△110 12△110 Two-letter
Servian No. 3, Light & Bold 8△250 8△250 Two-letter *also used for Teletype Corona
Small Servian No. 3, Light & Bold 10△214 10△214 Two-letter
Servian No. 3, Light & Bold 10△216 10△216 Two-letter
Servian No. 3, Light & Bold 12△230 12△230 Two-letter
Servian No. 8 with Italic 6△152 6△152 Two-letter
Servian No. 11 with Antique Black No. 2 8△258 8△258 Two-letter *also used for Teletype Paragon
Servian No. 11 with Antique Black No. 2 10△238 10△238 Two-letter
Servian No. 11 with Antique Black No. 2 12△182 12△182 Two-letter
Servian No. 11 with Italic 8△188 8△188 Two-letter *also used for Sinhalese
Servian No. 11 with Italic 10△248 10△248 Two-letter
Servian Old Style with Antique No. 1 10△52 10△52 Two-letter
Sinhalese Light & Bold 8△188 8△188 Two-letter * also used for Servian
Sinhalese Light & Bold 10△484 10△484 Two-letter
Sinhalese Light & Bold 12△572 12△572 Two-letter
Spartan Black with Italic 6△454 6△454 6△454 6△454 Two-letter
Spartan Black with Italic 8△532 8△532 8△532 8△532 Two-letter
Spartan Black with Italic 9△198 9△198 9△198 9△198 Two-letter 8a, 8b
Spartan Black with Italic 10△492 10△492 10△492 10△492 Two-letter
Spartan Black with Italic 11△26 11△26 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
Spartan Black with Italic 12△500 12△500 12△500 12△500 Two-letter
Spartan Black with Italic 14△266 14△266 14△266 14△266 Two-letter
Spartan Black with Italic 18△108 18△108 18△108 18△108 Display 90, 90c
Spartan Black with Italic 24△108 24△108 24△108 24△108 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Black 18△451 18△451 18△451 Display
Spartan Black 24△429 24△429 Display
Spartan Black 30△319 30△319 30△319 Display 72a, 86
Spartan Black 36△195 36△195 36△195 Display 72a, 73
Spartan Black Italic 18△457 18△457 18△457 Display
Spartan Black Italic 24△415 24△415 24△415 Display
Spartan Black Italic 30△321 30△321 30△321 Display 72a, 86
Spartan Black Italic 36△197 36△197 36△197 Display 72a, 73
Spartan Black Condensed with Italic 8△596 8△596 8△596 Two-letter
Spartan Black Condensed with Italic 10△534 10△534 10△534 10△534 Two-letter
Spartan Black Condensed with Italic 12△548 12△548 12△548 12△548 Two-letter
Spartan Black Condensed with Italic 14△292 14△292 14△292 14△292 Two-letter
Spartan Black Condensed with Italic 18△114 18△114 18△114 18△114 Display 90
Spartan Black Condensed with Italic 24△114 24△114 24△114 24△114 Display 90b
Spartan Black Condensed with Medium Condensed 14△294 14△294 Two-letter
Spartan Black Condensed with Medium Condensed 18△116 18△116 18△116 18△116 Display 90
Spartan Black Condensed with Medium Condensed 24△116 24△116 24△116 24△116 Display 90b
Spartan Black Condensed 18△471 18△471 18△471 Display 90
Spartan Black Condensed 24△427 24△427 24△427 Display 90b
Spartan Black Condensed 30△171 30△171 30△171 30△171 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Black Condensed 36△11 36△11 36△11 36△11 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Black Condensed Italic 30△323 30△323 30△323 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Black Condensed Italic 36△199 36△199 36△199 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Black Condensed with 14 point Spartan Heavy 18△122 18△122 18△122 18△122 Display 64, 90
Spartan Black Condensed with 18 point Spartan Heavy 24△122 24△122 24△122 24△122 Display 66, 90b
Spartan Bold with Italic 12△584 Two-letter
Spartan Bold with Italic 14△322 14△322 14△322 Two-letter
Spartan Bold with Italic 14△332 Two-letter
Spartan Bold with Italic 18△154 18△154 18△154 Display 90, 90c
Spartan Bold with Italic 24△154 24△154 24△154 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Bold 18△493 18△493 Display
Spartan Bold 24△457 24△457 Display
Spartan Bold 30△335 30△335 30△335 Display 72a, 72e, 87
Spartan Bold 36△211 36△211 36△211 Display 72a, 73
Spartan Bold Italic 30△339 30△339 30△339 Display 72a, 72e, 87
Spartan Bold Italic 36△215 36△215 36△215 Display 72a, 73
Spartan Bold Condensed with Italic 14△320 14△320 Two-letter
Spartan Bold Condensed with Italic 18△156 18△156 18△156 Display 90
Spartan Bold Condensed with Italic 24△156 24△156 24△156 Display 90b
Spartan Bold Condensed 30△337 30△337 30△337 Display 72c, 26
Spartan Bold Condensed 36△213 36△213 36△213 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Bold Extra Condensed 28△29 Display
Spartan Bold Extra Condensed 34△21 Display
Spartan Bold Extra Condensed 42△75 Display
Spartan Book with Heavy 6△496 6△496 6△496 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
Spartan Book with Heavy 8△592 8△592 8△592 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
Spartan Book with Heavy 9△216 9△216 9△216 Two-letter 8a
Spartan Book with Heavy 10△556 10△556 10△556 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
Spartan Book with Heavy 11△182 11△182 Two-letter
Spartan Book with Heavy 12△516 12△516 12△516 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
Spartan Book with Heavy 14△306 14△306 Two-letter *also available with an E-triangle
Spartan Book with Italic & Small Caps 6△622 6△622 Two-letter
Spartan Book with Italic & Small Caps 8△622 8△622 8△622 Two-letter
Spartan Book with Italic & Small Caps 9△622 9△622 9△622 Two-letter 8a
Spartan Book with Italic & Small Caps 10△622 10△622 10△622 Two-letter
Spartan Book with Italic & Small Caps 11△622 11△622 Two-letter
Spartan Book with Italic & Small Caps 12△622 12△622 12△622 Two-letter
Spartan Book with Italic & Small Caps 14△622 14△622 Two-letter
Spartan Book with Italic 18△622 18△622 Display
Spartan Book with Italic 24△622 24△622 Display
Spartan Book Condensed with Heavy Condensed 5½△102 5½△102 5½△102 Two-letter 60 *see also the Teletype Faces
Spartan Book Condensed with Heavy Condensed 6△614 6△614 6△614 Two-letter 60
Spartan Book Condensed with Heavy Condensed 8△614 8△614 8△614 Two-letter
Spartan Book Condensed with Heavy Condensed 10△614 10△614 10△614 Two-letter
Spartan Book Condensed with Heavy Condensed 12△614 12△614 12△614 Two-letter
Spartan Book Condensed with Heavy Condensed 14△614 14△614 14△614 Two-letter
Spartan Book Condensed with 18 point Spartan Book 24△158 24△158 24△158 Display 66,90, 90c
Spartan Book Condensed 18△485 Display
Spartan Book Condensed 24△449 24△449 Display
Spartan Book Condensed 30△331 30△331 Display
Spartan Book Condensed 36△207 36△207 Display
Spartan Book Condensed 42△73 42△73 Display
Condensed Spartan Duplicate Medium 5△44 Two-letter
> Spartan Duplicate Condensed Medium 5△44 5△44 Two-letter
> Spartan Duplicate Medium Condensed 5△44 Two-letter Special Usage, 63a
Spartan Duplicate 6△470 Two-letter
> Spartan Duplicate Medium 6△470 6△470 6△470 Two-letter Special Usage, 63a
Spartan Duplicate Medium 8△628 8△628 Two-letter
Spartan Duplicate Medium 10△628 10△628 Two-letter
Spartan Duplicate 8△552 Two-letter
> Spartan Duplicate Heavy 8△552 8△552 Two-letter
Spartan Duplicate 9△106 Two-letter
> Spartan Duplicate Heavy 9△106 9△106 Two-letter
Spartan Duplicate Heavy 10△506 10△506 10△506 Two-letter
Spartan Extra Black with Italic 12△574 12△574 Two-letter
Spartan Extra Black with Italic 14△326 14△326 Two-letter
Spartan Extra Black with Italic 18△164 18△164 18△164 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Extra Black with Italic 24△164 24△164 24△164 Display 72a, 77
Spartan Extra Black 18△491 18△491 Display
Spartan Extra Black 24△453 24△453 Display
Spartan Extra Black 30△347 Display
Spartan Extra Black Condensed 30△345 Display
Spartan Heavy Dual Alignment 9△638 9△638 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy Dual Alignment 10△638 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Book 8△674 8△674 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Book 10△674 10△674 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Book 18△132 18△132 18△132 Display 90, second number was probably intended to be 90c *also available with an E-triangle
Spartan Heavy with Book 24△132 24△132 24△132 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Heavy with Medium 18△104 18△104 18△104 18△104 Display 90, 90c
Spartan Heavy with Medium 24△104 24△104 24△104 24△104 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Heavy with Italic 6△484 6△484 6△484 6△484 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Italic 8△530 8△530 8△530 8△530 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Italic 9△96 9△96 9△96 9△96 Two-letter 8a, 8b
Spartan Heavy with Italic 10△490 10△490 10△490 10△490 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Italic 11△176 11△176 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Italic 12△498 12△498 12△498 12△498 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Italic 14△264 14△264 14△264 14△264 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy with Italic 18△102 18△102 18△102 18△102 Display 90, 90c
Spartan Heavy with Italic 24△102 24△102 24△102 24△102 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Heavy Italic with Medium Italic 14△620 14△620 Two-letter
Spartan Heavy Italic 30△317 30△317 Display
Spartan Heavy Italic 36△193 36△193 Display
Spartan Heavy 18△433 18△433 18△433 18△433 Display 90, 90c
Spartan Heavy 24△397 24△397 24△397 24△397 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Heavy 30△315 30△315 30△315 Display 72a, 72e, 80
Spartan Heavy 36△191 36△191 36△191 Display 72a, 723
Spartan Heavy Condensed with Book Condensed 18△144 18△144 18△144 Display 90
Spartan Heavy Condensed with Book Condensed 24△144 24△144 24△144 Display 90b
Spartan Heavy Condensed 30△327 30△327 30△327 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Heavy Condensed 36△203 36△203 36△203 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Light with Medium 6△488 6△488 6△488 6△488 Two-letter
Spartan Light with Medium 8△546 8△546 8△546 8△546 Two-letter
Spartan Light with Medium 9△200 9△200 9△200 Two-letter
Spartan Light with Medium 10△502 10△502 10△502 10△502 Two-letter
Spartan Light with Medium 12△514 12△514 12△514 12△514 Two-letter
Spartan Light with Medium 14△274 14△274 14△274 14△274 Two-letter
Spartan Light with Medium 18△128 18△128 Display
Spartan Light with Medium 24△128 24△128 Display
Spartan Medium with Heavy 6△452 6△452 6△452 6△452 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Heavy 8△558 8△558 8△558 8△558 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Heavy 9△224 9△224 9△224 Two-letter 8a, 8b
Spartan Medium with Heavy 10△512 10△512 10△512 10△512 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Heavy 12△518 12△518 12△518 12△518 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Heavy 14△284 14△284 14△284 14△284 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Italic 6△480 6△480 6△480 6△480 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Italic 8△528 8△528 8△528 8△528 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Italic 9△98 9△98 9△98 9△98 Two-letter 8a, 8b
Spartan Medium with Italic 10△488 10△488 10△488 10△488 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Italic 11△92 11△92 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Italic 12△496 12△496 12△496 12△496 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Italic 14△262 14△262 14△262 14△262 Two-letter
Spartan Medium with Italic 18△106 18△106 18△106 18△106 Display 90, 90c
Spartan Medium with Italic 24△106 24△106 24△106 24△106 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Medium 18△435 18△435 18△435 18△435 Display 90, 90c *In the 1959 and 1966 edition also available as E-triangle
Spartan Medium 24△399 24△399 24△399 24△399 Display 72c, 76
Spartan Medium 30△311 30△311 30△311 30△311 Display 72d
Spartan Medium 36△187 36△187 36△187 Display 72a, 86
Spartan Medium Condensed with Black Condensed 8△604 8△604 8△604 Two-letter
Spartan Medium Condensed with Black Condensed 10△604 10△604 10△604 Two-letter
Spartan Medium Condensed with Black Condensed 12△604 12△604 12△604 Two-letter
Spartan Medium Condensed with Black Condensed 14△604 14△604 14△604 Two-letter
Spartan Medium Condensed 30△349 Display
Spartan Medium Condensed 36△229 Display
Spartan Medium Italic 18△459 18△459 18△459 Display
Spartan Medium Italic 24△431 24△431 Display
Spartan Medium Italic 30△313 30△313 30△313 30△313 Display 72d
Spartan Medium Italic 36△189 36△189 36△189 Display 72a, 76
Spartan Medium Italic 36△221 36△221 Display
Special Gothic No. 9 Figures, Duplicate Character 6△116 6△116 6△116 6△116 6△116 Two-letter
Special Gothic No. 9, Duplicate Character, Figures 5△6 5△6 5△6 5△6 Two-letter
Special Gothic No. 9, Figures 5△7 One-letter
Special Gothic No. 9, Figures 6△67 One-letter
Special Gothic No. 9, Figures, Duplicate Character 5½△38 5½△38 5½△38 5½△38 Two-letter
Special Mid Gothic, Advertising Figures 36△201 Display
Stenograf Typewriter 12△37 One-letter
Stuyvesant with Italic & Small Caps 12△616 Display
Syntax with Bold 6△8698 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Bold 7△8699 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Bold 8△8700 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Bold 9△8701 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Bold 10△8702 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Bold 10△8703 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Italic 6△8706 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Italic 7△8707 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Italic 8△8708 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Italic 9△8709 Two-letter 4
Syntax with Italic 10△8710 Two-letter 4
Syriac 14△59 14△59 One-letter
Syriac 24△85 24△85 Display
Tamil Light & Bold 10△480 10△480 10△480 10△480 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Tamil Light & Bold 12△446 12△446 12△446 12△446 12△446 Two-letter Oriental Faces
Tamil Light with Bold 8△640 8△640 Two-letter
Tariff Typewriter 8△434 8△434 8△434 8△434 8△434 Two-letter Self Spacing Face
Teletype Aurora with 9 point Erbar Bold (8 Set) 8½△28 Two-letter
Teletype Aurora with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 8½△16 Two-letter
Teletype Aurora with Bold Face No. 2 (8.36 Set) 8½△24 Two-letter
> Aurora with Bold Face No. 2; 8.36 Set 8½△24 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.6 or 11.3 pica colums
Teletype Aurora with Erbar Bold (8 Set) 8½△18 Two-letter
Teletype Aurora with Italic (8 Set) 8½△20 Two-letter
Teletype Bell Gothic Light with Bold (Special 7 Set) 6△508 6△508 Two-letter
Teletype Bell Gothic Light with Bold 7△232 Two-letter
> Teletype Bell Gothic Light with Bold (Special 8 Set) 7△232 Two-letter
Teletype Bodoni Bold 18△361 18△361 Display
Teletype Bodoni Bold 24△307 24△307 Display
Teletype Bodoni Bold 30△229 30△229 Display
Teletype Bodoni Bold with Italic 12△394 12△394 12△394 Two-letter
Teletype Corona No. 2 with Bold Face (8.66 Set) 8△224 8△224 Two-letter *also used for Ronaldson
> A3883Corona No. 2 with Bold Face; 8.66 Set 8△224 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 12 or 11.9 pica colums
Teletype Corona with 10 point Gothic No. 20 (7.5 Set) 9△238 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (5.98 Set) 5½△94 5½△94 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 5.98 Set 5½△94 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums, 60
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (6.24 Set) 5½△84 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 5½△80 Two-letter
> Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (6⅜ Set) 5½△80 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 6⅜ Set 5½△80 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 12 or 11.9 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (7.5 Set) 7½△64 7½△64 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 7.5 Set 7½△64 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (7.83 Set) 8△250 Two-letter *also used for Servian
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (7.5 Set) 8△644 8△644 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 7.5 Set 8△644 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (7.5 Set) 9△232 9△232 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 7.5 Set 9△232 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition, 8 1/2a
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (7.66 Set) 7½△52 7½△52 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 7.66 Set 7½△52 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (7.66 Set) 8△900 8△900 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 7.66 Set 8△900 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 7½△44 7½△44 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 8 Set 7½△44 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 8△228 8△228 Two-letter *also used for Ronaldson
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 8 Set 8△228 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 8½△26 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 8 Set 8½△26 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 9△240 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 8 Set 9△240 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (8.66 Set) 9△230 9△230 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 8.66 Set 9△230 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 12 or 11.9 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No. 2 (9.5 Set) 10△574 Two-letter
> Corona with Bold Face No. 2; 9.5 Set 10△574 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No.2 (6.11 Set) 5½△90 5½△90 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Bold Face No.2 (Special Set) 5½△98 5½△98 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold 9△248 Two-letter
> Corona with Erbar Bold; 8 Set 9△248 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (5.98 Set) 5½△96 5½△96 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (7.5 Set) 8△634 Two-letter
> Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (7.66 Set) 8△634 Two-letter
> Corona with Erbar Bold (7.5 Set) 8△634 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (7.5 Set) 8△646 8△646 Two-letter
> Corona with Erbar Bold; 7.5 Set 8△646 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (7.5 Set) 9△236 9△236 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (7.83 Set) 8△272 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (8 Set) 8△264 8△264 Two-letter
> Corona with Erbar Bold; 8 Set 8△264 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Erbar Bold (9.5 Set) 10△568 10△568 Two-letter
> Corona with Erbar Bold; 9.5 Set 10△568 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Corona with Gothic 7½△34 Two-letter
> Teletype Corona with Gothic (8 Set) 7½△34 7½△34 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Italic (7.5 Set) 9△234 9△234 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Italic (7.66 Set) 8△652 8△652 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Italic (8 Set) 7½△62 7½△62 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Italic (8 Set) 8½△30 Two-letter
Teletype Corona with Italic (8 Set) 9△246 Two-letter
> Corona with Italic; 8 Set 9△246 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Corona with Italic (9.5 Set) 10△570 Two-letter
> Corona with Italic; 9.5 Set 10△570 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 7△144 7△144 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 7△144 7△144 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 8△480 8△480 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face No. 2 (8.66 Set) 8△480 8△480 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior No. 1 with Gothic No. 3 7△160 7△160 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior No. 1 with Gothic No. 3 (8 Set) 7△160 7△160 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 5½△62 5½△62 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (7 Set) 5½△62 5½△62 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2; 7 Set 5½△62 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition, 60
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 6△374 6△374 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (7 Set) 6△374 6△374 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2; 7 Set 6△374 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition, 60
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (7.66 Set) 7½△58 7½△58 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (7.83 Set) 7½△50 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 7½△46 7½△46 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 8△186 8△186 Two-letter *also used for Servian Condensed
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 7½△22 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (8.66 Set) 7½△22 7½△22 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 9△190 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (9 Set) 9△190 9△190 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 10△452 10△452 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (10 Set) 10△452 10△452 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2; 10 Set 10△452 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition
Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 11△156 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Bold Face No. 2 (11 Set) 11△156 11△156 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Gothic No. 3 6△324 6△324 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Gothic No. 3 (7 Set) 6△366 6△366 Two-letter
> Excelsior with Gothic No. 3; 7 Set 6△366 Two-letter Teletypesetter Book Composition, 5
Teletype Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 6△450 6△450 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 7△194 7△194 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps 11△154 Two-letter
> Teletype Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps (11 Set) 11△154 11△154 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Italic 9△188 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Italic & Small Caps (9 Set) 9△188 9△188 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Memphis Bold (8.66 Set) 8△286 8△286 Two-letter
Teletype Excelsior with Memphis Bold (8½ Set) 7½△40 7½△40 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 8△518 8△518 Two-letter
> Teletype Ionic No. 2 with Bold Face No. 2 (8.66 Set) 8△518 8△518 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (5.98 Set) 5½△92 5½△92 Two-letter
> Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2; 5.98 Set 5½△92 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums, 60
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (6.11 Set) 5½△88 5½△88 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (6.24 Set) 5½△86 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (7.5 Set) 7½△66 7½△66 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (7.66 Set) 7½△60 7½△60 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (7.83 Set) 7½△56 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 7△150 7△150 7△150 Two-letter
> Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 7△150 7△150 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (8 Set) 7½△48 7½△48 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 7½△12 7½△12 Two-letter
> Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (8.66 Set) 7½△12 7½△12 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (8.66 Set) 8½△22 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 9△164 9△164 Two-letter
> Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Bold Face No. 2 (9.5 Set) 9△164 9△164 Two-letter
Teletype Ionic No. 5 with Italic & Small Caps 6½△8 Two-letter *see also Bell Gothic for the same number
Teletype Ionic No.5 with Bold Face No. 2 5½△52 5½△52 Two-letter
> Teletype Ionic No.5 with Bold Face No. 2 (6⅜ Set) 5½△52 5½△52 Two-letter
Teletype Majestic with Bold Face (7.5 Set) 8△636 8△636 Two-letter
Majestic with Bold Face 8△624 Two-letter
> Teletype Majestic with Bold Face (7.66 Set) 8△624 Two-letter
Majestic with Italic 8△650 Two-letter
> Teletype Majestic with Italic (7.66 Set) 8△650 Two-letter
News with Clarendon 9△658 Two-letter
> Teletype News with Clarendon (8.36 Set) 9△658 Two-letter
Teletype No. 2 with Condensed Title No. 3 6△422 6△422 Two-letter
Teletype No. 2 with Condensed Title No. 3 8△500 8△500 Two-letter
Olympian with Bold; 8 Set 8½△36 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Olympian with Bold; 8 Set 9△256 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums
Teletype Paragon with Bold (7.66 Set) 7½△54 7½△54 Two-letter
Teletype Paragon with Bold (8½ Set) 7½△42 7½△42 Two-letter
Teletype Paragon with Paragon Bold 6△432 6△432 6△432 6△432 Two-letter
Teletype Paragon with Paragon Bold 7△186 7△186 7△186 7△186 Two-letter
Teletype Paragon with Paragon Bold (7.83 Set) 8△258 Two-letter
Paragon with Paragon Bold 7½△68 Two-letter
> Teletype Paragon with Paragon Bold (7.5 Set) 7½△68 Two-letter
Teletype Paragon with Paragon Bold (8 Set) 8△238 8△238 Two-letter *also used for Servian Condensed
Teletype Paragon with Paragon Bold (8.66 Set) 8△200 8△200 Two-letter *see also Ronaldson for the same number
Teletype Russian Condensed No. 2 with Italic 10△426 10△426 Two-letter
SpaA3999rtan Book with Heavy 5½△100 Two-letter
> Teletype Spartan Book with Heavy (5.98 Set) 5½△100 Two-letter
> Spartan Book with Heavy; 5.98 Set 5½△100 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums, 60
Spartan Book Condensed with Heavy Condensed; 5.98 Set 5½△102 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 11.3 or 11 pica colums, 60 *See also the normal Spartan. It was unclear if two different typefaces were intended.
Teletype Spartan Circuit with Heavy (6⅜ Set) 6△518 Two-letter
> Spartan Circuit with Heavy; 6⅜ Set 6△518 Two-letter Newspaper typeface designs, for 12 or 11.9 pica colums
Textype Bold with Italic 6△478 6△478 6△478 Two-letter
Textype Bold with Italic 7△198 7△198 7△198 Two-letter
Textype Bold with Italic 8△540 8△540 8△540 Two-letter
Textype Bold with Italic 9△178 9△178 9△178 Two-letter
Textype Bold with Italic 10△508 10△508 10△508 Two-letter
Textype Bold with Italic 11△162 11△162 11△162 Two-letter
Textype Bold with Italic 12△312 12△312 Two-letter
Textype with Bold Face No. 2 6△296 6△296 6△296 6△296 6△296 6△296 Two-letter
> Textype with Boldface No. 2 6△296 Two-letter 5
Textype with Bold Face No. 2 7△130 7△130 7△130 7△130 7△130 7△130 Two-letter
> Textype with Boldface No. 2 7△130 Two-letter
Textype with Bold Face No. 2 8△394 8△394 8△394 8△394 8△394 8△394 Two-letter
> Textype with Boldface No. 2 8△394 Two-letter 61, 5
Textype with Bold Face No. 2 9△118 9△118 9△118 9△118 9△118 9△118 Two-letter
> Textype with Boldface No. 2 9△118 Two-letter
Textype with Bold Face No. 2 10△322 10△322 10△322 10△322 10△322 10△322 Two-letter
> Textype with Boldface No. 2 10△322 Two-letter 5
Textype with Bold Face No. 2 12△310 12△310 12△310 12△310 12△310 12△310 Two-letter
Textype with Bold Face No. 2 14△194 14△194 14△194 14△194 14△194 14△194 Two-letter
Textype with Italic & Small Caps 6△304 6△304 6△304 6△304 6△304 6△304 6△304 Two-letter 62
Textype with Italic & Small Caps 7△132 7△132 7△132 7△132 7△132 7△132 7△132 Two-letter 61
Textype with Italic & Small Caps 8△396 8△396 8△396 8△396 8△396 8△396 8△396 Two-letter 61, 5
Textype with Italic & Small Caps 9△122 9△122 9△122 9△122 9△122 9△122 9△122 Two-letter 61
Textype with Italic & Small Caps 10△324 10△324 10△324 10△324 10△324 10△324 10△324 Two-letter 61, 5
Textype with Italic & Small Caps 11△160 11△160 11△160 Two-letter
Textype with Italic & Small Caps 12△324 12△324 12△324 12△324 12△324 12△324 Two-letter
Texttype with Bold Face No. 2 14△220 Two-letter
> Textype with Italic & Small Caps 14△220 14△220 14△220 14△220 Two-letter
Textype with Italic 18△30 18△30 18△30 18△30 18△30 Display *In 'Linotype Faces', it is unclear if the small caps are included. They are probably not.
Times Roman with Bold 5½△74 5½△74 5½△74 Two-letter 60, 5
Times Roman with Bold 6△506 6△506 6△506 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Bold 7△210 7△210 7△210 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Bold 8△586 8△586 8△586 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Bold 9△214 9△214 9△214 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Bold (10 point Alignment Korean) 9△244 Two-letter
Times Roman with Bold 10△552 10△552 10△552 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Bold 11△180 11△180 11△180 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Bold 12△570 12△570 12△570 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Bold 14△312 14△312 14△312 Two-letter 61
Times Bold with Times Roman 18△160 18△160 18△160 Display 19a, 72c, 75
Times Bold with Times Roman 24△160 24△160 24△160 Display 25a, 72, 79
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 5½△72 5½△72 Two-letter
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 6△504 6△504 6△504 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 7△208 7△208 7△208 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 8△584 8△584 8△584 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Italic 9△212 9△212 9△212 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 10△550 10△550 10△550 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 11△178 11△178 11△178 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 12△568 12△568 12△568 Two-letter 61
Times Roman with Italic & Small Caps 14△318 14△318 14△318 Two-letter 61
Title No. 1 8△29 One-letter
Title No. 1 10△29 One-letter
Title No. 1 18△199 18△199 18△199 18△199 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Title No. 1 with No. 19 Italic 8△226 Two-letter
Title No. 2 6△35 One-letter
Title No. 2 7△11 One-letter
Title No. 2 8△31 One-letter
Title No. 2 10△31 One-letter
Title No. 2 12△9 One-letter
Title No. 2 18△95 18△95 18△95 18△95 Display A Miscellaneous Faces
Title No. 2 24△143 24△143 24△143 24△143 Display Miscellaneous Faces
Title No. 2, Advertising Figures 18△21 Display
> Title No. 2, Roman, Advertising Figures 18△21 Display
Title No. 2, Advertising Figures 24△11 Display
> Title No. 2, Roman, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△11 Display
Title No. 2 Italic, Advertising Figures 14△27 14△27 One-letter
Title No. 2 Italic, Advertising Figures 18△23 Display
Title No. 2 Italic, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△13 Display
Title No. 2 Roman, Advertising Figures 14△25 14△25 One-letter
Title No. 2 with Bold Face No. 1 8△296 Two-letter
Title No. 2 with Title Italic 10△40 10△40 Two-letter
Title No. 2 with Title Italic 12△60 Two-letter
Title No. 2 with Title Italic No. 2 8△44 8△44 8△44 Two-letter
Title No. 5 18△121 18△121 Display
Title No. 5 24△93 24△93 Display CF
Title No. 5 30△47 Display
Title No. 5 36△41 36△41 Display F
Title No. 5 with No. 7 Italic 14△108 Two-letter
Title No. 5, Special 36△53 Display
Title No. 6, Advertising Figures 18△85 18△85 Display
Title No. 6, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△65 Display
Title No. 7 10△55 One-letter
Title No. 7 12△31 One-letter
Title No. 7 with Italic 10△178 Two-letter
Title No. 7 with Italic 12△124 Two-letter
Title No. 7 with Italic 14△60 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 6△676 6△676 6△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 7△676 7△676 7△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 8△676 8△676 8△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 9△676 9△676 9△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 10△676 10△676 10△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 11△676 11△676 11△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 12△676 12△676 12△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Extended with Bold 14△676 14△676 14△676 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 6△688 6△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 7△688 7△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 8△688 8△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 9△688 9△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 10△688 10△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 11△688 11△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 12△688 12△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Light with Italic 14△688 14△688 Two-letter
Trade Gothic Bold with Light 18△166 18△166 Display *This was mentioned twice in this book, it is unclear if this is an error.
> Trade Gothic Bold with Trade Gothic 18△166 Display 90 *This was mentioned twice in this book, it is unclear if this is an error.
Trade Gothic Bold with Light 24△166 Display
Trade Gothic with Bold 4 1/2△630 Two-letter
Trade Gothic with Bold 6△630 6△630 6△630 Two-letter 5
Trade Gothic with Bold 7△630 7△630 7△630 Two-letter 5
Trade Gothic with Bold 8△630 8△630 8△630 Two-letter 5
Trade Gothic with Bold 9△630 9△630 9△630 Two-letter 5
Trade Gothic with Bold 10△630 10△630 10△630 Two-letter 5
Trade Gothic with Bold 11△630 11△630 11△630 Two-letter 5
Trade Gothic with Bold 12△630 12△630 12△630 Two-letter 5
Trade Gothic with Bold 14△630 14△630 14△630 Two-letter 5
Trump with Bold 6△8665 Two-letter 4
Trump with Bold 8△8667 Two-letter 4
Trump with Bold 9△8668 Two-letter 4
Trump with Bold 10△8669 Two-letter 4
Trump with Italic 6△8548 Two-letter 4
Trump with Italic 7△8549 Two-letter 4
Trump with Italic 8△8550 Two-letter 4
Trump with Italic 9△8551 Two-letter 4
Trump with Italic 10△8552 Two-letter 4
Two-Line No. 18 10△67 10△67 One-letter
Two-Line (Cap Font) 12△39 12△39 One-letter
Two Line Sectional 11△30 Two-letter
Two Line Sectional 12△32 Two-letter
Two Line, Caps 16△3 Display
Two-Line, Roman (Cap Font) 11△23 11△23 One-letter
Underwood Typewriter 10△111 One-letter
Underwood Typewriter with Underscore 10△270 10△270 10△270 10△270 10△270 10△270 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Underwood Typewriter No. 4 with Underscore 10△394 10△394 10△394 10△394 10△394 10△394 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Underwood Typewriter 12△97 One-letter
Underwood Typewriter with Underscore 12△200 12△200 12△200 12△200 12△200 12△200 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Underwood Typewriter No. 2 with Underscore 12△264 12△264 12△264 12△264 12△264 Two-letter Typewriter Face
Uniline 8△55 One-letter
Uniline 10△47 One-letter
Uniline 12△23 One-letter
Uniline with 12 point Elzevir No. 2 10△182 Two-letter
Uniline with Italic & Small Caps 10△104 10△104 10△104 Two-letter
Uniline with Italic & Small Caps 12△100 12△100 Two-letter
Uniline with Title No. 1 8△90 Two-letter
Uniline with Title No. 1 10△72 10△72 Two-letter
Univers 55 with Univers 65 6△8713 4
Univers 55 with Univers 65 8△8715 4
Univers 55 with Univers 65 9△8716 4
Univers 55 with Univers 65 10△8717 4
Univers 55 with Univers 65 12△8718 4
Accented characters xxx Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', the book asks to give the triangle number of the face.
Arrows △358 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Arrow Matrices 6△358 6△358 Two-letter
> Universal Arrows 6△358 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Arrow Matrices 8△358 8△358 Two-letter
> Universal Arrows 8△358 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Arrows 9△358 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Arrow Matrices 10△358 10△358 Two-letter
> Universal Arrows 10△358 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Arrow Matrices 12△358 12△358 Two-letter
> Universal Arrows 12△358 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Arrow Matricies 18△358 18△358 Display
Astronomical △332 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Astronomical Signs 6△332 6△332 Two-letter
> Universal Astronomical Symbols 6△332 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Astronomical Signs 8△332 8△332 Two-letter
> Universal Astronomical Symbols 8△332 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Astronomical Signs 10△332 10△332 Two-letter
> Universal Astronomical Symbols 10△332 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Astronomical Signs 12△332 12△332 Two-letter
Universal Astronomical Signs 18△332 18△332 Display
Braces xxx Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', the book asks to give the triangle number of the face.
Universal Braces 6△352 6△352 6△352 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Braces 7△352 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Braces 8△352 8△352 8△352 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Braces 9△352 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Braces 10△352 10△352 10△352 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Braces 12△352 12△352 12△352 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Braces 18△352 18△352 Display
Brackets △438 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Brackets 6△438 6△438 Two-letter
Universal Brackets 8△438 8△438 Two-letter
Universal Brackets 10△438 10△438 Two-letter
Universal Brackets 12△438 12△438 Two-letter
Universal Brackets 18△438 18△438 Display
Checkers △438 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Chemical △536 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Chemical Characters 8△536 8△536 Two-letter
Universal Chemical Characters 10△536 10△536 Two-letter
Universal Chemical Characters 12△536 12△536 Two-letter
Universal Code Characters 6△402 6△402 Two-letter
Universal Code Characters 8△402 8△402 Two-letter
Universal Code Characters 10△402 10△402 Two-letter
Universal Code Characters 12△402 12△402 Two-letter
Universal Code Characters 18△402 18△402 Display
Commercial △336 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Commercial Symbols 5△336 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Commercial Signs 6△336 6△336 Two-letter
> Universal Commercial Symbols 6△336 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Commercial Symbols 7△336 Two-letter
Universal Commercial Signs 8△336 8△336 Two-letter
> Universal Commercial Symbols 8△336 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Commercial Symbols 9△336 Two-letter
Universal Commercial Signs 10△336 10△336 Two-letter
> Universal Commercial Symbols 10△336 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Commercial Signs 12△336 12△336 Two-letter
Universal Commercial Symbols 14△336 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
> Universal Commercial Symbols 12△336 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Commercial Signs 18△336 18△336 Display
> Universal Commercial Symbols 18△336 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Commercial Signs 24△336 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Dashes 6△430 6△430 6△430 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Dashes 7△430 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Dashes 8△430 8△430 8△430 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Dashes 9△430 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Dashes 10△430 10△430 10△430 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Dashes 12△430 12△430 12△430 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Dashes 18△430 18△430 18△430 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Ecclesiastical △340 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Ecclesiastical Signs 6△340 6△340 Two-letter
Universal Ecclesiastical Signs 8△340 8△340 Two-letter
Universal Ecclesiastical Signs 10△340 10△340 Two-letter
Universal Ecclesiastical Signs 12△340 12△340 Two-letter
Universal Ecclesiastical Signs 18△340 18△340 Display
Fists △400 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Fists 6△400 6△400 Two-letter
Universal Fists 8△400 8△400 Two-letter
Universal Fists 10△400 10△400 Two-letter
Universal Fists 12△400 12△400 Two-letter
Universal Fists 18△400 18△400 Display
Universal Fractions 6△362 6△362 6△362 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Fractions 8△362 8△362 8△362 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Fractions 10△362 10△362 10△362 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Fractions 12△362 12△362 12△362 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Fractions 18△362 18△362 Display
Fraternal △328 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Fraternal Emblems 6△328 6△328 Two-letter
Universal Fraternal Emblems 8△328 8△328 Two-letter
Universal Fraternal Emblems 10△328 10△328 Two-letter
Universal Fraternal Emblems 12△328 12△328 Two-letter
Universal Fraternal Emblems 18△328 18△328 Display
Inferior characters, Roman and Italic, Small 5△406 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 5 points (Small) was intended for 5 to 9 Point Faces
Inferior characters, Roman and Italic, Large 10△406 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 10 points (Large) was intended for 10 to 14 Point Faces
Inferior characters, One-Letter, Small 5△406 One-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 5 points (Small) was intended for 5 to 9 Point Faces
Inferior characters, One-Letter, Large 10△406 One-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 10 points (Large) was intended for 10 to 14 Point Faces
Universal Inferior Characters 6△406 6△406 Two-letter
> Universal Inferior Roman with Italic 6△406 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
> Universal Inferior Roman with Italic 7△406 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Inferior Characters 8△406 8△406 Two-letter
> Universal Inferior Roman with Italic 8△406 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
> Universal Inferior Roman with Italic 9△406 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Inferior Characters 10△406 10△406 Two-letter
> Universal Inferior Roman with Italic 10△406 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Inferior Characters 12△406 12△406 Two-letter
> Universal Inferior Roman with Italic 12△406 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Inferior Characters 18△406 18△406 Display
Inferior characters, Roman and Bold, Small 5△524 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 5 points (Small) was intended for 5 to 9 Point Faces
Universal Inferior Figures Roman & Bold 7△524 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Inferior Figures Roman & Bold 8△524 8△524 8△524 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Inferior characters, Roman and Bold, Large 10△524 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 10 points (Large) was intended for 10 to 14 Point Faces
> Universal Inferior Figures Roman & Bold 10△524 10△524 10△524 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Inferior Figures Roman & Bold 12△524 12△524 Two-letter
Universal Leaders 5△22 Two-letter
Universal Leader 5△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 5½△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 6△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 7△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 7½△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 8△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 8½△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 9△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 10△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 11△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 12△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Leader 14△UL Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mail List 6△404 6△404 Two-letter
Universal Mail List 8△404 8△404 Two-letter
Universal Mail List 10△404 10△404 Two-letter
Universal Mail List 12△404 12△404 Two-letter
Universal Mail List 18△404 18△404 Display
Mathematical No. 2 △526 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Mathematical Characters 12△526 12△526 Two-letter
Universal Mathematical Greek 8△670 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical Greek 10△670 10△670 10△670 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Mathematical △330 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Mathematical 4△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical 5△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical Signs 6△330 6△330 Two-letter
> Universal Mathematical 6△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical 7△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical Signs 8△330 8△330 Two-letter
> Universal Mathematical 8△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical 9△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical Signs 10△330 10△330 Two-letter
> Universal Mathematical 10△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical 11△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical Signs 12△330 12△330 Two-letter
> Universal Mathematical 12△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical 14△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical Signs 18△330 18△330 Display
> Universal Mathematical 18△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Mathematical 24△330 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Medical △334 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Medical Signs 6△334 6△334 Two-letter
Universal Medical Signs 8△334 8△334 Two-letter
Universal Medical Signs 10△334 10△334 Two-letter
Universal Medical Signs 12△334 12△334 Two-letter
Universal Medical Signs 18△334 18△334 Display
Universal Meterological 8△566 8△566 Two-letter
Universal Meterological 10△566 10△566 Two-letter
Universal Meterological 12△566 12△566 Two-letter
Miscellaneous △348 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Miscellaneous Characters 6△348 6△348 6△348 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Miscellaneous Characters 8△348 8△348 8△348 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Miscellaneous Characters 9△348 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Miscellaneous Characters 10△348 10△348 10△348 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Miscellaneous Characters 12△348 12△348 12△348 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Miscellaneous Characters 14△348 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Miscellaneous Characters 18△348 18△348 Display
Playing Cards △348 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', the book asks to give the triangle number of the face.
Monetary xxx Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', the book asks to give the triangle number of the face.
Universal Monetary Signs 8△802 8△802 8△802 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Monetary Signs 10△802 10△802 Two-letter
Musical △342 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Musical Signs 6△342 6△342 Two-letter
Universal Musical Signs 8△342 8△342 Two-letter
> Universal Musical Symbols 8△342 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Musical Signs 10△342 10△342 Two-letter
> Universal Musical Symbols 10△342 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Musical Signs 12△342 12△342 Two-letter
Universal Musical Signs 18△342 18△342 Display
Universal Orgonometric Symbols 11△668 11△668 Two-letter
Ornaments △460 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Ornaments 5△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 5½△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 6△460 6△460 6△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 7△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 8△460 8△460 8△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 9△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 10△460 10△460 10△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 12△460 12△460 12△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 14△460 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 18△460 18△460 18△460 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Ornaments 24△460 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Election △346 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Party Emblems 6△346 6△346 Two-letter
Universal Party Emblems 8△346 8△346 Two-letter
Universal Party Emblems 10△346 10△346 Two-letter
Universal Party Emblems 12△346 12△346 12△346 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Party Emblems 14△346 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Party Emblems 18△346 18△346 18△346 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Party Emblems 24△346 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Piece Accents △440
Universal Piece Accents 6△440 6△440 6△440 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Press Syndicate △350 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Name Plates △350 Food Store Typography These are common logo's. *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Proprietary Signs 6△350 6△350 Two-letter
Universal Proprietary Signs 8△350 8△350 Two-letter
Universal Proprietary Signs 10△350 10△350 Two-letter
Universal Proprietary Signs 12△350 12△350 Two-letter
Universal Proprietary Signs 18△350 18△350 Display
Paragraph Marks △338 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Reference Signs 6△338 6△338 6△338 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Reference Signs 8△338 8△338 8△338 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Reference Signs 10△338 10△338 10△338 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Reference Signs 12△338 12△338 12△338 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Reference Signs 14△338 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Reference Signs 18△338 18△338 18△338 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Reference Signs 24△338 Display Classified: universal pi characters
Ruled Form matrices △354 Ruled Forms and Tabular Work *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Overline Figures △354 Ruled Forms and Tabular Work *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Rule Form Matrices 6△354 6△354 Two-letter
Universal Rule Form Matrices 8△354 8△354 Two-letter
Universal Rule Form Matrices 10△354 10△354 10△354 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Rule Form Matrices 12△354 12△354 12△354 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Rule Form Matricies 18△354 18△354 Display
Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light & Bold 6△660 6△660 Two-letter
> Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light with Bold 6△660 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light & Bold 8△660 8△660 Two-letter
> Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light with Bold 8△660 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light & Bold 9△660 9△660 Two-letter
> Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light with Bold 9△660 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light & Bold 10△660 10△660 Two-letter
> Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light with Bold 10△660 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light & Bold 12△660 12△660 Two-letter
> Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light with Bold 12△660 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light & Bold 14△660 14△660 Two-letter
Universal Sans Serif Inferior Figures, Light & Bold 11△660 11△660 Two-letter
Universal Sans Serif Superior Figures, Light & Bold 6△666 6△666 Two-letter
> Universal Superior Sans Serif Light and Bold 6△666 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Sans Serif Superior Figures, Light & Bold 8△666 8△666 Two-letter
Universal Superior Sans Serif Light and Bold 10△666 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Sans Serif Superior Figures, Light & Bold 12△666 12△666 Two-letter
Universal Sans Serif Superior Figures, Light & Bold 14△666 14△666 Two-letter
Universal Superior & Inferior Roman Figures 8△800 8△800 Two-letter
Superior characters, Roman and Italic, Small 5△356 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 5 points (Small) was intended for 5 to 9 Point Faces
Superior characters, Roman and Italic, Large 10△356 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 10 points (Large) was intended for 10 to 14 Point Faces
Superior characters, One-Letter, Small 5△356 One-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 5 points (Small) was intended for 5 to 9 Point Faces
Superior characters, One-Letter, Large 10△356 One-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 10 points (Large) was intended for 10 to 14 Point Faces
Universal Superior Roman with Italic 5△356 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Superior Characters 6△356 6△356 Two-letter
Universal Superior Characters 8△356 8△356 Two-letter
Universal Superior Characters 10△356 10△356 Two-letter
> Universal Superior Roman with Italic 10△356 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Superior Characters 12△356 12△356 Two-letter
Universal Superior Characters 18△356 18△356 Display
Superior characters, Roman and Bold, Small 5△522 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 5 points (Small) was intended for 5 to 9 Point Faces
Superior characters, Roman and Bold, Large 10△522 Two-letter Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', 10 points (Large) was intended for 10 to 14 Point Faces
Universal Superior Figures Roman & Bold 5△522 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Superior Figures Roman & Bold 8△522 8△522 Two-letter
Universal Superior Figures Roman & Bold 10△522 10△522 10△522 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Superior Figures Roman & Bold 12△522 12△522 Two-letter
Universal Superior with Inferior Roman Figures 6△800 6△800 Two-letter
Universal Superior with Inferior Roman 8△800 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Superior with Inferior Roman Figures 9△800 9△800 Two-letter
Universal Superior with Inferior Roman Figures 10△800 10△800 Two-letter
> Universal Superior with Inferior Roman 10△800 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Superior with Inferior Roman Figures 11△800 11△800 Two-letter
Time Table & Tariff △344 Universal Special Characters *In 'Linotype Faces', all characters are indicated separatedly, and in which point sizes they are available.
Universal Time Table and Tariff 4△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table and Tariff 5△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table & Tariff Characters 6△344 6△344 Two-letter
> Universal Time Table and Tariff 6△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table & Tariff Characters 8△344 8△344 Two-letter
> Universal Time Table and Tariff 8△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table & Tariff Characters 10△344 10△344 Two-letter
> Universal Time Table and Tariff 10△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table and Tariff 11△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table & Tariff Characters 12△344 12△344 Two-letter
> Universal Time Table and Tariff 12△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table and Tariff 14△344 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Universal Time Table & Tariff Characters 18△344 18△344 Display
University 8△89 One-letter
Urdu 12△165 12△165 12△165 One-letter
Urdu No. 2 12△191 12△191 One-letter
Utility Inferior Roman & Italic 6△664 6△664 Two-letter
> Utility Inferior Roman with Italic 6△664 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Utility Inferior Roman & Italic 7△664 7△664 Two-letter
Utility Inferior Roman & Italic 8△664 8△664 Two-letter
Utility Inferior Roman with Italic 9△664 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Utility Inferior Roman & Italic 10△664 10△664 Two-letter
> Utility Inferior Roman with Italic 10△664 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Utility Inferior Roman & Italic 11△664 11△664 Two-letter
Utility Inferior Roman & Italic 12△664 12△664 Display
Utility Inferior Roman & Italic 14△664 14△664 Two-letter
Utility Inferior Roman with Italic 5△664 5△664 Two-letter
Utility Inferior Roman with Italic 5½△664 5½△664 Two-letter
Utility Inferior Roman with Italic 9△664 9△664 Two-letter
Utility Superior Roman with Italic 5△662 5△662 5△662 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Utility Superior Roman with Italic 10△662 Two-letter Classified: universal pi characters
Vulcan Bold with Italic 10△360 10△360 10△360 10△360 10△360 10△360 Two-letter
Vulcan Bold with Italic 12△300 12△300 12△300 12△300 12△300 Two-letter
Vulcan Bold with Italic 14△176 14△176 14△176 14△176 14△176 14△176 Two-letter
Vulcan Bold 18△311 18△311 18△311 18△311 18△311 Display BE
Vulcan Bold 21△21 21△21 21△21 21△21 21△21 Display BE
Vulcan Bold 24△261 24△261 24△261 24△261 Display CF
Vulcan Bold Italic 18△317 18△317 18△317 18△317 18△317 Display BE
Vulcan Bold Italic 24△263 24△263 24△263 24△263 Display CF
Winchell, Advertising Figures 14△19 14△19 One-letter
Winchell, Figures 10△85 One-letter
Winchell, Advertising Figures 18△25 Display
Winchell, Advertising Figures, Regular Position 24△43 Display
Worrell Uncial 9△49 9△49 9△49 9△49 One-letter Non-Roman
Worrell Uncial 12△183 12△183 12△183 One-letter
Worrell Uncial Greek & Coptic 9△47 9△47 9△47 9△47 One-letter Non-Roman
Worrell Uncial Greek & Coptic 12△179 12△179 12△179 One-letter
  1. The 1934 book contains the following references regarding the display sizes:
    1. A: will run in 90-Channel magazine
    2. B: 72-Channel
    3. C: 55-Channel
    4. D: 28-Channel Auxiliary
    5. E: 34-Channel Auxiliary
    6. F: Wide Auxiliary
  2. The latest book (1970+) contains the following notes:
    • 1. caps, small caps and points only
    • 2. caps, figures and points only
    • 3. caps, small caps, figures and points only
    • 4. German alignment
    • 5. alternate figure widths available
    • 6a. 6 point alignment
    • 61/2a. 6 1/2 point alignment
    • 6b. 6 point body
    • 7a. 7 point alignment
    • 7b. 7 point body
    • 8a. 8 point alignment
    • 8b. 8 point body
    • 9a. 9 point alignment
    • 9b. 9 point body
    • 10a. 10 point alignment
    • 10b. point body
    • 11a. 11 point alignment
    • 11b. 11 point body
    • 12a. 12 point alignment
    • 12b. 12 point body
    • 12s. 12 point special alignment
    • 13a. 13 point alignment
    • 13b. 13 point body
    • 14a. 13 point alignment
    • 14b. 14 point body
    • 16a. 16 point alignment
    • 16s. 16 point special alignment
    • 19a. 19 point alignment
    • 22a. 22 point alignment
    • 25a. 25 point alignment
    • 28a. 28 point alignment
    • 32a. 32 point alignment
    • 34a. 34 point alignment
    • 36a. 36 point alignment
    • 36b. 36 point body
    • 45b. 45 point body
    • 55. runs in 55 channel magazine
    • 60. short descenders available
    • 61. long descenders available
    • 62. short and long descenders available
    • 63. auxiliary position 12 point alignment
    • 63a. auxiliary position, center of 12 point alignment
    • 64. auxiliary position 14 point alignment
    • 65. auxiliary position 16 point alignment
    • 66. auxiliary position 18 point alignment
    • 67. special application: for greater legibility in this normally condensed face .005 additional side bearing each side, was added creating .010 more white space
    • 72. runs in 72 channel magazine
    • 72a. runs in wide 72 channel magazine
    • 72b. runs in 72 channel layout and 34 channel auxiliary
    • 72c. runs in 72 and wide 90 channel magazine
    • 72d. runs in 72 and wide 90 channel and in auxiliary
    • 72e. alternate figures available runs 72 channel
    • 72f. alternate figures available runs in wide 72 channel
    • 72g. alternate figures available runs in wide auxiliary magazine
    • 75. lower case in cap side, 90 channel, with caps and figures in auxiliary
    • 76. lower case, except m and w, in cap side 90 channel with caps and figures in auxiliary
    • 77. lower case in cap side, 72 and wide 90 channel, with caps and figures in auxiliary
    • 78. lower case, except m, in cap side 90 channel, with caps and figures in auxiliary
    • 79. lower case, except m and w, in cap side 90 channel, with caps and figures in wide auxiliary
    • 80. lower case, except m, in cap side 72 and 90 channel, with caps and figures in wide auxiliary
    • 81. lower case in cap side, wide 72 channel
    • 82. lower case, except m and p in cap side 72 channel, with caps and figures in wide auxiliary.
    • 83. lower case in cap side, 72 channel, with caps and figures in wide axiliary
    • 84. lower case, except m, in cap side 72 channel, with caps and figures in wide auxiliary
    • 85. lower case in cap side, wide 90 channel, with caps and figures in wide auxiliary.
    • 86. lower case except m and p, in cap side 72 and wide 90 channel, with caps and figures in wide auxiliary
    • 87. lower case, except m, in cap side 72 and wide 90 channel, with caps and figures in wide auxiliary
    • 90. runs in 90 channel magazine
    • 90a. runs in wide 90 channel magazine
    • 90b. runs in 90 channel magazine, figures in ad channel (keyboard diagram no. 32)
    • 90c. alternate figures available, runs 90 channel magazine (keyboard diagram no. 32)
    • 98. runs diagram no. 98, lower case, center and cap side
    • 98a. runs diagram no. 98, lower case, center
    • 98b. runs diagram no. 98, cap side
    • 98c. runs diagram no. 98, lower case, center except d, and cap side


  1. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY. (1934). Useful Matrix Information (1st edition). (Link).
  2. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY. (1937). Useful Matrix Information (2nd edition). (Link).
  3. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY. (s.d.). Linotype faces. (link).
    • The 'Linotype Faces' book had no date. However, the 'Linotype Faces' book mentions some fonts in manufacture (Opticon 7△180 and 11△134). Those are present in the 1945 book but not in earlier books. It is therefore assumed that this book was published between 1937 and 1945.
  4. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY. (1945). Useful Matrix Information (3th edition). (Link).
  5. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY. (1959). Useful Matrix Information (4th edition). (Link).
  6. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY. (1966). Useful Matrix Information (5th edition). (Link).
  7. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY. (n.d.). Matrix specimen book. (download).
    • This book has no date, but appeared after Mergenthaler merged with Stempel and Haas. It is definitely from after 1970, when Mattew Carter designed the typeface 'Olympian', but much earlier than 1989, the date that Dave Seat received this book. However, with only 75 pages it is a pale ghost of the circa 1939 "Big Red" specimen. While it adds several new faces, the book also claims that "Typefaces found to have limited utility have been deleted and will not apear in this edition". But many faces just weren't listed anymore. This comment, along with the very few pages, clearly illustrates that the production of matrices was already scaled down. It seems that the best days of Linotype were already long gone when this book was published.
    • In this book, the convention of the names was less strict. The part with the text typefaces didn't use the 'No.' often, while the part with the display typefaces did.

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